View Full Version : electric shock feeling at night x

19-02-11, 10:35
just wonderd if anyone can offer some late or advice on something for me.
i seen to be getting my anxieties under control until night time. when I'm trying to fall to sleep it feels like i have got electricity going through my body. my body will tingle all over. this has happened a couple of times. while its their i will be getting palpitations.
twice in the part week as I'm just asleep i wake with zaps and go straight into a panic atta. last night i woke screamed and started to panic but managed km pull my self together and get back in bed.

its starting to cause massive problems as i don't get any sleep. and today woke with massive stiff pain in my chest. which I'm assuming is just muscle tension x

19-02-11, 11:01
Tingling and palpitations is normal with anxiety. I used to beware of my breathing all the time and get tingly along with palps. Don't know what else to say other than feel better soon

19-02-11, 11:18
aww thank you.
i just didn't no what it was cos it lik jolts me awake like a zap and i panic its freeky
was scared if it kept happening could it cause a problem with my heart cos its like some one puts a electric rod at me x

19-02-11, 11:37
aww thank you.
i just didn't no what it was cos it lik jolts me awake like a zap and i panic its freeky
was scared if it kept happening could it cause a problem with my heart cos its like some one puts a electric rod at me x

19-02-11, 20:09
I have been posting for months on and off about getting a horrible shock falling sensation just as I am dropping off to sleep at night. I also get a huge tingling sensation shooting through my body at same time and have had many many completely sleepless nights because of it.

It may help you to know that so far I have been tested and had ruled out an adrenal tumour,a brain mri was fine, 24hr ecg was nothing harmful ( usual ectopics).

My Dr thinks its anxiety thing or could be a sleep disorder that affects you in that state between awake and asleep.

I can truly sympathise as it is a horrible scary sensation - I feel as if I have fallen down a lift shaft, sometimes it makes me jolt as in my head jerks and on bad nights it happens every few minutes all night until I think I am losing my mind!

If you want to pm me we can talk more.

19-02-11, 20:32
its the fact that i wake in a panic attack that i can't cope with x
its like i wake in a panic attack its scary i sang the doctor out of hours and disbursed it with him and in said he knew what i was on about and put it down to my anxious thinking at night and my caffine intake x