View Full Version : Scared About Work

obsessive b
12-06-11, 10:46
Hi Guys

I'm new to this forum so Ihope your all doing well. I am on day 13 of Citalopram after suffering with servere panic attacks etc and have got to go back to work tommorow after 2 weeks whihc is really making me anxious. Any tips or positive stories you got that might help I would be very grateful.


12-06-11, 12:03
These drugs often take a while to work properly. I took Sertraline and it didn't really help until five weeks in, but when it did start working it really helped a lot. It is tough waiting for it to work though, you just have to get through that period as best as you can. But there is hope, it usually does get better!


obsessive b
12-06-11, 12:06
Hi thanks for the reply did you manage to work?

12-06-11, 18:48
Hi, I've just had an extreamly busy weekend at work and have been dreading it!
Whenever I felt a panic coming on I just went into the toilet or the managers office and focused on my breathing and waited for it to pass.
Do your employers know about your anxitey? because it really helps when you can say you need to go calm yourself down.
good luck x

12-06-11, 19:11
Hi Obsessive,

It is natural to be feeling really anxious about work, I am sure you will be fine!! I think its good that you are going back after a couple of weeks as sometimes the longer you leave it the worse it will become. You will know in your own mind if its the right time to return but sometimes there needs to be an element of a little bit of push.

Sometimes it helps if the employer knows what you are going through as long as they are the understanding type!!

I would go in and try it but if it becomes too much then you can always come back home again....that how I deal with it and I am usually just fine!!

I wish you luck and hope it goes o.k.


Also if it makes you feel any better I have just had a weeks holiday and am due back tommorow and feeling anxious about that....so there you go...it is natural.

12-06-11, 19:31
I also went back to work after a couple of weeks. My bosses and friends at work were brilliant with me. I told just my very close colleagues and bosses what the problem was and they let me go in later and finish earlier to avoid the rush hour travelling on the train. I think if you can just let the people know that you are suffering and need to just take a break now and then, and its good as kate21 says, to be able to go off into the loo or somewhere quiet and take some nice deep cleansing breaths then you can calm yourself a bit. It does eventually get better and I love my job so I didn't want to take too much time off. I hope that it goes well for you tomorrow.

Jannie x x

obsessive b
12-06-11, 20:14
Thanks for all your support, I will let you know how it goes xxx

13-06-11, 03:04
Hi thanks for the reply did you manage to work?
Yes, I did manage to work before the drugs kicked in, but I had some time off sick first.