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18-04-06, 20:30
Can u suffer anxiety without suffering panic aswell, my last panic attack was a few months ago but i still get anxiety and streonmg symptoms is this possible x

18-04-06, 20:33
Yes you can, I did for over a year without panic attacks (Sep 04 - Today).

Scooties Back

18-04-06, 20:36
yeah u can i havent had a full blown panic attack for ages but i always get panicky symptoms

18-04-06, 20:58
katy i rarely get panic attacks but am anxious all the time. it is totally possible


18-04-06, 21:20
I don't get panic attacks just anxiety sometimes now.


18-04-06, 21:20
Im keeping out of this topic.. i am keeping my mouth well and truley shut ..yes i am..katy i reply to nearly every post you write love..sorry babe not this one.

yes you can..........and she runs fastley away


i ant blinkin jinxing myself

18-04-06, 21:22
dont mind the nutter called nobody there.lol shes really sane you know but not at the minute.lol

your an eiget ash but a loveable one


18-04-06, 22:10
I've never had a panic attack but have episodes of extreme anxiety.

18-04-06, 23:05
I started getting PAs about 15 years ago, I rarely get them now as I know how to handle them better and I recognise the symptoms but I am constantly anxious, so yes it is possible.

19-04-06, 11:53
Hi Katy

My answer is a defo YES you can! [V]

These for me are the worse days, when I have a panic attack at least I sort of accecpt its a panic attack but my "calm" anxiety days freak me out worse coz Im thinking s***t what is this, im not panicking so must be something else but it isnt it is Anxiety and this is what you have, I havent grapsed it myself yet but do believe when we accecpt this is just anxiety thats when we get over this, you will beat it xx

19-04-06, 13:45
Hay katy ..hows it going love.. hope you are alright and have maybe calmed down a little bless ya heart...Oi jackie chan lol lol

love to ya.. and hoping your ok..

ashley x