View Full Version : 3 days to go

25-04-06, 12:29
Hi guys, im just feeling so so so so down, some days i feel on a high and i find my tablets work otherdays its horibble. Im supposed to be going away on friday for my sis hen weekend to spain but i feel like s**t right now and my mind is doing overtime. the thoughts that scare me and going thru my head right now are

What if something bad happens to me
What if i collpase and never wake up
What if i freak out when im on the ship and know i cant get off
What if im sick and want to be in my own bed

I really wanna go on this trip and my doc tells me to go to it will do me good but i KNOW something awful will happen to me. I know it hasnt yet but why do i feel so crap, suick lightheaded shaky if nothing bad will happen to me, its a question i want an answer to and have my head change its thoughts

im just scared and im sorry if i post loads x

25-04-06, 12:45
Hi Katy

I know how scared you are first hand as have all the symptoms you describe and it is awful but are down to anxiety and nothing else and will not cause you any physical harm.

1) If something bad is to happen to you - what like? what could happen to you there that wouldnt happen here? I have wasted a big part of my life living on what if's,
2) If you collapse and dont wake up - my biggest fear, again anxiety wont cause this, why would this happen? it has not happened yet despite you feeling so bad for a while so why will it happen just because you are away?
3) If you freak out, you freak out, it is anxiety, we all freak out here so often and survive it, your mind will be kept so busy with others around you that you will most likely have a better distraction than you do at home
4) In what way sick? you have a lot of friends that will be around you, more people to look out for you than if you were alone in bed, take comfort from this

This trip can be a turning point for your anxiety, these worries are just thoughts, they will not happen to you, you can go on this trip and have a good time and beat this anxiety, I know its hard but fight it, say so what to the fears it is making you have - you might just be surprised how a break away from home helps you, your doc would not tell you to go if he / she thought you had any kind of risk

Good luck and have a good time

Wendy x

25-04-06, 14:02
Y'know; it might not be plain sailing this trip but if you go it'll get easier each time you tackle an obstacle like this. If you didn't go, it would be harder and harder for you to have any sort of freedom or independence.

I know you don't feel like it, but just do it and I promise you it'll get easier. I've felt as appalling as you do and convinced that my number must be up. But those days i have a spring in my step, my energy comes back and then I know, feeling sh***y is all down to my anxiety.

Lots of luck mate

Shiv x

25-04-06, 14:15
Katy Love,

Go and enjoy yourself for your sake.
Nothing will happen to you there that wont happen here.
It is all in your mind. Think of it as this.....IT WILL BE A TURNING POINT FOR YOU.

Have a good time....let us know how you get on

Hay x

25-04-06, 14:33
Hi Katy, Try hard to go, you will be fine, as has been said what worse can happen.. You feel bad now and i can promise once you are on board, things will be easier for you. Take any little home comforts with you. Make your cabin your new little safe place. If you cancel you will feel so bad. I went on holiday when i felt as bad as you, and yes at times i did feel a little anxious, and once i even thought i wanted to come home, but i distracted myself and thoroughly enjoyed it! Nothing bad will happen to you! You will not collapse and die! You will not freak out on the ship! You will not get sick and want your own bed! Now my friend, start organising things for your trip, start packing and we will all look forward to hearing every lovely detail on your return. Trust me you will live to tell the tale xxx

25-04-06, 14:48
stop apologsing there is really no need thats what we are all here for. i know it is hard to think of going away but the chances of anything happening to you are so remote. just try to relax as much as you can, remember you are healthy in body, its just your mind thats not so healthy at the moment, so you will go away and come back as healthy as you went.

we will be with you in spirit

i am sure you will find an internet service over there and whilst i dont reccomend you spend your holiday on it it could be somwhere to go when your feelnig afraid. thats what the nomorepanic site is for after all


Miss Pink
25-04-06, 15:05
Hi Katy,

I went on holiday to Centre Parcs with my boyfriend and his family for Easter. I know how you feel because all of those thoughts went through my head and were made worse as it would be so embarrassing to "lose it" infront of his family !

I found that lots of slow breathing (breathing in for three and breathing slowly out for six), helped me to relax when i felt panic beginning to rise. Also try and distract yourself from your thoughts - count backwards as quick as you can from 100 to 1 as soon as negative thoughts come into your head (I know this could be every ten minutes sometimes, but try and persevere with it - you get so bored of doing it your brain kind of stops thoughts altogether !)

If you go you will be taking a big step in getting better - I force myself to go to places as I know I feel worse if I let the panic win !

Take care, have a great time and feel free to chat to me whenever you need !


‹(•¿•)› Best Wishes To You All ! ‹(•¿•)›

25-04-06, 19:39
Hi there, i can relate to your problem as i am going on hols in 4 weeks. Went to see my therapist this week and had the same list of 'what ifs?' as you! He said i need to change my thoughts into 'So what?!' I found this advice helpful as negative thoughts can really get you in a state.
Also in my previous experience i find that the build up to things can be worse than the actual event itself.

I bet you'll have a whale of a time and when you get back you can reasurre me that i have nothing to be worried about!

Thinking of you, Love India xx