View Full Version : Not convinced this is IBS anymore.

15-02-11, 17:47
Im just sure theres something more going on than just IBS.

The bouts of diarreah used to be once a couple of months, then it went to monthly, then 3 weekly, now its fornightly (the symptoms are now daily, Im talking about the main episodes of intense cramps, nausea, running to the loo etc).
It all starts with really smelly wind, gurgling after food, general nausea and fatigue with back pain, resulting in an evening of running to the loo, cramps, slight fever when Im on the toilet, and then feeling more sick and drained at the end of it, and with a tender stomach. It all takes a few days to recover from too.

Id get a few good days here and there, but now Im just drained ALL the time .

I feel sick daily too.

The pain in my stomach is now a constant. The last two days the pain has been even worse after eating.

I stopped eating diary (lactose intolerant), that seemed to help for a while.
Then I cut back on potatoes, that helped a little.
Ive cut out fatty foods, spicy foods..
Now Ive cut out wheat, but that only helps (sorry, tmi) firm up my poos and makes them feel complete.. The rest, the bouts of diareah and pain etc, its had no effect on that.
I just wonder what else I will have to cut out!?!?

Im just fearful of how often this happens now, how its gone from being once a few months, to being fortnightly.. Im convinced its just going to become a daily thing.
Im just convinced this is just the start of crohns. :weep:

Ive had all tests bar CT, MRI and a lower endoscopy. I mentioned the chrons at an ultrasound a few years back, and the specialist said there was no inflammation or anything to indicate crohns, but Im 99% sure it can ONLY be properly diagnosed with a camera. They basically thought it was pointless doing anymore tests and started looking at my anxiety being the cause, I dont feel it is.

All this though, these symptoms becoming more frequent. Im convinced its something horrible and its just adding to my anxiety.

Does anyone else feel its more than IBS, or can relate to these symptoms? - its driving me mad :(

15-02-11, 18:08
I have Crohn's disease and it was diagnosed in a roundabout way.....

I kept getting bleeding piles because I was on the loo every day. The docs said it was anxiety like with you.

I had private health care so went to see a specialist who examined me and took some biopsies.

He said my lower bowel was really red and inflammed.

I then went on to have a flexible sigmoidoscopy and they confirmed it was Crohn's.

I do have IBS as well and the two can be confused with each other at times.

E.G. I had a curry at the weekend and have been suffering ever since with bad pains and frequent loo trips but I think it is more the IBS playing up than the Crohn's.

I have been told that they now have a new test to check whether my Crohn's is "active" or not and that involves a stool sample.

Maybe you could ask your doctor if you could have this test so you can be sure?

15-02-11, 18:27
If you have inflammation it would show up on a blood test .Ask the Dr for one .It doesnt necessarily mean Chrohns as there are other things it could be .For your own peace of mind it needs investigating .Avoid all the foods in the list on the IBS PAGE for now .It can be a matter of a time consuming elimination process if its IBS ,but once you identify the foods that are aggravating it you willl have to avoid them .Hope you get it sorted soon .t/c Sue x

16-02-11, 10:46
Yes, I can relate to this.

Although I don't suffer with the diarrhoea, mine can be constipation.

However, what was occasional has now become daily as far as stomach discomfort is concerned. Like you I have had all the tests, endoscopies, bloods, scans, urine, x-rays, and colonoscopy only to discover nothing!
Good news I know but that doesn't take away the symptoms does it?

I agree that it is hard to think that IBS can cause all this and as sufferers we always will think that we are an exception and that the doctors diagnosis is wrong.

I don't know what the answer is. It has now affected my life on a daily basis and is very hard to do anything when in pain.

I think that the root of the problem is more than likely deep anxiety and therefore is only going to be cured by completely changing the way we think, behave and our outlook on things in general. As sufferers, probably 90% of us will be worriers, panic inflicted and nervous on a daily basis over one thing or another. We worry if there's nothing to worry about and in my opinion, the reason we are like this is because of our past events, upsets and/or traumas over the years!

Therefore, I believe we need to 'reprogramme' ourselves or our minds at least, to be less like the way we are today. Not easy I know and it won't and can't happen overnight but I think in time if we can do that then we may begin to see a change in our suffering.

Easier to say than do I know, but I bet money that it would work!


23-02-11, 10:46
hi sorry to hear about your troubles, you have probably been tested already but is there any chance you could have coeliac disease? I had the symptoms you describe - lots of wind (really stinky :whistles:) stomach ache/cramps etc, going to toilet 4/5 times every day even in the middle of the night which is not normal. also i got very anaemic and serious stomach bloat.
You don't need all these symptoms to have coeliac, but if you haven't been tested I would encourage you all to ask your docs. I put it down to IBS but it was my doctor who said it can only be IBS when everything else has been ruled out.
All the best

23-02-11, 18:35
Funny enough I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease 15 years ago and therefore have to remain on a strict diet.

Point of interest here is that I was told I had IBS until I persisted and got a Endoscopy which proved Coeliac.

23-02-11, 19:28
hi horse

are you still following the gluten-free diet because if not then could this be the cause of your problems, or maybe you are eating something with gluten in without realising it?
Its very true that anxiety causes stomach problems too though and also it is possible to have ibs and coeliac at the same time.