View Full Version : Hi New here, worried about rib and stomach pain

09-01-11, 22:00
Hi there. I have suffered from health anxiety ever since my eldest son was born mearly 4 years ago. I am just so scared of not seeing him and his younger brother grow up and them not having a mummy!!

Anyway recently I have had a horrible sharp pain at the bottom of my left rib. At first I thought it was my IBS but it just didn't feel deep enough if that makes sense. I started to panic that it may be a sinister rib problem (sadly a family member died not long ago from breast cancer that was not detected until it has spread to her ribs). So i went to the docs on Friday. He is so understanding of my worries and took the time to have a feel of my tummy to check it was not a spleen/stomach issue. He is sure it is just muscular and whilst I trust him, I just can't get that worry out of my mind that "how can he really know that".

Additionally to that over the last 24 hours I have been having a lot of discomfort right across my upper abdomen especially when i am sat down. It just feels tight and uncomfortable (sort of like I am squashing things inside). The rational side of me says it is a mixture of tense muscles and IBS but the irrational part says "well obviously there must be a mass in there somewhere". Also ever since the doc made a passing comment about stomach acid sometimes causing chest pain I have been worrying that maybe thats what it is and that must be something sinister as I never usually have acid reflux.

OK enough of my ramblings now but just wanted to share!!


10-01-11, 13:28
I'm sorry to hear of your loss, it's natural that you would be feeling very anxious at the moment.

I get similar symptoms when I have acid reflux and since the doc mentioned it, it could be that indigestion is the cause. Nothing sinister about indigestion at all, a symptom of anxiety. It might help to try antacids and make sure you're eating regularly. Cutting down on anything acidic (spicy foods, tomatoey foods, coffee etc.) might help.

17-01-11, 08:04
im getting the same sort of pains too, in my left side under my ribs, feels like a gnawing pain or like theres something there, i get terribly worried that its my spleen, as ive had anxiety over lymph nodes and think the worst.
I have docs in the morning so im hoping it will put my mind at rest too! x

macc noodle
17-01-11, 08:41
I too have had rib pain left hand side and the squashy feeling too - my doc says anxiety and IBS! On my good days I can accept that and feel fine on my bad days it is all doom and gloom and I convince myself that I am in some dire state of illness and will soon be dead!

It is horrible feeling like this and I do feel for you.

I have had this re-occurrence of cancer fears since the onset of my peri menopause, having successfully controlled it virtually 100% of the time for 15 years - so I know that we can beat it and that I will get on top of this once again - as will you.
