View Full Version : Hangovers

10-05-11, 16:20
Hi all!

Hope folks are getting on okay, just a wee question.

Does anyone else get horrific hangovers? It's really strange, I'm only 21, but since my anxiety kicked in about 8 months ago, I suddenly started getting awful hangovers! I wake up after a night of boozing, feel fine, but after a few hours of being awake I start getting worse and worse, until the late afternoon where I'm so ill I can't do anything!
And the other strange thing is, this happens regardless of how much I drink, whether it being one pint or nine.

Anyway, just curious as to see if anyone else gets rubbish hangovers!


10-05-11, 17:55
Might be any meds your on not agreeing with the beer ?

I don,t get hangovers really , just feel a little tired later in the day .

11-05-11, 03:23
Alcohol generally doesn't agree with sufferers of psychological disorders. And are you taking medication? A lot of medications interact badly with alcohol, and if you are drinking to the point that you are having a hangover it might be dangerous depending on the medication you take.

I'm 20, and I used to party hard, but I haven't had a drnk for about a year. And believe me, it does wonders for your mental health and physical health!

11-05-11, 11:42
I feel really unwell the next day even if I have only had a glass of wine. I rarely drink now because it does me no favours.

11-05-11, 12:29
I'm on zero meds! I nearly went on them, until CBT seemed to agree with me fantastically.
It's just a pain. I have had Glandular Fever recently, and I do seem to have some Post Viral stuff going on...I have cut down dramatically, booze wise, but I do still have probably one night a week where I let my hair down.
No one but myself to blame, however!