View Full Version : It's back...

01-05-11, 05:26
I went a long time with only a few panic attacks here and there. But I've been in an intense panic state lately. The past day or two has been especially bad. There are a bunch of pre-disposing things but although I know that is what caused it, I can't seem to get it to stop. :(

-I've been changing shifts- from night to day- recently and my sleep is all messed up.

-I tried weaning slowly off my lexapro and that most definitely was a bad idea. I started taking it daily again, full dose.

I woke up tonight after sleeping an hour and was in a panic, I feel so anxious and squirmy. The worst feeling is the wait, waiting for it to end, waiting for the meds to work. :(

Its hard to envision the end of these feelings but I have gone through this a few times and know that it will end. Anyone else with these experiences? Please share.

01-05-11, 06:05
Hi....I too go for a long time and feel great, then get a few days where it just feels like hell. I spend so much time talking myself down and just trying to get through the attacks. After a day or two, I am back to being o.k. and can go for months where I am fine

02-05-11, 14:58
I'm always worse when going through stressful changes. Only thing you can really do is try to reduce stress where possible so that you can cope better. In your situation you probably can't alter changes to work shifts, so that is going to affect your sleep, but you could decide to make no changes to your medication until you feel more settled into work/sleep patterns or any other changes. If you are still keen to come off the Lexapro you would be better off trying when you don't have other stressful changes going on in your life.


02-05-11, 23:01
I agree - change your meds only after you feel settled enough.
You need rest so even a change in routine can upset your system...it'll settle soon enough.
I hate waking up with panic - it's the worst 'cos your so off-guard and have to pull yourself around consciously to realise what's happening.
You'll be okay! Hope you feel better soon!

03-05-11, 05:43
I know EXACTLY what you are going through...January 24th started a 2 week panic marathon. It began after a very long night of drinking when I woke up at 5:30 am (I went to sleep at 3:30 and had been drinking since 2:30 pm the day before) with extreme panic because my heart was racing so fast trying to process the alcohol. It didn't end for over 2 weeks and I tried Celexa and Zoloft...but both made me feel "buzzed" and I couldn't sleep.

It wasn't until my mom put on me on a strict diet of NO sugar, NO caffeine, NO MSG, NO processed foods (I was eating these for all meals to help lose weight), and NO alcohol that I began to feel better. When that all changed I was able to sleep (I had been getting maybe 4 hours per night) and all together it subsided.

Then when I reincorporated my exercise regimen, it got even better. Now I have them once in a while, but with diet and exercise I have been off paxil for a long time. Now, do NOT go off your med...I am not saying that, but look at what you are eating and try to get at least 30 minutes a day of exercise. It enhances your seratonin production which makes you feel calm/happy and helps you sleep better. I also use chamomille tea when it's really bad with herbal supplements.

I completely sympathize. The other thing that seems to help me when I am in a "binge panic" is writing other people about what I am feeling...we are here for that so just write us and tell us anytime it happens and what is happening, what you're feeling, and how you're progressing. :bighug1:It acts as a distraction for me and makes me feel less alone.

Hang in there...:)

03-05-11, 09:31
Thanks all for the replies, it does really help to know I am not alone!!
All your comments have helped so much, and pikaver it does seem to help when I take a walk. Ive been trying to do that lately. Thanks :)

03-05-11, 10:10
Hi Laura , i can sympathise with you on that one , i have not had one for ages ....and i have just had a big panic attack now for some reason? I too work mixed shifts on a weekly basis , and i know how much that can mess up our body clocks , I am trying to do everything as instructed to help myself , but sometimes its easier said than done ! This site is an absolute god send to me , i always thought that not many people suffered , until i came accross nmp , its comforting to know there are so many people in the same boat , and that they are all willing to share experiences , and make us realize we are not alone .

paula lynne
03-05-11, 11:31
Hi Laura, I hope youre feeling better now, and that you are getting better quality sleep. It really messes with anxiety and panic. You are not alone.x
Maybe try a soothing cd at bedtime, and warm milk is great as it contains tryptophan which is sleep inducing.....and should help you stay asleep too. Best wishes, Paula x

04-05-11, 11:56
hey ive been having panic attacks for the past 10 years, its a horrible feeling, mine r back again, ive been feeling really unwell due to me having back problems, i keep thinking the worst all the time like something really bad is gonna happen to me, i wish it wud go away, how u feeling now,:)

16-09-11, 14:59
Hey Dreamer,

I know how you feel.... I've been taking Lexapro for over a year now...10mg... It was hell the 1st few weeks but improved more and more as time went on.... to were I felt pretty much totally normal again and able to function like old... Met a nice girl and decided it was time to wean myself off of them about a week ago... Was away with her last weekend in Paris and had a great time.... But drank loads.... I've been a mess since Monday... It usually takes me a day or two to get right after drinking but it's been nearly a week and I feel panic'd and depressed.... It's been ages since I felt like this and I've forgot just how bad it is.... I think it might be the combination of loads of drink and going down to 5mg.... Whatever it is it has me scaried... Its like the start again were I can feel the meds in me but not working yet....
I hope your feeling a bit better now but if not I think you will soon.... I'm hoping I will too..
Take care...