View Full Version : time to be anxious again

16-05-11, 11:48
Got phone call saying they making me an appointment to have medical, thing is im shitting bricks already, i know ive had one before, but i got so ill last time worrying,
Im getting no benefits so dont see point going, ill only fail.
Main thing is my mum can't get time off, she self employed,looks after children, if she cancels, then the parents will have to find someone else, my mum will lose out on money, pluse it short notice as medical sometime this month. I just wanna puke with anxiety
Why do we have to suffer with the evil esa

16-05-11, 11:59
Because it's the system, I'm afraid, and while this government is in power life is going to not get any better for people who have to use the system. :mad:

16-05-11, 14:06
Do you not have another friend or family member you could ask to sit in for the medical? It's always wise to have a witness anyway, just in case there is any dispute about what has been said or done.

macc noodle
16-05-11, 16:02
Pardon my ignorance but why do you have to go if you are not in receipt of benefits?

Sounds like a waste of time for you and for those conducting the interview, let alone the stress for you!

17-05-11, 08:24
I got a letter saying not entitled to benefits after i applied for it, then i got another letter same day sayin send my sick note or benefits will be affected,
I rang and they said i need a medical before they decide if i need benefits,
This seems to be diff to last year as i got money 6 months before my medical,
Gonna ring up and tell them now, saying if not entitled then aint going medical, i know i'll fail anyway.
Can't apply job seekers as that means going to interviews at job centre every 2 weeks, ive been on js years ago and had to go on a 2 week course after 7 months in the city,

@ shoegal i can only go out with my mum, can't even walk round block with my bro or dad, can't even see friends cos anxiety

17-05-11, 08:35
Hi. Don't take their word for it if you get turned down for benefits. Always appeal the decision and always get advice from CAB. Write to the benefits agency and tell them you are appealing their decision that you are not entitled because then if they later decide that you are entitled they will backdate your claim. Don't wait for the medical. You want any benefits to be paid from the date of your original claim.

If you need to have your Mum with you for the medical, you can arrange for the Dr to call at a more convenient time and possibly even arrange to have it done at her house. Don't let them boss you around. You have health problems and the benefits agency should treat you accordingly - BUT you will have to stand your ground and stick up for your rights.

26-05-11, 15:37
I canceled my appointment for next week as it half term my mum busy with work, so i know have to go in june, which i don't know if my mum can go, i wish i asked to go on a thurs as that easiest day, but when he gave me a date i just said yes,

Still don't know why i'm going as i been told i'm not entitled, i've noticed others are getting benefits before they had a medical, (which i did last year) but how come i'm not this time, how can they decide im not entitled when they havnt seen me, my notes were same as last year and i got given money.
Anyone know what other benefits i could claim,