View Full Version : feeling a bit unsettled

14-04-11, 22:57
The past few months have just been a bit strange for me. Had loads to do and going on too much in fact. I have now moved which after the stress is better living here than where i was before, still a bit strange and geting used to it and new surroundings. I have had loads of studying to do which has really stressed me out big time and still is am very anxious and panicking about an exam i have to do!!

On top of all this i have hurt my foot which still hurts and is swollen and bruised.
I also know i need to go to the GP and get something checked out, but i hate doctors and am so scared that i havent been able to do this yet, so battling with myself about this.

Work is hard a stressful on top of all this am so tired, run down and getting myself in a bit of a state and kind of feel like im not with it or really here!!!

14-04-11, 23:04
Sounds like you are coping better than you believe... just moving is one of the top most stressful events so don't be too hard on yourself...

Try to make some chill time for yourself ... even if only half an hour a day.. try and switch off from everything..

Sorry to hear about your foot... are you taking anything to ease the pain or putting anything on it to ease the bruising... try putting your feet up now the move is done... it might be nice to stretch out and study sometimes ...good luck