View Full Version : Hello there :)

24-06-11, 15:47
Hello there,

My name's Emma and I was finally (after admitting defeat after 6 1/2 years) diagnosed with depression as well as suffering from high levels of anxiety four weeks ago.
I found this website via Google whilst searching for information on Citalopram.
What a great find so far.
It's been an unpleasant few years, after a traumatic event it destroyed me as a person, wife, mother and friend.
Putting on the brave face and the "mask" as I call it has finally taken it's toll.
To a point where I had to admit to my G.P as I was on the verge of throwing myself off a very tall building.
I am somewhat relieved for doing so although things mentally are rather upsy/downsy.
It's a case of taking each day as it comes.
I struggle mostly in the evenings, this is when I tend to withdraw into myself and become filled with the urges of self harm.
I have started a website too, writing down and typing up my on my progress.
It helps in regards to the journey of hopefully getting though this dark stage in life.
Well... One can only hope.

I look forward to reading up and hopefully contributing to the forum as much as I can.
But please bare with me, I am quite nervous and it does take some time for things to register in the mind before the light switch comes on and I get it!
Quite embarrassing at times. :blush::blush::blush::blush:

Kindest Regards

Emma xx

24-06-11, 15:48
Hi Brokenmum

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-06-11, 15:59
Hi Emma

Welcome aboard! I can totally relate to the 'mask'. It's exhausting isn't it? I'm also determined to become the mother, wife, friend, daughter that I should be not the shell of a human I am at the moment. What a great idea about having a website - it must be therapeutic for you. I would be very interested in seeing it when you are comfortable with that.

I think everyone has a time of the day that proves to be more difficult. Once you have been a member on here for five (I think) days you are able to access the chat room so if you are struggling of an evening with self harm I would get yourself in there for distraction. Also there are games on here but I haven't tried them yet. I had a bad evening last week - not sure if a panic attack or reaction to something but I was scared to go to sleep but didn't want to disturb my husband so I popped into the chat room and it was a great distraction until I was able to go back to bed.

Take care


26-06-11, 10:59

26-06-11, 11:04
welcome :)

26-06-11, 18:59
A huge Thank you for the lovely warm welcomes.
What a lovely website, a great comfort to read too!
I am greatly relieved that It's not just me as you do tend to feel that it is "just you". Quite a lonely phase and diagnosis to be honest.
My website/blog can be viewed viay my profile (I hope?).
Warning: It does contain diary inserts of those high and low days.
But again, it hopefully enables others to get into the mind and have a better understanding of those that are suffered or are suffering. It helps me a lot. Writing a diary/journal and updating the blog takes some of the weight of the shoulders and enables me to feel better within myself.

What a great idea in regards to the chat room.
Thank you!
I will definitely give that a go.

I too suffer from panic attacks and it's a horrible combination to have.
I tend to avoid all places, people and situations that trigger off the negative memories. Attempting to speak to a G.P is difficult too as the emotions get the better of me (failed greatly by medical professionals hence the panic etc).

I am currently on Citalopram, on week four I think?
They are helping in the day, but in the evening they wear off.
Knowing now that there is this forum and a chat room, I will certainly be popping to and fro.

Again, Thank you ever so much xx

26-06-11, 19:00
Welcome and will be nice to see you in chat.

27-06-11, 16:24
Hi Emma,

Welcome & well done on joining! It can be so hard to talk about your feelings but everyone is on the same boat here. I've found it a massive help, especially during panicky & anxious times.

Your website is a great idea, it will also give you something to focus on during low times xxx

30-06-11, 12:42
i am new here Emma,only found the site today,well done to you and keep your head up!!

30-06-11, 21:01
Thank you again for the lovely welcomes, greatly comforting.
God bless, Thank you crowbar and a huge WELCOME to you too xx
Hope to see you within the forums soon ;)