View Full Version : Super anxious after travel vaccines

29-04-11, 11:47
Hi there,

I had some vaccines today for an upcoming trip.
Twinrix for Hep A and B and an oral suspension for cholera.

I now feel sick and have a stiff neck and of course I am anxious and freaking out about it.

I guess I'm just looking for some (more) reassurance!:blush:

29-04-11, 12:58
well if you were having a reaction or something it would be a lot worse then just a stiff neck and feeling sick. my guess is that you are paying too much attention and analyzing every feeling you are getting in your body since you got the shots and you are afraid of a reaction of some sort (i do it every time i take a new med).

while its possible the vaccines could make you feel a little sick, it probably wouldn't be that soon and its nothing to worry about.

As for the stiff neck, when we get anxious and our fight or flight starts to kick in our bodies tend to tense up, because we are putting your body on alert to protect from danger. the muscles in the back of the neck are some of the first that we tighten up which leads to a stiff neck and sometimes even chest pain. if you can get someone to rub the back of your neck that might really help.

either way long story short the symptoms you are having are coming from you worrying about the vaccines and not the actual vaccine its self