View Full Version : new here but desperately need help with health anxiety - do I have a brain tumor?

27-02-11, 11:30
hi there,

I could desperatly do with some advice/help over my crippling health anxiety following a migraine aura but am convinced I have a brain tumor.

5 months ago I experienced a sudden sharp throbbing headache at the back of both sides of my head and my hearing went distorted. It only lasted all of ten seconds. I had the same thing the following day but this time I noticed my arm went numb and my coordintation was out of sync. again lasted all of ten to twenty seconds. The following day I had the same thing again but this time I had to lie down quickly or I would have fell down.

After this passed I had what you would call a classic migraine aura - zig zag lines in front of my eyes, creeping numbness in both arms, up to my face which caused slurred speech and numbness in my calves. This all lasted about 20 mins and I was rushed to hospital and after numerous neurological tests and a stay overnight was diagnosed with probable migraine. I had no headache following this episode.

The bit Im struggling with is that I am 32, have never knowingly suffered from migraines, and cant find anything similar online or anyone that has had a similar experience with the short sharp headaches before the aura so have convinced myself I have a brain tumor. I was taking a lot of painkillers prior to this happening for a kidney infection so could this have caused it. Also it took me about a month to feel normal again. I am crippled with health anxiety since this happened and is affecting my everyday life as it was such a shock to the system. I cant think of anything else but I am terrified to take it further. The hospital docs said if i have it again to be followed up through the acute clinic but no mention of needing to follow it up or anything.

please help - anyone had anything similar or what are your thoughts :weep:

27-02-11, 11:32
Hi zo3096

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-02-11, 12:29
Thank diane07.

Does anyone have any advice?

27-02-11, 12:45
hi n welcome

i have allsorts hun...its most probs those dreaded anxiety symptoms again xx

Vanilla Sky
27-02-11, 15:22
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

27-02-11, 16:11
hello Zo:)

this happened 5 months ago my love ............if it had been tumour believe me you would have had a progression of symptoms by now .
it is awful and so scary and I empathise with the numbness and aura stuff .
had similar myself and it was put down to trapped nerve in my neck ......spots before eyes the lot . Even now if I sleep in wrong position it triggers all sorts of weird and frightening feelings . And it can be migraine of course it can.

you were tested ......so now put these awful fears into a box and send them into oblivion eh?
I do understand how scared you feel Zo.............anxiety magnifies every thing .
if still unsure go and talk to gp .......he will talk you through the tests done .
and dont go to Dr Google !!
dont fret eh? xxx

27-02-11, 16:26
Thanks for the reply. Thats what I keep telling myself that it was over 5 months ago and I had the neurology tests which I passed with flying colours so am ok but its hard to accept as I havent had a mri or brain scan which they offered to do but i was too scared - silly eh?

It didnt help that I had a breast cancer scare over christmas too (which turned out to be a large group of cysts thank goodness) and a burst blood vessel in my arm from a blood test at the hospital which caused extreme pain and numbness in my arm for three months - all this has sent my mind haywire.

I am having counselling fotnightly but I cant get the nagging doubt out of my mind especially as I can't find anyone with a similar story. Im hoping that by talking it out on here it will help me put things in perspective.

03-03-11, 20:20
Anyone else had a similar experience?