View Full Version : In hospital

24-01-11, 23:59
I got admitted to the hospital last Tues,,got a night pass as sons birthday. Im doing loads better, yes Im still getting panic attacks and got derpression, but this week Ive been loads better in the hosp.

Im back tomorrow, but hope to get a weekend pass or a day and night pass again. The ward is so different now, more to keep my mind busy, Taking the laptop with me tomorrow, so will try and keep my new friends on here ho:hugs:w im doing

25-01-11, 00:09
Hey Susan;

You just keep on plugging!

I say this to everyone on here but, anxiety sufferers are the bravest people I know. To wake up living in fear every day and yet still carry on is both impressive and admirable, so I am sure you'll do fine.

You just work on getting yourself better and make damn sure those people at the NHS treat you right! So many times people with mental illnesses are misunderstood, even by the medical profession that is supposed to understand them. So make sure you get treated right, stay positive and look forward to getting out to see your son.

Much respect.

mr badger
25-01-11, 08:51
Hope you're getting good help in there.

I'm the son of two 'Mental Nurses' as they used to be known and grew up in a hospital as a young child so I am a bit biased, but the care today is brilliant..

25-01-11, 09:10
Well done Susan,

Its great to hear you are feeling much better.

Sending you a great big :hugs:

di xxx

paula lynne
25-01-11, 15:29
Sending you lots of love and hugs Susan, hope you continue to feel better :hugs:Take care, xx

25-01-11, 15:35
Sorry you've been in hospital Susan but glad you are feeling a bit better. Hope that continues :hugs:

25-01-11, 18:04
Glad you are feeling much better and are being taken care of. Its realy good too that you can have your laptop with you so you can distract yourself if you panic or get bored, and of course come on here for chats and support.

Wishing you well

Take care xx

25-01-11, 18:50
Glad your feeling better hope you make a full & speedy recovery:)

25-01-11, 19:06
Hi Susan,

I was sorry to read that you were in hospital, but I’m pleased that you’re doing loads better now.
That’s good to hear :)

Keep up the good work and you’ll soon be back home again :yesyes:


29-01-11, 17:55
Im home for the weekend, just hope it goes well and think will soon be discharged from hospital, still not even 75% right, but feeling better :yesyes:

29-01-11, 18:24
Hi Susan,

Sorry to hear you have been in hospital...glad you home for the weekend...hope you will soon be discharged.

Take care.

29-01-11, 18:33
so sorry to hear you're in hospital. stay strong! you're so so brave. xx

06-10-11, 20:15
Hi all:hugs:
I spent 6 months in hospital, I have borderline personality disorder. I have had a rough ride and have tried to kill myself a few times and self harm now too. Im taking each hour at a time now, but I will try my hardest to beet this illness:yesyes:
Thanks for all your kind replys :D

06-10-11, 20:54
It always amazes me just how much our minds try to destroy us. Pushing us and pulling us in so many different direction. Think some people are born with there own internal weapon of mass destruction. You sound like you have been to hell and are making it back now. Such a long a painful journey. You have to be so proud of the things you have achieved and take heart from all the things you love in your life. Desperation can be a very scary state to be in.

Life will always have regrets but if you can even see the smallest of hopes in the future then it has to be worth fighting for.

You obviously have some one speacial watching over you.

Stay strong and I wish you all the happiness in the world

Paul x