View Full Version : Tightness in left temple

20-04-11, 17:28
Hi, for the past few days i keep getting a tight feeling in my left temple that lasts about 10 seconds. It comes and goes but it's beginning to freak me out. I'm worried its the onset of a stroke!

Has anyone else had this??

20-04-11, 17:43
Yes, I've had that for years and never thought anything of it. It feels a bit like when you have had sunburn and the skin goes tight (but without the soreness). Except, like you say, it only lasts a few seconds.

FWIT, I don't think strokes have 'onsets'. I think they happen and then you most definitely know about them. (I could be wrong, but that's my understanding of it).

20-04-11, 17:54
Do you know why it happens? what has your doctor said? it's really scaring me! I want to google but i know i'll only make the panic worse!

21-04-11, 11:30
Sorry, no idea why it happens. I've never mentioned it to my doctor, like I said, it doesn't really bother me.

Don't google! You're bound to find it's a symptom of whatever it is you're worried about at the moment :-).

Does yours feel like what I described? If it does then you don't need to worry about it - I never have.

21-04-11, 11:40
yea, it's exactly like you've described! I feel like i'm waiting for it to happen again and it's making me really anxious! i'm trying to just distract myself so i don't think about it! my head feels really fuzzy today though and i just don't feel right. It's probably because i'm already anxious but it's making me panic a bit! it's a viscous circle that i'd love to find my way out of!

21-04-11, 11:42
and i've also got a rash on my legs which is really worrying me too!