View Full Version : Health Anxiety!

19-01-11, 00:56
Hi... I have just joined this site and am so relieved to see other people are like me!!! I am not the only person in the world that suffers from Anxiety.... particuarly with issues about my health that some days totally consume my mind!! It would be great to hear from anyone who also suffers from this dehabilitating illness. Its hard to talk to friends and family when they have never suffered and I just feel sometimes they thinki I am making how I feel up!! Anyone who suffers Anxiety is prob in agreement.... I would NOT wish this illness on my worst enemy!!!
Sar x

19-01-11, 01:45
hun u are not alone at all theres so many of us on here who suffers with health anxitey,myself being one of them,i worrie about my health allday everyday ,its taken over my life ,i done thought i have had every bad illness there is ,if u need to talk pm me or comment back...tc hun ...u will get loads of help