View Full Version : My Goals

25-03-06, 17:36
Anyone who has read my threads (on the symptoms board) will know that I have been through quite a tough time since just before xmas and am off sick (since beginning of Feb) and have been physically very unwell.

I have been suffering from health anxiety and general anxiety and panic attacks for nearly 20 years and really want to face it all and make some progress - I am 51 and don't want to waste the next 20 years in the same way.

I wanted to start a thread to monitor and get support for my progress. I have my first CBT appointment on Tuesday.

I have two main goals. The first is to get back the ability to drive on my own over distances which I haven't been able to do for 10 years - I can get around town but find it very very hard to take any different or longer routes. I want to be able to drive to London to visit my son on my own when I want. The second is to be able to do physical exercise without panicking which is particularly difficult with my health problems (which includes ME) and has to be done ridiculously slowly!

I have over the last month driven on the bypass twice fairly comfortably and I have joined a gym and been in the pool and jacuzzi with only short bouts of panic. This has been huge progress for me, especially with the other things that have been going on - and now I really want to focus on this positive start and get as much help and support as possible.

I went to the gym today and did 6 lengths which is the most I have done for ages. I felt a bit shaky afterwards as soon as my heart raced getting out, but I got through it.

It's hard to know how much to do and when, with the need to rest so much with my ME but I am going to use this thread to focus me!

It's such a battle to recover but I really want my life back - I can't have my 30s or my 40s but I want my 50s to be as good as they possibly can be!!

Thanks for reading!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

25-03-06, 17:40
Hi Fee,

What a lovely positive post and a good idea to have a post for support for your goals.

You are doing so well already, I can only see you going from strength to strength.

Good luck for Tuesday with the CBT, I hope it helps you progress and fulfill all your dreams :D.

You know we're all here to will you on and support you.

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

25-03-06, 17:42
Thank you so much Lisa!!!

Fingers crossed xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

25-03-06, 18:12

I am so very proud of the way you are setting goals and looking to the future. The best thing is that you are already achieving these things and your positive attitude is amazing.

I'm sure the CBT will help you to be able to continue the good work you've started and we are here to help encourage and support you all the way.

The driving will come in time and it is a case of slowly pushing yourself that little bit more each time. Until just over a year ago I hadn't driven further than my local town, but last year drove all over the place. Sometimes I felt anxious and I did panic a couple of times but it gives you such a sense of achievement and freedom to be able to do it. You can get there.

Well done with the swimming. I think a goal of mine eventually is to overcome my fear of the water and learn to swim. I am aware I need to do more exercise but am still too anxious to go anywhere alone. I admire you so much for joining the gym and facing your fears.

BTW - this sounds like more of a success post to me!!

Karen xx

25-03-06, 18:16
LOL Karen

I nearly put it on the success boards but want decided it's more of a monitoring thing!

Thanks you hun for all your support as always!

loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

25-03-06, 18:20
Well done Fee - this is a positive post and one you can look back on over the weeks to see how you are progressing.

The exercise is hard at first but gets easier over time - I stared at my trampolene very hard for quite some days before I got courage to touch it even!!!:D It's more mind over matter isn't it even than the actual exercise itself.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

25-03-06, 18:32
Hi there,
What a lovely post to read, it made me feel good. I am so impressed with your positive thinking and attitude, and i know what you are going through,( other than anxiety/panic,) which you are coping with so well. I am the same age and have also been suffering for a similar amount of time, go girl we can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!

25-03-06, 21:53
Hi Fee,

Great post and I can relate to how you feel - I'm 52 and one of my concerns is that by the time I recover, other parts of me will be going wrong!

Well done on the exercise (something I cannot yet face) and of course the CBT on Tuesday.

You go, girl!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

25-03-06, 23:10
Thank you so much piglet, carlin and ray!

It's not directly related to the two goals I specified but I have also been out tonight to see a show.... well a DJ/comedian (odd very local brighton thing, Terry Garrogan) and I have even found any social event hard work lately but I didn't bottle out!

It's amazing after a few weeks of not going out much a theatre full of people - and upstairs in the circle etc was nerve racking and I must have been tense cos my neck got stiff - but I really enjoyed it and laughed loads!!!

I really hope today is going to be a turning point for me!

Thanks all!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

25-03-06, 23:17
Great news Fee. That's brilliant and I am so glad you had such a good time.

This really is s turning point for you.

Karen xx

25-03-06, 23:56
Hi Fee,

Didn't know which post to use now, so ended up posting on the other one earlier before realising you'd replied here.

So glad you had a good evening, you did so well. Nothing like a good laugh is there.

