View Full Version : Breast concern

21-05-11, 20:29
having a bit of a panic over lots of things this weekend and I've even broken my rule of checking my breasts over the weekend when I know I cannot get a doctor's appointment until monday at the earliest. But anyway just wondered if anyone might be able to offer reassurance in the mean time? I felt the area underneath my breast and I can feel some sort of bumpy yet firm almost bony area - I'm not sure if the ribs would come out like this or not or at worst its a breast lump. I used to wear underwired bras and was told many years ago that the wire can cause this tye of fat build up but again I'm thinking the worst. Any help would be greatly appreciated :weep:

21-05-11, 20:33
Cant help directly but i do have "lumpy and fatty" breasts but doc has checked them and says all is normal, just wanted to send hugs and say see your gp for reassurance im sure all is fine x

22-05-11, 09:24
I've had an awful night of worry and I'm desperately trying not to keep checking - I have also broken that golden rule of googling. Anyway I think a better way to describe my worry is a ridge like at the bottom of my breast - again I just hope its nothing to worry about

22-05-11, 16:57
Hi constantworrier418,

Please don't worry, as I think that lumpy bit is entirely normal. I was a bit worried when I felt the same sort of thing under my breast last year, though I actually saw my GP about a painful breast and was diagnosed in the end with microcysts in my breasts. I twice had my breasts examined and neither of my doctors noted anything suspicious about that area.

I think it is just a bony point directly beneath the breast. I think we spend so much time concerned about the main areas of our breasts that we are not entirely sure what that part beneath them should feel like, but please rest assured that I too have the same.

Sending you love.xxx:hugs: