View Full Version : Shall i go hospital :(

12-01-11, 19:01
Hi all, been getting skipped heartbeats since july, dr confirmed them by 24hr heart test :( ive been refered to a cardiolgist who did a ecg and said it was ok, however he is asking that i have a ultrasound of my heart and a 72hr heart monitor :(

Anyway i have been having them really bad today like every 5 beats or so it skips a beat :(

Shall i go hospital? im so scared can anyone help? xxx

12-01-11, 19:50
The best thing you can do is call your out of hours doctor and/or NHS direct and ask them. They can advise based on asking you further questions

12-01-11, 20:04

Nicola is correct.

Give either NHS 24/Direct a call (depending on where you live). They will at least put your mind at ease.

12-01-11, 20:13
hiya, my names joanne, listen they sound like ectopic heartbeats like i have and they are benign and harmless, i had a bad week with them once but had all the tests and they say healthy people with a healthy heart get them, so dont worry you will be fine, let me know how you get on x:winks:

12-01-11, 20:14
thanks nicola......and thankyou joanne, joanne did u have the 48 hr test? mine showed eptopics? xx

12-01-11, 20:34
Aww :bighug1: our carli you already know what I think but wanted to send u big hugs xxxx

12-01-11, 21:03
thanks guys xxxxx