View Full Version : Hi everyone & CBT

28-03-11, 15:05
hi everyone

I'm anxious_girl, mid 30s, Southern girl. Been suffering from anxiety for about six years now, had it under control until recently had a massive relapse so to speak.

Anyway, I'm due to have my first bout of CBT soon and I wondered if anyone else has had this and can tell me what to expect?


28-03-11, 15:06
Hi anxious_girl

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-03-11, 15:28
CBT really helped me alot. I didn't want to take meds so I tried CBT. At first I thought it was a waste of time then one day it clicked! It gives u a whole new way of thinking. It's not for everyone but if you really get into it, it will help. It's defiantly helped me control some of my thoughts. Good luck with it :)

30-03-11, 19:15
what is it like? what kind of questions do they ask you? I'm so so so anxious about it that today I kept jumping at everything and smashed a load of glasses :S

02-04-11, 00:51
I just started CBT a few weeks ago. Its pretty practical. It challenges you to do things that are a problem. My first session I gave an example of my problem, and she set it out with a meaning, what it causes me to do/not do ect. Then she dived into the meaning, trying to make me see it in a different way, so I can maybe change it. I personaly went into CBT knowing nothing. I think that might be a good idea tbh, clear head, go in and see what happens.

The first session is obviously a hell of alot of questions, but after that ive felt like changing my thought process has become abit of a project, with stuff on paper, notes and such.

Im probably not explaining very well, but good luck and dont worry about it too much.