View Full Version : urine infection and worrying

16-07-11, 09:00
Went to my doctors yesterday with low right hand abdomen pain, like a dull ache but sumtimes throbs every so often, I've had this since monday, with my ha going into overdrive I kept thinking its my appendix, anyway the female doctor felt all around my abdomen and kidneys, she then told me to do a urine sample, as soon as she dipped the test stick she said that I clearly had a urine infection, she said its not my appendix or appendicitis as she said there's no way it wud have been that as the pain wudnt have lasted this long, feeling reassured a bit she has given me sum antibiotics to clear the infection, what I'm worried about is with having the aches and pains so low in my right abdomen that travels in that area and near my hip, my right side of my back aches too, has anyone had this too with urine infections etc, I'm worried that its sumthing sinister, I'm 25 by the way xx

16-07-11, 12:58

Yes, I have had a few urine infections and all of your symptoms are the same as I mine and they are horrible.

Appendix pain is very different. Contrary to the classic scenario of right side abdo pain it actually starts more centrally, across the tummy button, and only later moves to the right side, by which time the sufferer is quite unwell with vomiting, diarrhoea and a hell of a lot of pain, which often makes it hard to stand up straight.

Your symptoms are much more like a urine infection as it does radiate to the kidney area, and down the groin/hip sometimes, and yours happens to be mostly on your right side. If you have had the pain since Monday, by now if it was your appendix you would be in a lot of pain hun.

I am certain you will be just fine. The meds should clear things up quickly for you (mind you, sometimes UTI's can be a bit stubborn and extra meds are needed). Lots of water helps clear the infection too.

Take care and get well soon.xxx:hugs: