View Full Version : Amoxcillin????

15-02-11, 00:54
Hey guys,

So I went to the docs since this nast cold/cough was causing me a tight chest and burning and he gave me 6 antibiotics than I named in the thread.

But I'm actually really terrified because ofcource they give you a high dose(500mg) and he sadi I should be fine when I'm done the cource.

I just drank the tablet but I'm scared and I don't wanna google the possible side effects. I'm gonna be ok right?:weep:

15-02-11, 01:46
Amoxcillan is one of the best antibiotics around. There are usually no side effects....Don't be scared, I have taken strong doses of this, whilst also being on sertraline, xanax and paracetemol as well as having a glass of wine! Totally safe!

15-02-11, 04:51
Thanks for your reply, you have really reassured me.

15-02-11, 06:31
Yeah amoxycillin is great. One of the only antobiotics ive taken without panicking about the side effects with! Also if you get the liquid version of it like i do, it tastes yummy haha! :-)

15-02-11, 08:02
have to agree amoxcilian is one of the only ones i will take i felt sick last time but it was my own fault because i was not dating properly x