View Full Version : Health anxiety taking over again, need some reassurance please, HIV related

03-02-11, 10:29
Not really sure if I am posting in the right place and I guess I just need someone to tell me to stop worrying. I have been suffering with my health anxiety and OCD for the last few weeks. I have suffered with HIV worries for as long as I can remember. It has started again linked to a man I had a brief relationship with a couple of years again. I have been coping with it and thought I was getting through it but last night I remembered that whilst in a hotel he placed the condom on the bedside table. I removed this to the bin but didn't wipe under it. I am freaking out. I now I didn't and haven't got anything catching and I am sure he hasn't. We are still in touch and I am in no doubt something would have been said by now. So I don't really know what I am worrying about. It would have been cleaned after I left as it was a decent clean hotel. I am convinced I am in someway going to have made someone ill. I don't know who to talk to about this. I really need someone to tell me its not an issue.

Any advice would be very appreciated.