View Full Version : Muscle Twitching In Left Leg!

30-04-06, 17:17

I'm sitting here worrying, please help to calm me down?

Yeterday sitting at my desk I noticed my left leg, the muscle was twitching and I could see my trouser leg move slightly, this happened for approx 5 minutes.

I ignored it and it must of gone as I can not remember it until again today sitting at my desk, the left leg started to twitch again.

Because I have noticed it twice my brain is doing over time and I can not forget about it and it happened again earlier.

My wife said my anxiety will not help it and that I have to try and calm down but it is easier said then done if your an axniety suffer.

I'm sitting here feeling like I want to cry as I'm starting to convince myself that I have something serious.


30-04-06, 19:14
Hi Tony

Please dont worry, Anxiety causes an awful lot of symptoms one of the ones I suffer Is muscle twiches, I get them in my Hands, Legs and Eyes, my hand often just goes in to a spasm and it is very scary as you say,

You could maybe go for a check up with you Doctor just to re-assure yourself, Just know you will be fine!

Hope you feeling better

Wendy x

30-04-06, 22:06
i have terrible things, including pain and twitching down my left leg and as i fear this very much they seem to get worse. i really have never heard of this twitching being anything to worry about its probably just a reflex or yuor pulse down there which is perfectly normal. it could even be a nerve. not a nurse of course but im sure youve nnothing to fear


30-04-06, 22:40
hi reddevil

i get this all the time in my leg ,eye, arm lip all over i havent even put it down to anxiety i think it is just a traped nurve my little girl gets it she is 4yrs old she thinks it is funny her eye dose it
so please dont panic over it its just one of those things belive me

jodie xx

01-05-06, 08:44
Hi Tony - try not to worry, like Jodie said its probably a trapped nerve or tension. I get muscle twitches now, but also used to get them before I had anxiety - my husband gets them too and he is the most chilled person I've met. Its just a very normal thing!
Love Helen

01-05-06, 15:23
I get muscle twitches all over my body. Please do not worry.. it is just anxiety. I actually get them around my heart, and that scares me to death!

01-05-06, 16:48

Thankyou for your replys, they have made me feel a lot better.

The twitches have been a lot better today but where the twitch was I feel like a dull aching pain and tingles in my foot BUT this I suspect could be down to anxiety as it's been on my mind all day.

When I first had anxiety I got tingles in my hands.
I was wondering if anxiety can cause tingles in the foot?

Thankyou all for your time,


Miss Pink
01-05-06, 23:31

DON'T WORRY !!! ;) I used to get this all the time about 4 months ago - my arm would twitch, shoulders, legs (especially when sitting or in bed) etc. It would happen throughout the day and I got really worried about it (thinking the worst of course !) and the worse it got. I asked my Doctor and he explained that it was one of two things:

1) tiredness, if we aren't getting a good nights sleep(or the right kind of sleep), our nerves cannot fully recover from the night before and become a bit restless

2) Secondly, the most likely explanation is that your body has a large store of adrenalin caused by worrying and your body has to get rid of that somehow, so your muscles react and twitch to expel some of the nervous energy you have stored up (this is why people "tremble" with fear etc)

I helped mine by doing some exercise each day to burn off some of that adrenaline and by trying not to worry about it anymore and I have to say it has got much better. It doesn't happen very often and when it does I don't worry about it as its never done me any harm and is just a sign I'm tired/anxious.

Hope this helps put your mind at rest!

Take Care

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

09-05-06, 15:41
I sometimes get a twitch in my right arm, i never had this before, i think its down to anxiety.

april tones
09-05-06, 19:16
Hiya! i know its scary especially when you dont know what it is. I was real worried when i first had it
I get it alot with my fibro, if im really tired and achy my leg or fingers will twitch or vibrate xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com