View Full Version : Panic attack from hell

22-04-06, 14:05
Hi All

I writing mid the mother of all panic attacks and doing my best not to dash to A&E and proclaim by pending death so here for a rant if thats ok...... [V][V][V][V]

I have been doing well and am determined this is not going to get to me but it is a bad one, Started about ten minutes ago and has been on the build up since early morning, I feel light, floaty, scared, my legs are like a jelly and i am in desperate urge to seek medical help........ cant get hold of my mum and I feel like I have a hair stuck in my throat that is going to choke me, had my usual nibble of a diazepam (wish I dare just neck the god damn tablet) and am now thinking I am having side effects - am sure a faint is near (never fainted), feel like i have lost the use in my leg and foot, keep saying over and over this is anxiety but am scared I will be a heap on the floor any second!

I cant get the angry face icon to work on my message (this was a slight distraction at least)!!!!

am wearing myself out but darent sleep incase i never wake :([|)]

Could someone please say to me "WENDY YOU WILL NOT DIE!" as I am not listening to myself today

Any replies apprecaited!

Wendy xx

Two heads
22-04-06, 14:19
Wendy sweet you really are not going to die,its just that bl..dy gremlin coming out to play once again hun.Take yourself out for a walk around the block the sunshine will do you good.It always makes me feel a little better.Your very unlikely to faint if you havet with this condtion befor so stop worrying about that.It is all anxiety sweet really it is....

22-04-06, 14:19
Hi Wendy,

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good today,try and realax its all in your mind and the anxiety is trying to take over, try listening to some music i have felt panicky today also, but i have been trying to keep busy, ive been ironing while listening to some music and my anxiety went away, your not going to die my friend and you wont faint, try and relax and do some breathing exersices.

Hugs to you


22-04-06, 14:27
Thank you for replying to me, it still amazes me on here that no matter how bad everyone is feeling someone is always has a kind word to give and support to share,

I am now rooted to my chair and darent walk across the room incase I fall but I have been here before and It will pass I know,

Thanks again your replies they help more than you could know! xx

22-04-06, 14:44
Hope it passes for you soon Wendy,

We are all in the same boat my friend, and we are all here to help one another.

Keep Smiling wendy:D, thinking of you !



22-04-06, 15:19
Hi Wendy

Firstly you will not die of a panic attack, as you've asked us to remind you [^].

Secondly, the feelings will pass but will do so much more quickly if you can find some way of distracting yourself. Do you like reading, or doing puzzle books, playing games on the PC? Whatever it is doesn;t matter. Just keep finding something distracting to do.

If you have any relaxation CDs you could try that too, or some meditation or yoga, or whatever you find calming.

This will pass and keep reminding yourself of that. We are here for you.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

22-04-06, 15:48
Thanks Karen

It is so hard but helps to know I have such good friends here

Wendy x

22-04-06, 21:36
Hi wendy,

I read your post and I really felt for you. I haven't visited the site for about a month as have been feeling fine, but this past week it has all come back and i feel really fed up.
I read how you were feeling and you r having all the same symptons as i have been having. Its just hard to tell yourself you r ok isn't it. Although you were feeling bad today I wanted to let you know that as I read your post I realised everything i was feeling was panic but i hadn't picked up on it in myself - so i know it doesn't help much but u made me feel a little better
take care (((hugs)))) love kate[:I]

22-04-06, 22:10
Wendy ..oh babe are you alright , i came online and see ya post im sorry i missed it earlier, this weekend has been manic ,, gee i tell ya.
Oh sweetheart i am sorry about your minor setback..i truley am poor you .. i do so hope you are feeling better? i'm sure you will, and we will all be here to surport you and you know that.

Dont forget to do your breathing exercises, this really helps you so much, relaxation cd, nice warm bubbly bath.. this is all nice ..but isnt easy .. so if you are still panickey ..maybe do something to take ya mind of it.. keep ya self busy.

And if all else fails phone me wendy i told you this , anytime of the day..

love lotes

ashley x

23-04-06, 11:57
Thanks Ash and Kate and again to all who replied

Well what a night, I died a thousand times, even checked my pulse to make sure I hadnt "gone", rang hospital in despair, everyone keeps asking am I suicidal, Hello I am scared to die, cant take more than half a pill in a day, wish people had better understanding of this and realised I cant just snap out of it as my family think, bless them they had enough of me but I wouldnt wish this c**p on my worst enemy (well maybe lol)

Im not giving up on this though, today is a new day and even though I have exhausted myself I going to try and fight it, Aint easy is it!

Thanks again all

Wendy xx

23-04-06, 13:28
i am so proud of your attitude, you are acting like a top johnny gal..you are amazing girl well done, thinking poistive will help you all the way to the top sweety.
I read your post and it made me feel warm on this rather wet cold day..
You deserve to be happy , and although we are all here to help each other wend, self-help is the way to a brighter future..

ashley xxxxxxx [:X]

23-04-06, 15:36
Thanks Ash :D

Have just calmed down a bit and started to believe i am not dying! (well for now [xx(]

How are things with you,ok I hope,

Do my own head in when I go off on one, just dont listen to what im trying to tell myself! guess that anxiety for us!

Take Care


Wendy xxx

23-04-06, 16:00
Hi Wendy and welcome to the forum!:D

23-04-06, 16:20
Hi Wendy.

Aw, hope you're feeling better. Hang on in there hunni.
