View Full Version : New glasses!!!

21-07-11, 16:59
Hi all
Sorry not posted or replied to anyone for a while, but I have been really busy (that's right, the 'temporary' agoraphobe has been busy!!) I have been up and down to Brighton a couple of times, I live in Matlock about 4 hours away and my bro and sis live in Brighton, and done loads of stuff for the wedding (5 weeks today!!) and going back to work on a phased return on 8 august. I would not say I am fully recovered but I am getting there!!
Anyway, the reason I am posting is because I got new glasses yesterday and they are making me feel very strange!! I know that you need to get used to them but I am getting sone of the old symptoms, woozy head, feeling a bit unreal, everything feeling really bright even if it's raining. I know this is normal logically but just need some reassurance!! I have also, as mentioned before, been super busy over the last week or so so that could have something to do with it?? I am back down in Brighton this weekend due to a family emergency, and I am just feeling a bit poo, I'm scared I am going backwards (the family emergency is in my brothers wife's family, and me and mum are down here to look after their twin boys, so it's not that that's making me anxious)
Sorry for the essay, just wanted to get it all out. X

21-07-11, 17:09
Yes if you've had a change in prescription, new glasses can make you feel a bit odd. Especially if they're stronger and distort things a little, your brain has to get used to it. Usually passes quite quickly :)

21-07-11, 17:32
Hi, I would speak to your optician, I had this a few time with new glasses and had to have the strength reduced and gradually brought up, he said some ppl can't tolerate full strength straight away x