View Full Version : Abdominal Pain, Burping - scared

03-03-11, 20:40

I've not been on for a while as been coping pretty well with the HA I have had for the past 7 or so years. Weirdly I seem to get struck done by sinister symptoms when I am feeling what I think is stress-free, happy etc. My current issue is a new one for me and scaring me silly - I keep telling myself it could just be anxiety but get that nagging little voice that says it isn't.

Anyway, basically I started with a little bit of heartburn for a day or so that went and was replaced by burping. These little burps start within minutes of me getting up and happen throughout the day whether before or after eating or not. I stopped any fizzy drinks, wine, fruit juice etc and limited sweet stuff and spicy. After a week I went to the drs and have omeprazole (sp). He told me to come back in 4 weeks for further tests if it does not stop...well one week in and no change at all. Although when I went to drs I also had a pain in lower right abdomen/hip which I though I had pulled a muscle twisting. I had also just started period so thought may have been that. Dr had quick press of stomach but I felt uncomfortable pressure all over rather than pain. Since then (and since taking tabs I guess) my abdomen pain is worse. I have bubbling feeling (almost like when pregnant and feel baby move), and mostly a dull ache with occasional cramping spasms. I have more flatulence that usual, have felt a pulse in my abdomen at times and have been to toilet more often. 2 or 3 times a day rather than once and slightly looser (sorry tmi). Also feels like not been fully and need wee more and feel bloated and fuller.

Rational, hopeful bit wonders if could be anxiety and I just have a pulled muscle but other parts of me think liver cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, liver disease, pancreatitis.

I am so scared, hate the crippling anxiety. I love my little girl so much and I am terrified of getting something terminal and leaving her. I plan to go back to drs in a couple of weeks but scared of endoscopy or colonoscopy and also what they may find :(

Has anyone experienced my symptoms and been ok. I am trying to keep busy and am going to work etc but break down in tolilets several times a day and in the mornings struggle as just want to stay safe in bed if that makes sense.

Sorry for going on - once I get started!!!


03-03-11, 20:48

A lot of your symptoms sound like IBS to me. Perhaps you could look through some of the threads on IBS and see if you recognise the symptoms?

Hope you feel better soon
K xx

03-03-11, 23:30

I've not been on for a while as been coping pretty well with the HA I have had for the past 7 or so years. Weirdly I seem to get struck done by sinister symptoms when I am feeling what I think is stress-free, happy etc. My current issue is a new one for me and scaring me silly - I keep telling myself it could just be anxiety but get that nagging little voice that says it isn't.

Anyway, basically I started with a little bit of heartburn for a day or so that went and was replaced by burping. These little burps start within minutes of me getting up and happen throughout the day whether before or after eating or not. I stopped any fizzy drinks, wine, fruit juice etc and limited sweet stuff and spicy. After a week I went to the drs and have omeprazole (sp). He told me to come back in 4 weeks for further tests if it does not stop...well one week in and no change at all. Although when I went to drs I also had a pain in lower right abdomen/hip which I though I had pulled a muscle twisting. I had also just started period so thought may have been that. Dr had quick press of stomach but I felt uncomfortable pressure all over rather than pain. Since then (and since taking tabs I guess) my abdomen pain is worse. I have bubbling feeling (almost like when pregnant and feel baby move), and mostly a dull ache with occasional cramping spasms. I have more flatulence that usual, have felt a pulse in my abdomen at times and have been to toilet more often. 2 or 3 times a day rather than once and slightly looser (sorry tmi). Also feels like not been fully and need wee more and feel bloated and fuller.

Rational, hopeful bit wonders if could be anxiety and I just have a pulled muscle but other parts of me think liver cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, liver disease, pancreatitis.

I am so scared, hate the crippling anxiety. I love my little girl so much and I am terrified of getting something terminal and leaving her. I plan to go back to drs in a couple of weeks but scared of endoscopy or colonoscopy and also what they may find :(

Has anyone experienced my symptoms and been ok. I am trying to keep busy and am going to work etc but break down in tolilets several times a day and in the mornings struggle as just want to stay safe in bed if that makes sense.

Sorry for going on - once I get started!!!


I get or have had all of thouse symptoms . The loose stools and frequent weeing i get with ibs .
The stomach cramps and heartburn and indegestion are caused by excess acid /anxiety . I was on the same meds and they take weeks to kick in as they are a ppi acid drug and not instant relief .
I,ve discussed all this with my doc today (ive had it since November) and she says i don,t need an endoscopy as its my anxiety that kicks it off .
After a month on the meds they might just change them , i refused an endo off another doctor previuosly and mine is getting better but it took three months !
If you want to pm feel free , i,m no expert but can relate to everything you have posted and know abit about the meds for acid stomach.

Its Anxiety / IBS / and over acidity of the stomach , all made 100 times worse with the dreaded HA !
I can actually now make my stomach burn within 10 minutes and spasm and gurgle by getting anxious and need to leg it to the loo !
I also get the not emptied my bowels fully feelings even thou i,ve just been and feel bloated and full up after a small meal .

