View Full Version : stressed out

10-04-11, 04:02
hi all
god what a fortnight!
21st march; phoned by manager at work asking when she could come and talk to me, i'd heard rumours we were being closed down so i asked her outright, she said ''i cant say'' but asked me when i was next on duty, and she would come and speak to me, she didnt
friday 25th march i was phoned at home [my day off] by my good friend and co worker who works in same dept, to say we were closing the following week and that our esteemed manager was doing her best to redeploy us!
fri 25th march [night] spent in minor injuries after slicing my hand on kitchen implement, accidental!!
sat 26th march, waiting with my mum for taxi home after trip to town, she has a funny turn outside library, speech gone, taken to A&E to be told [as i suspected] that she'd had a stroke!
monday 28th march, to hospital with mum to have a ct scan
took week off work, got shouted at by manager for phoning human resources to see what carers leave i'd be entitled to, despite trying to contact her repeatedly and her not answering pager!, she said she wasnt pleased that i'd contacted HR beforre her and i explainedtit that i HAD been trying to contact her and her reply? ''well youve got me now;;
basically her take is i've had more than enough leave to look after my mother [never mind that she's half blind from macular degeneration, diabetic and frail to boot!]
i fond her attitude uncaring and intimidating to say the least but anywya, my mother comes first so i took the week off to look after her,
1st april, our department closed but no offers of redeployment, our manager goes on holiday
4th april, i go into work with colleague and while waiting for our union rep to contact us, we decide that we need to take time to wait for advice, my colleague and i are hauled in again the next day to meet with senior management, are told its ''in our interests to attend" and my colleague is basically told on the phone that we are in breach of our employment contract by our decision to wait for union advice before we make any further decisions! never mind that the organisation we work for has failed outright to follow any semblance of redeployment procedure!!!! grrr you can imagine how stressed and angry we are at this point!
we are basically told we will be "slotted into the organisation somewhere"!!! and will not be made redundant

now two weeks later, i am going to work tomorrow to work with our senior line manager as our immediate manager is still on hols
i've decided that enoguh is enough and i have my eye on a much less taxing job in the same organisation, the only thing is its at a lower pay scale, which i can cope with, its a job i can switch off from at hte end of the day and i'm hopeful i can negotiate a move into the top layer of that particular pay scale....i'm meeting with HR tomorrow
in the meantime, our union rep is away!!!!

the best news is that my mum is much better, one ray of sunshine in a very very stressful fortnight

you can imagine what impact this has had on my anxiety and our stress levels!! [mum and me] i know that ive been bringing my workplace stress home and i feel really bad,knowing that that could have contributed to this recent event with mum.
thanks for letting me let off steam, any advice and feedback welcome also virtual hugs, ta xx

10-04-11, 04:10
Hi, I just read your thread and even though the last fortnight was tough you still managed to find positives. Wish i could at the moment !! Hope things improve jobwise and here's plenty of :hugs:to keep you going !!

10-04-11, 04:26
Hi, I just read your thread and even though the last fortnight was tough you still managed to find positives. Wish i could at the moment !! Hope things improve jobwise and here's plenty of :hugs:to keep you going !!

aww thanks cassie, i try to honestly, lol
i tell myself if i didnt laugh i'd cry and that would only make me and mum feel worse
yesterday i managed somehow to put my t shirt on inside out and back to front...had to laugh about it to be honest but i had no idea at the time! just didnt look i guess!
things can only get better i hope!:)

hope things improve for you too xx

16-04-11, 04:03
update; got 4 weeks try out in a different area at work and going for some related training next week, no guarantee of a job at the end but i think it will do nicely and hope to get new contract after trial ends...fingers crossed! its a job i can easily switch off from i think, which is a huge thing for mel s

home front, mum is much better:) follow up at stroke clinic in may..

still stressing a bit as my future uncertain but am hoping if i work hard and keep head down it will pay off..

02-05-11, 04:39
find out this week i hope if job is going to be permanent or not! fingers crossed that it is as I really like it, positive thoughts, if they're sending me on all this training hope that's a good omen!
hope everyone ok xx

28-05-11, 05:16
got the job!!:D
its v busy and lots to learn, anxiety levels up a fair bit, probably as i'm new to it all and trying to please, feel like im doing and saying lots of stupid things at times and worried that they may think 'uh oh she's not right, lets move her on' but on the up side i do know the ropes more or less, just need to get up to speed!!!!! am sure its just the anxiety and paranoia and my general impatience to get everything off pat at once!!!
have been moved around a bit to cover illness in other depts, next week im covering reception in another area, just hope the boss doesnt think im struggling too much, he said he was giving me a break for a day or two, i dont want him thinking im not up to scratch!!
i do like the job, im sure its beginners nerves!!