View Full Version : the heat

05-05-06, 14:28
Does anyone find it hard to take the hot weather now they have anxiety and panic?

I cant bare to be in the sun for to long always the shade because i feel i will dehydrate or pass out just like i always feel naturally anyway.

Just wondering if its just me or is this a common thing with us sufferes.

Also one for the women. When on ur periods do u tend to feel more tired and like your symptoms are 10 times worse then what they were.

Ive felt a bit better sinse coming back from hols thats why ive not posted much


05-05-06, 15:15
katy claire weekes talks of this in detail in her book essentail help for your nerves. alot of the symptoms of sweat and heat are soooo close to anxiety and it can make us all worse and afraid of the good weather

have you ever read the book


05-05-06, 15:24

Hey you, Hope you are ok.
I feel the opposite, I love the summer and feel so much better in myself.
The winter I struggle, i feel closed in trapped and very panicky....I dread winter as an anxiety sufferer.

Jackie....I have just purchased this book as so many people on this site have reccommended it.

Hugs to all

Hay x

05-05-06, 15:51

I love the Summer too and it helps me greatly with my agoraphobia as I can get out in the garden.

My anxiety always seems worse in the long dark days of the Winter months.


Sometimes I give myself the creeps, Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me, It all keeps adding up, I think I'm cracking up, Or am I just paranoid ..... Billie Joe Armstrong

05-05-06, 16:32
Hi Katy - I feel alot worse when its hot too - I feel dizzy and like I'm going to faint - give me the cold any day! I keep a water spray and spray my face when I start getting too hot.
I also feel really tired the week before my period and more jumpy!
Glad to hear you had a good hol and are starting to feel better
Love Helen

05-05-06, 16:42

Try these

Hot weather
Hot weather (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3983)

Try these for the period problem ..

period trouble [ladies please] (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2961)
one for the females (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3572)
ok - here's a REALLY strange question !!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4010)
girls only (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4554)
PMT PANIC (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4881)
PMT, tiredness, and feeling of unreality (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6670)
Bleuuuuuurgh -for the girls on here! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7372)
time of the month (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7421)


marie ross
05-05-06, 16:45
Hi Katy,

I dread the summer, in fact i was going to post a topic similar to yours today after walking back home from work. I thought it was just me that hated the sun, it's not that i don't like it, i can easily sit out in the garden and enjoy it, but if i have to go outside the house and walk to the shops, work etc it makes me so panicky more so than usual, i always feel like i'm going to pass out. So if you see a nervous woman dodging from tree to tree trying to keep in the shade, thats me!!!!! As for the periods, yup, i get very tired especially afterwards, and my anxiety levels always shoot up. God listen to me, what with the sun and periods i'm going to be carted off any day now!!!!!!!!!!!

Bring on the cold weather. marie XX

05-05-06, 17:32
Grrrr I'm 51 years old and been a total sun-worshipper all my life, looked forward to the summer, always wanted to move abroad, lay me out and let me burn kinda girl.

I've had anxiety for years but this year is the first time I have struggled with it - mainly the hot nights because of my night sweats (hormones as well) but now my skin has decided to become ultra sensitive - I have been having weird rashes and itching all winter and now, half an hour in the sun and I'm bright red! All my life it's been a joke that with my olive skin, I never ever went red, had never blushed (knew the feeling but nothing showed)... Now I'm a complete lobster!!!! What a shock!

So now I'm starting to fear the sun too which is just so awful because I love being outdoors in the sun, it's one of the very few things I have always enjoyed that was free (if rare here lol!).

Not giving in yet - still overjoyed to see blue skies and happy faces outdoors, but noticing where the trees are more!!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

08-05-06, 11:00

I know exactly what you mean. If I see a weather forecast for anythign above 18 degrees I panic. I cannot cope with the heat at all. Feel like I will pass out, and my head seems to get a lot of pressure inside. I realy struggle going from outside to inside with the light as well. Also doesn't help the fatigue.

I never have a tan in the summer as just cannot stand the sun. Seem to wear sunglasses all the time. Have the air conditioning on in my car constantly as feel like I cannot get any fresh air in my lungs.

Roll on winter !



marie ross
09-05-06, 01:10
Hey all,

Pale and interesting!!!!!

Love Marie XXX

09-05-06, 01:49
Hi Katy.

Sorry what is it you suffer from? I am not too keen on the hot weather, prefer the cold actually, not sure if you find this but I find it easier to warm up than to cool down I think. What did you mean by it kinda interferring with panic attacks/anxiety etc?


10-05-06, 04:06
Don't come to Aussie guys.I start to panic when the prediction gets above 30.Thats most days in Summer and Autumn here

Don't believe everything you think.

marie ross
11-05-06, 16:16
Hi everyone,

How are you all finding the heat today, it's unbearable, i've just finished walking back from work, and i honestly thought i was going to pass out. My legs feel like jelly and i feel out of it and dizzy. I've got to go back out, but can't face it, might have to wait till a lot later on when it cools down (how sad is that). Don't know how i'm going to cope in july and august!!!!
How does everyone else cope with the hot weather? Any HOT!!!!!! tips would be greatly appreciated.

Marie XXX