View Full Version : BREASTS

16-01-11, 15:06
oh god i feel so stupid and deep down i know its nothing but it still makes me think i have breast cancer and im going to die!!

my left breast has not what i would call a lump but like a ridge which feels swollen, i gather that it is where my ribs meet my sternum but i cant help but think this is not right! i have it slightly on the left breast but not at prominent as the right!

is this normal???

16-01-11, 15:29
anybody?? please help i feel like crying

16-01-11, 15:47
:) the chances of it being breast cancer are very slim. i dont know what else to say other than try not to worry.

16-01-11, 16:15
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but as it is also on the left (though you say not so much) could it be muscle? If you are right handed that would make sense as you use that side more. Just a thought .... but Emma is right, try not to worry. Remember, these are just 'thoughts' you are having ... if you are still worried, get it checked. I'm sure it is nothing to worry about - I have never heard of BC being like that! xxx

16-01-11, 16:17
Thank you
its really hard to describe, its like a ridge, where the ribs and sternum meet, its not a lump more of a ridge! i cant touch it anymore its so sore where i keep prodding it!

16-01-11, 16:21
hi, i'm going through the same agonising pain as you, i found a small hard lump next to my breast 2 days ago, i'm frightned like you wouldn't beliebe and actually can't stop crying convinced it's cancer, so your not alonr hun.

16-01-11, 18:54
Could this ridge be done downt he side of your sternum - after fumbling around like you said I can feel a ridge down side of my sternum where the ribs meet it at front but its just part of the sternum????

16-01-11, 20:38
this is what i presume it is but im really worried! does yours feel the same the other side? mine feels kinds spongy x