View Full Version : burning :(

23-03-11, 18:32
hi guys.
its strange but all of a sudden i get a burning sensation on my knees and it goes red .. its the only thing thats worrying me at the minute as iv had a good few days and been able to ignore my other symptoms i.e aches and pains.. does anyone else get this burning anywhere? id like to know if its just another anxiety symptom so i dont have to go to the docs as iv kept away for 6 days now :) and thats good for me lol x

23-03-11, 18:40
Hi Holly,my knees get hot and feel they should be red but their not,my feet get hot and red though,if im walking,i was walking home from seeing my shrink today and my feet were buring hot and toes were red when i got home,my knees were burning,i could feel the heat through my leggings but they werent red..my hips get sore and achey..im totally a nervous wreck at the moment,im having too many aches and pains.x

23-03-11, 18:52
hi sandy thanks chick .. mine arent always red but they defineatley burn,, and my feet too but i think maybe theyve always done that and maybe my knees have too but i never noticed? or just nasty anxiety again :( .. my hips get sore too in fact i get sore any where mainly top of my arms near my armpit where my bra stop goes so i started not wearin a bra in the house but it still happend so yet again anxiety? you get the same things as me so i think its safe to say its anxiety .. what are your aches and pains like? because some days mine are almost too much to even think about ignorein them xx

23-03-11, 19:01
Hiya,my aches and pains are bad..heres the list..lower backache/knees/inner side of feet/hips/upper rib area front and bad feel tight/shoulder blades are sore and tight/underarms are sore and ache...im losing it completely as everyone says its stress but i dont believe them..i dont wear a bra in the house either but it doesnt help..i cant ignore then as they are so sore..my stomach is tight as well..blimey what a list.x

23-03-11, 19:44
ohh dear bless you .. ill tell you the ones that scare me the most .. i get painfull muscle aches EVERYWHERE just randomly and they move.. i get them in my forarms my knees my carfs top of my arms my wrists,neck all over its not like a constant ache its just in one muscle and it really hurts me :( .. amougst other things! none of them are nice .. i can tell you that they are anxiety because i now beleive they are where as before i didnt beleive a word anyone said when they said it was just anxiety .. my body has changed in many ways while iv had this anxiety you consentrate on things that before you wouldnt of noticed.. but i know its scarey i get scared mostly at night :( i hope your ok chick? xx