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Thread: Help, panic, too much for title

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Help, panic, too much for title

    I'm feeling grossed out, disgusted, allergic, scared, worried I'll get really ill.

    This time last year I was getting things on my skin in my new house, no doctor believed me but I have one or two of them now in cellotape. It's disgusting I know but I came to it, I didn't bring it here. They are tiny. They do not fit the pattern for bed bugs and I have no evidence of bed bugs, they look different, slightly like lice.

    My skin sometimes is itchy, other times not. It's confusing.

    Then someone gave me cake the other day and I had an asthma reaction. i looked at the ingredients and it had sodium metabisulphite in it. That's given me asthma before.

    I got through the night, but occasional feeling a bit faint (not severe) and think I was having an allergic response.

    But also these things on my skin, sometimes there's a white bump, you scratch it, the white thing comes away and the itch stops, it's gross.

    The problem is when I get too panicky I won't go anywhere to see anyone. Last year the doctors said they had no stores of the skin treatment that would wipe most things out. They said it's not scabies as it was not between my fingers and no scarring anywhere. When I'm panicking I won't go to a doctor, I get visions of dying etc and I can't go. It's madness but this is how bad it is, I've been diagnosed with ptsd in the past.

    I've had a virus last week, I think my system is low, I know that as the weather gets colder whatever this is will retreat again like it did last year and I will just talk to pest control (the only people that listen without thinking everything is anxiety). So I know just get lots of tea tree products, get myself fully cleaned up with those, get all bedding and clothes in a hot dryer for 40 mins to kill anything and I know that will at least lessen my symptoms enough that I can seek help.

    But I've got this strange restless leg feeling every so often, while my breathing is back to normal, the restless leg feeling is telling me that something is seriously wrong with me. Like a serious allergy. The only other thing is covid, but I'm testing negative. I hate the leg feeling.

    I'm going to go out and usually after eating and going out of the house I will calm down but I could really use some words of wisdom. I felt so much better last night but woke up like this and so now I keep telling myself I have bed bugs, which I can't bear the thought of over other insects for some reason. yet there's no evidence of those, no bites, no blood stains, etc but the restless leg symptoms are telling me I've been bitten in the night. I know this sounds crazy. I am feeling a little crazy thanks for listening

  2. #2

    Re: Help, panic, too much for title

    Although you're worried about possible bugs or allergic reactions, there's no solid evidence pointing to bed bugs or a severe condition, and some of your symptoms may be related to recent stress and illness. Taking small steps like using tea tree products, cleaning your environment, and focusing on facts may help you calm down.

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