View Full Version : Dreading my birthday

08-05-06, 06:54
Its my birthday in two weeks and the dread is already causing me to be all over the place [V] jittery moody and emotional.
Its all because of my mum in my heart I hope I will get a card ,but in my head I know this won't happen [V]
I cant get her out of my head everytime I shut my eyes I see her face.
how can a mum turn her back on her child [?] If I had been diagnosed with anything other than these invisable illnesses she would be here giving me all the help she could :(
Everything seems to be getting the better of me at the moment.
My daughter has been so mean to just anyone she comes into contact with and all this came to a head when she pulled a lads hat off when he asked her not to ,he has alopecia and was very upset,she kept saying she didnt know but he had asked her not to.
I see a lot of my sister in her ,she too was very beautiful but had a very cruel streak.
sorry for being so pathetic but needed to get it out of my head

08-05-06, 08:56
Aww Dawn - you deserve to have a lovely birthday and I am sure you will.

You carry on being you - you can't be responsible for anyone elses behaviour other than your own mate. All we can do with our kids is try and set an example and hope that some of it goes in. It sounds like your daughter does realise that it wasnt kind to do what she did - I'm sure deep down she will have learnt from it.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-05-06, 10:19
Hi Dawn

Sorry to hear you are going through a low but it will pass. You are a strong & lovely person who has helped alot of people on this site with some great advice. You made me welcome when i first joined the forum & made me smile & laugh in chat.

Sending you hugs ((((((((((((((((((((Dawn)))))))))))))))

Thinking of you

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

08-05-06, 18:40
Hi Alexandra and Piglet thankyou so much for your replys I dont know why but so many people have read my post but you two are the only two to reply so thankyou.

May Day
08-05-06, 21:21
Hi Dawn

It's my birthday in a couple of weeks too and i dread it for very different reasons to you, but i hope we both find it turns out to be much better than we thought ... i often find the days i dread most aren't so bad in the end and it's good to look back on them and realise that ... it's part of working towards a happier future ...

You aren't responsible for what other people do but i know that being a mum means we often take on more than our fair share of the problems that others cause ... it's natural that we want things to be good but we can't always 'make' it happen that way even though we care ...

Many people are very scared by illness they can't see so your mums reaction isn't to be unexpected though maybe she could have made more effort to try and accept what you're going through ... have you tried to contact her again and explain things in a way that she might understand better ?

Anyway i hope you have an enjoyable birthday no matter who does or doesn't send you a card ... make the day special for yourself by doing something nice

Happy birthday


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

09-05-06, 12:14
my dear,fab,caring Dawn.Only just seen this as [as you know,am ill at moment!]I am so sorry you are dreading your birthday,it is sad when a parent cant cope with their childs distress,and hard to understand too!My Mom kept me on the phone [whilst boozin!!]4 2 hours yesterday even tho she knew i felt awful!I think it's because we are the one they have always lent on,and when they cant ,they cant cope with it!!We all want you to have a fab birthday Dawn,and tho it willbe hard you must try to have a day doin what YOU want to do,never mind any one else!!!!Thinkin of you matey.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

09-05-06, 12:52

Just so you know, i know how you feel about the "invisible illness" i've just lost my boyfriend because of my anxiety, and it tears me apart knowing that if i'd had anything else he would still want to be with me. :(

I hope you have a good birthday :) x