View Full Version : cold hands and feet

becks xxx
22-01-11, 18:09
I know i've had this for years and years but now im concentrating on it im feeling it a lot more and getting really worried and freaked out
All week ive been thinking ive goit a kidney infection cos had a pain near my kidney, so was googling loads but was too scared to go docs..
I kept feeling like i was going hot then cold
Then i saw one of the symptoms saying fever and shivering
So since i read it ive really noticed my hands and feet being cold and it's making the whole of me cold now cos im so focused on it
Maybe it means i have a kidney infection..
Or perhaps it means something else is wroing..
Maybe bad circulation! I know its a symptom for propronolol but i only took them for 5/6 days and come off and i come off them 2/3 days ago so wouldn't still be in my system
Ah god
Does anyone else get this? I'm scared im gonna get pneumonia or something

23-01-11, 00:00
Ok first things first...do not consult Dr Google if what you read is going to set off a panic! I know its easy to say and not easy to do!

Dont be scared of seeing the dr, they can do tests to either reasure you or diagnose you to give you treatment

I know this seems silly but how high do you have the heating on in your house? and are you going outside without gloves or not wearing thick enough socks?

Our body loses heat quickly in winter, and heat is lost through any exposed area or any area not insulated sufficently.

Right now my feet are really cold, but I know thats because my socks are thin and im not wearing slippers. My toes are extremely cold to the touch!

Our feet are also closer to the floor and heat rises right! so they are gonna be colder

Wrap up, turn your heating up and see if this helps