View Full Version : Newbie

07-02-11, 14:29
Hi everyone, I stumbled across this site when googling about a work problem I have but I will post that when I find the right place to post. Ive had 'issues' since a child with depression, anxiety, OCD, low self esteem. I can only put it down to the fact my mum was diagnosed with schitzophrenia when I was 10 and dad worked away from home so I had to fend for myself as a child. I could go on but you get the picture.
Ive just turned 47, just finished CBT and trying to put it all into practise when I get anxious or in a position I cant deal with but its so easy to forget the rules.:blush:
In the last 5 years I have developed a few physical very painful illnesses which Im finding very hard to cope with. Ive managed to work through them as I cant afford time off and all the companies ive worked for didnt pay sick pay as they have been temporary contracts. (I mostly do promo work).
My husband tries to understand but hes never had depression and is as fit as a fiddle so he doesnt understand when Im having a 'bad day'.
Well thats my intro!!

07-02-11, 14:31
Hi Ann.f

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
07-02-11, 14:36
Hi Ann, welcome aboard! You'll get lots of support here, we are all here for each other. Nice to meet you x Paula :welcome:

07-02-11, 15:35
Thanks for the warm welcome. Its nice to know I have somewhere to rant when Im having a bad day and not just to my husband who usual response is he rolls his eyes to the ceiling as if to say 'here we go again'. I didnt say much in my intro as Im afraid to get the eyes glazing over response which normally happens when I go on a bit.
I suffer with short term memory loss and have 6 monthly check ups due to being worse than most, I also have to go to a memory Gym once a week at the local psychiatric hospital which is actually quite good fun. Im in a group of about 8 men, all over 65 so you can imagine the laughs we have (not). I also have plantar facciitis which Ive been in pain with in my heel for 4 years now, nothing seems to have worked, Ive had a bit of relief with ultrasound steroid injections. Last but not least is Ive just been diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia, the worst pain ever in my ear and face and ive been slowly increasing the dose of tegratol. Im up to almost the maximum Im allowed to take and being monitored to see if surgery may be an option if the pain doesnt subside on meds. Its all causing me more stress and anxiety, who would believe 5 years ago i exercised at the gym, regularly danced (jive) and was 4 stone lighter and was keeping my depression and anxiety at bay for the first time in my life then all this came along. Im trying not to feel sorry for myself, I did go through a 'why me' episode but Ive come to terms with it all, and as my CBT lady said " its not life threatening" oh thanks that made me feel a lot better!! All this and 6 months ago before the TN was diagnosed i took on a full time rep job, was i mad or what??? Im just getting to the end of my 6 month trial and Ive got a feeling they wont keep me on!

Vanilla Sky
07-02-11, 21:13
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x