View Full Version : Missing Citalopram

05-02-11, 21:44

Im just wondering if missing citalopram will hurt me, for about 2 months ive been takin citalopram 1 day missin the next takin for 3 days missing 2... its not that i dont want to take them but i always forget. when i miss citalopram i know it affects my thinking as i get more anxious, but will it hurt me physically or mentally?

Also when i take citalopram now a days i feel sick virtually straight away.

05-02-11, 22:15
Oh dear ...you cant take these like this .What you are doing is causing a yoyo effect of medication in your system .The drug leaves by half the dose you are taking in 36hours .Then you are getting withdrawals .This causes the anxiety when you take it as well, as it has to get back in your system again .You may as well not take it as it is making your Anxiety worse .If you want to take it you will HAVE to either take it with your breakfast or just before bed .Set the alarmclock to remind yourself or leave notes every where until you get into a routine .It wont harm you except its not doing any good and is causing you increased side effects like the sickness and higher Anxiety ...T/c Sue x

07-02-11, 06:52
It will cause anxiety and maybe withdraw symptoms. You're supposed to take it at the same time every day for it to have maximum effect.

That being said, I did something like that when I was starting to come off it. - Took it every 2nd day, and then once a week.