View Full Version : Ct angiogram aorta

09-07-11, 11:48
can anyone tell me if they have had this test done CT ANGIOGRAM AORTA i went to docs with back and chest pain when i take a deep breath and hes put me in for this .im very worried what happens if i have a panic attack or worse a heart attack im panicing now and its not till the end of the month

09-07-11, 14:50
Hi melvin,
my husband has had a angiogram, he said it was painless and very quick....he had his about 4 days after he had an heart attack......the angiogram is to prevent you having an heart attack, it is a check that all your valves are working properly etc and he said you can see what is happening!
Rob also told me they can give you a sedative to relax you, with him they kept him there nearly all day just to check that you are okay, he had tea and biscuits etc.
I know you are scared of having an heart attack during the procedure, but remember this rob had an heart attack 3 days before he had his angiogram, and if he had had on a week before the angiogram would have prevented his heart attack.. the moral of this story is, yes you will be scared, but the angiogram can also save your life, :hugs:

09-07-11, 15:03
thank you for your reply
yes i know ur right its just that i am scared and im scared to take the tap as well lol . last time i went for a op i was to scared to take the tablets they offered me i had to come home . i did go back couple of weeks latter because i had to know what was causing my sore throat . i suppose im back in that situation . i don't know what causes this but when i have symptoms i panic and when i have to get it checked i go into a kind of depression and feel down when i go docs and she says all ok i feel on top of the world its scary how easy it isfor me to go in to a depression i hope hes ok now

09-07-11, 15:10
Thx for reply,
Rob is fine now. it is only natural that you feel anxious about any medical procedure everybody does, i know i do! Rob also ges nervous, doctors scare the life out of me!!
But the angiogram is for your own good and you might not have any heart problems at all, prevention is better than cure, i also know waiting for the procedure is horrible, the anxiety really does get too much, but it is worth the wait!!

09-07-11, 15:53
did he have the scan where they inject dye or did have the thing they put into his groin

09-07-11, 17:16
Hello Melvin
I have had an agiogram in my groin. It was ok. It was painless. The worse part is the bruising after.I had to take an overnight bag,but I went home the same day. It resulted in a operation that saved my life. Some people have the dye put in there wrists too---but I don't know
anything about that.
Good Luck xx

09-07-11, 20:33
thanks magic

09-07-11, 22:52
Hi melvin he had it in his groin, painless and quick, because he had an heart attack on the Monday, they gave him an angio on the Thursday, and had to return to the hospital the same day, but thats because he had to be kept in until the Friday, because they have to give him the correct drugs before he could be discharged from hospital, but you will fine to leave the same day, most people do...its best to get the procedure done

09-07-11, 23:23
I had a heart attack and had a stent put in via the groin.

I can't remember much about it but I don't remember it being painful at all.