View Full Version : Please - I need some strong words... burning feeling in limbs

30-05-11, 15:11
Please please someone help me put this is context.

I have had a hard 10 months or so…starting with agoraphobia and panic attacks which I managed to control after a few months with some residue anxiety. I got Flu over Christmas for three weeks and ended up in hospital but I really dealt with this well and didn’t panic.

Then in March I started to get back pelvic pain which my mind made havoc with and I thought I had ovarian cancer. A few weeks back it was diagnosed as possible nerve damage in the spine. I was really happy for a few weeks and decided to put my anxiety in a locked drawer. I am determined not to let this thing destroy my life or my familes lifes. I want to be strong and ignore any symptoms.

The last week I have been getting burning patches on my legs and arms and I am also having a nub feeling on my lips. So now I have it in my head that maybe I have MS. These patches I have had over the last few months but not constant as I have had over the last few days.

Is this another sign of anxiety morphing again and trying to ruin my life?

Can anyone relate to this or even tell me to get over it, I need strong words .

30-05-11, 20:44
Re-read and much doesn't make sense - any help out there...

30-05-11, 22:04
Sorry for bumping my own posts - but also my lips feel like they have been stung by a bee - they feel numb - anyone?

30-05-11, 23:17
Hi chick - sorry to see you here suffering again hun. I have not been on for a week or so as decided dr said I was ok so I would get on with living my life... my pain however is still there in my hip and lower right abdomen :( What is happening with you now - will you have more tests to confirm the nerve issue in your spine? Have you another dr appt soon? I am in limbo - dr just said come back in a month or so... I am wondering if mine is my weight and poor posture, but like you I get odd burning sensations (mine are generally in abdomen) which are unnerving. I do get odd burning pains in legs (just a few seconds) not sure if that is the same as you? Remember chick that you have been thoroughly checked out with the scan and mri and bloods. If there was anything else going on then I am sure they would have spotted it. I know it is hard. I have not been on here as I am 'coping' at the mo and don't want to slide back to where I was, but I also have 'wobbly moments' every single day as this pain can't be normal! Also feel bad not coming on here as it is a wonderful place with lots of great supportive people. Hugs chick - pm me if need to talk xxx