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Thread: Some tips to help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Some tips to help

    Hey you guys
    I’m a little bored right now waiting for responses on my other post but I was just thinking about some of the very helpful tips I’ve learnt on my mental health journey.

    I’m someone that suffers with depression, anxiety, depersonalisation/derealisation and when VERY stressed psychosis (I could possibly develop a psychotic disorder in the future due to my sibling having schizophrenia and many other close family members too)

    I say all this to say that I’ve struggled with mental health issues my ENTIRE life and no matter how severe or never ending you think it will be there can be progress made and you can 100% get better no matter the illness.

    So here’s a list of things that can help.

    1. Nature and all things outside of yourself.

    Nature is sometimes regarded as an antidepressant although it is NOT a cure in itself it can definitely help to make you feel good and give you so much to take in.
    The trees and way the leaves softly sway; just looking and carefully observing this can be very relaxing.
    Also looking at the big and beautiful blue sky and cloud watching is very relaxing great for those suffering with severe anxiety make this a part of your daily routine to just look at the sky and you will feel awe of how big your surrounding are.
    Parks and beaches are great to go to and daily walks are very important.

    2. Exercise (for those with depression)
    Exercise is so important but for those who suffer with depression it can seem impossible. start with just simply walking up and down the stairs in your house a couple of times but make sure it’s regular, then you can bump the intensity to walking around the block outside or if you’re feeling really brave join the gym with a friend so they can help motivate you.
    The point isn’t to push yourself too hard when depressed but to get the ball rolling and intention is everything. When you make the intention and actually carry out the act of being productive no matter how small, you will see in time you will want to and really feel the need to do much more this could take weeks, months or years to become a full habit depending on the severity of the depression. BUT IT WORKS I PROMISE YOU you can actually lift your mood this way it’s a very popular technique used in cognitive behavioural therapy that encourages us to do more in order to feel good again. I urge you however start small for a while then increase when you feel you can handle it. Take your time there is no rush

    3. Positive affirmations

    Okay, so this might seem quite cheesy to some of you guys on here but it’s so easy to fall into negativity I have a very bad habit of doing so myself, but what works wonders is writing down some great things about myself even if i feel it’s not true I say it over and over until it becomes my reality which I can say it is now.
    Writing in a journal, or post it notes over your house or you can put it on your notes in your phone.

    Here’s some I use and say out loud

    I am blessed to be alive and well

    I love how amazing and fun my life is

    I am at peace with my surroundings

    I love myself and fully accept each and every flaw.

    It’s good to note what’s even better is to incorporate eft ( emotional freedom technique)
    It is a sort of a alternative holistic approach to combatting negativity it requires you tapping pressure points on your body and at the same time reciting affirmations which fully sink into your conscious and subconscious mind which helps you to internalise what you are saying.
    Some debate it’s credibility however intention is all that matters the more you do the better the outcome in terms of healing.
    Research more about eft online if you are interested.

    4. Socialising

    Speaking to friends and family is so worthwhile we thrive off of our connections to people regardless if we are extroverts or introverts we humans are a social species so to neglect that can be very damaging.
    Make time for the ones you love call up your mother, go and make plans with your friends and offer to babysit or something like that.
    Go to parties and events and get used to doing lots of things to keep you feeling busy and surrounded by people.

    And last but not least
    Be creative
    Do something that you enjoy to make or you have never done before that can be painting or buying an adult colouring book or even joining a pottery class!

    I have so many more tips and tricks for those with depression and anxiety but this is just a little that goes a longgg way when you really implement this into you life.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Some tips to help

    Thank you for your posting - I found it to be very inspiring and motivating. Positive affirmations are so important and negative self-talk is so destructive. Not always easy sometimes to catch it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Re: Some tips to help

    Quote Originally Posted by Scissel73 View Post
    Thank you for your posting - I found it to be very inspiring and motivating. Positive affirmations are so important and negative self-talk is so destructive. Not always easy sometimes to catch it.
    Yes, thank you so much for reading my post your comment lit me up❤️
    It’s hard at first when it comes to adhering to positive affirmations because it all boils down to belief we don’t believe we are these good things and sometimes even a sliver of doubt can send you into negative thinking and it can turn habitual if we don’t catch ourselves.
    Good thing is, its reversible but it just takes time which is why we should always make some time in the day to say and think some good things about ourselves - you can’t ever go wrong with that!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Some tips to help

    This is brilliant, Delilah! Proud of you for helping people out like this.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Re: Some tips to help

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    This is brilliant, Delilah! Proud of you for helping people out like this.
    Thank you so much iris❤️❤️

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