View Full Version : Feeling strange

02-04-11, 21:26
Hi after much umming and arring decided to increase paroxetine by 5 mg from 10. Feeling bit odd!like I'm on the edge of losing control.... If I've been on this dose and higher before for anxiety then chances are it'll settle down soon ?? Right?? Only been doing it 2 days!!!! Help

02-04-11, 21:31
Hi Allanabea

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-04-11, 21:56

Sounds familiar. I experienced same thing when i increaseed dose in past. Try not to panic, do something that calms you down and it'll pass. Your body needs to get used to increase of meds, even if you have taken higher dose in past. if you dont feel better in couple of days go see your doc, just to put your mind at rest.

03-04-11, 16:07

I agree with Pia...give it time and it should settle...time is the essence with these meds.

Take care and feel better soon.


03-04-11, 16:40

thanks. Was feeling better today til about an hour ago. Seems to be getting later in the day and taking tablets at same time. I am starting to get stressed about school run tomorrow so maybe it's just that!!! Who knows?!