View Full Version : neck and head sensation

06-02-11, 20:36
im suffering really bad anxiety at the moment and when it gets bad i get a horrible sensation in my neck and head its like a tingling tension sicky which runs up my neck into my head the feeling sometimes its just the left side or sometimes in different area - does anyone else suffer from something similar

07-02-11, 09:35
My mother suffered something very similar when she was very stressed and her anxiety was high. She also had shingles which is where it could have come from. She visited an osteopath frequently for a while which has sorted it out. Ill ask her more about it when i can.

07-02-11, 10:01
Hi, i get this normally when im very tensed or anxious, my cbt theripist said that it is caused by tensed muscles and sometimes massaging the neck can help with relief, i know this isnt always convenient to do but i do fine it helps.