Great innit !!:scared15::D

04-03-11, 06:42
One thing to consider is that Omeprazole is a slow release drug and will therefore take a good two weeks for it to start any beneficial effect if taken regularly. In other words it won't get rid of any burning withing 10 minutes.

Normally, I find it OK to drink and eat some things on some days but then I will be in agony if I have these on other days.

Abdominal discomfort is near enough more than likey always linked to Gastric/ IBS/Stress/Anxiety.

Have no fear as regards an Endos/Colnoscopy, as the worlds biggest wimp, I assure you there is nothing to worry about.


04-03-11, 15:26
Thanks so much everyone for your replies - they really help. Thanks for info on the Omeprazole Horse. Do you still take it? Dr said go back if still have symptoms in 4 weeks, although tempted to go back in 2 if still have the abdominal pain. I hate this anxiety as never know whether the symptoms are something or just anxiety. The weirdest symptom is the fluttery feeling in my tummy - honestly feels like something in there!!.Could this be trapped wind? - def more windy than usual (first thing in morn and at night). Hoping the adbominal/hip pain is a pulled muscle - not sure how long that would take to stop hurting.

The reassurance on tests helps too - although anxiety for that is two-fold, the procedure itself and then what they might find. Would they tell you the same day?

Looking at the IBS Stuff it does sound like my symptoms are similar Kah. Mel I'll def like to pm you if ok? Have a hectic weekend coming up so may take me a little while to get minute to my self though.

thanks everyone xxx

04-03-11, 18:29
Yes, still on Omeprazole. Take one 20mg in morning but I suffer with inflammation so occasionally I may pop another at night.

A word of caution though, Omeprazole can have wind as a side effect, which in turn causes more discomfort of course. There again, not everyone will suffer from the side effects. Just bare it in mind though.


04-03-11, 19:46
It sounds likes IBS, but it's interesting that the wind/gurgling started since taking the Omeprazole. Omeprazole side effects include increased wind and flatulence; also diarrhoea or constipation and nausea. Obviously not everyone gets these side effects, but I personally did. In the end I couldn't tell the difference between the gastritis and the meds side effects!

04-03-11, 20:05
Yes, still on Omeprazole. Take one 20mg in morning but I suffer with inflammation so occasionally I may pop another at night.

A word of caution though, Omeprazole can have wind as a side effect, which in turn causes more discomfort of course. There again, not everyone will suffer from the side effects. Just bare it in mind though.


Hi Mate

I,ve wondered for a while if ppi,s suit me . I was on omeprazole at first for 2 weeks , when i started i had NO HEARTBURN OR STOMACH PROBLEMS i was given them for suspected silent reflux . My burning and gurgling started 1 or 2 days after starting them so they changed them to lazoprazole 30 mg and i,m also on 2x 150 mg of ranitidine . I,m beginning to wonder if my lump in the back feeling is trapped wind from the lanzoprazle ? When you say wind mate , from which end :blush:..lol..

05-03-11, 09:41
Well, sadly the wind appears not to move and is always trapped. However, when it does decide to move (which can take days) it normally waves goodbye from the southern exit, which is great for getting a seat to yourself on the bus!

05-03-11, 10:26

Thanks for the reply ! I might stop takeing the lanzo and just have the ranitidine to see how i go , i burp alot and feel like i,ve air stuck in my chest .
I,ve read about this "acid rebound" when you stop takeing these as in the burning comes straight back so don,t know what to do . My doc said i could try not haveing them but i forgot to ask about acid rebound

05-03-11, 10:34
I have had the above symptoms for about a month now, and wish I had read all this before my dr sent me to hospital!
Had xrays done, and ultrasound to rule out anything major, both all clear. I'm on a waiting list for the endoscope (possibly 2 weeks!), though the dr feels it will be normal as well.

I was started on a ppi, and relieved to read above that they take a while to kick in, as I didn't feel they were doing much (on them about 4 days now).

I was also given peppermint oil (Colpermin), which is available over the counter. You take it half an hour to an hour before meals, and it settles the bloating and cramping very well. I'd highly recommend trying it, it provides immediate relief for IBS symptoms.
Still burping, but the other symptoms have pretty much settled with the peppermint capsules.

I was losing weight too fast as I had no appetite and more or less avoided food to avoid the symptoms, now I am finding it hard to get back into normal eating habits. Small portions all through the day seems to be working,at least I'm not losing any more weight now.
After the few days in a hospital bed I find my fitness level has dropped to zero, and even walking to the corner-shop has my heart racing, which in turn triggers my anxiety. Much as I know, when I am not anxious, that the racing heart is normal as I haven't exercised since prety much the beginning of the month, how do I make myself believe it when it's happening?

05-03-11, 13:24
I did stop taking Omeprazole for about a week and never felt better. All the discomfort disappeared, but then after a week I had the acid burning return and therefore went back on them daily. I fear that the discomfort is more than likely due to the Omep side efects.

05-03-11, 13:33
Thanks for the reply mate

I think i,ll stop takeing them from monday and see how i go on , i,ve got the ranitidine as a back up .If the acid kicks off again i can always start takeing them again , its got to be worth a try .