Sleep well,

Night night,

Love Lisa x

26-03-06, 00:40
Hi Fee

Great to read that and we are all here to support you. You are so determined and we are all totally behind you hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

26-03-06, 00:44
Thanks Sal! I should have added another goal - to turn my pc off and go to bed by midnight lol!!

By the way 6 lengths of that pool was about one normal length before anyone thinks I'm already super fit lol!!!

Right, pc off!!

thanks all xxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

26-03-06, 00:50
You failed before midnight mate and the clocks are going forward so you are even an hour behind now.

Hopoe you get some sleep, i am thinking about you and how positive you sound.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

26-03-06, 11:55
Hi Fee,

Hope today is another good and positive one for you - go Aunty Fee!

Lisa x :D

26-03-06, 12:29
Will post to you now on this thread:D

Think you have done really well these last few days and it's soooo positive to look forward to newer nicer days.

Well done hun - loving this thread. :D:D:D


Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

26-03-06, 14:12
Hope you are having a good day Fee.

BTW one length of any size pool is an achievement in my book!!

Karen xx

26-03-06, 17:15
Hi Fee

How has your day being for you?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

26-03-06, 22:42
Hi Fee,

Hope you've had a good day and a nice lunch with your Mum.

Sleep well,

Night night,

Lisa x

27-03-06, 10:47
Hi Feege,
I've realised since I was lucky enough to stumble into joining this online community, that people's problems are all equally important, and no-one can judge what someone else is really going through. The important thing is to get help where and when you can, and have a positive attitude that works for you as an individual. You have that attitude! It shines out of your first post, and other people have clearly picked up on it, which is no more than you deserve for what you're putting into it. Some of them clearly know you, too, and appreciate you and what you're undertaking all the more.
When I hit my own problems recently, I realised how hard it can be to achieve even little steps forward, towards getting better and doing more. And so, I have real respect for you and for what you've posted, and I just want to say: you go for it! Little steps every day, with resolve like yours I know you will get there.
Sending you support and good vibes,

27-03-06, 11:16
Thank you Sal, Piglet, Karen, Lisa and Jason for your positive support!

I have set myself back a little by having a drink and upsetting my tummy yesterday - but I had a nice time doing it!!

I won't be doing anything to progress today, just got to nurse my ernie the hernia and the two deans (duodenitis)... back on the rice pud and rest, but I should be back on track tomorrow!!

Less haste more speed I think!

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

27-03-06, 12:20
Hi Fee,

Sorry Ernie and Dean are playing up - had to be men didn't they! I have heard alcohol isn't good for either, but glad you had fun while drinking it!
I assume you mean alcohol by a drink! When I say I had a drink I mean herbal tea usually! Lol.

Have a good rest today,

Lisa x

27-03-06, 18:56
Hi Fee

Hope you were OK with the rice pudding today.

At least you had a good time and enjoyed the drink!

Rest up and take things slowly.

Karen xx

27-03-06, 19:50
Thanks Lisa and Karen!

Sorry I'm not posting much I just feel very very tired... I managed to eat a little just now so I must be getting there!! I went for a short walk too just to make sure I didn't let things completely slide.

Sadly, today we discovered 14 of the 15 UK donors that might match sarah have been rejected. We will be told about the last 1 tomorrow. There are only 2 from the international trawl to test - so it is looking highly ulikely we will find a match for her.

It's almost too depressing to write about.... so I won't for now.

I hope you are both ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

27-03-06, 20:31
Hi Fee

Glad you've managed something to eat and well done for getting out for a little while.

Sorry to hear the news about Sarah. I really hope something turns up for her. I understand it is too difficult to post about right now.

Here if you need me.

Karen xx

27-03-06, 21:12
Thank you Karen

I do feel rather withdrawn and exhausted.... hopefully I'll be stronger tomorrow - the food seems to have helped!

I might say goodnight now! xxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

27-03-06, 22:26
Hi Fee,

Glad you are feeling a bit better tummy wise and it's good that you managed to get out.

I'm sorry to hear about Sarah, I can only imagine how you're all feeling right now. I will keep my fingers crossed that a donor does turn up.

Thinking of you.

Night night, hope you sleep well.

Lisa x

28-03-06, 00:38
Behind you all the way feege. Sorry not many words as don't want to say lots of useless platitudes but i am thinking of you.

28-03-06, 12:40
Hi Fee,

I didn't know which post to use to you today so I am posting here.

I hope you're feeling better today, still thinking of you.

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

28-03-06, 13:03
Me too!!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-03-06, 13:20
Thank you QOH, lisa and piglet...

I am being manic today doing press stuff on the campaign AND my DLA appeal at the same time...

Tummy much better, rash really bad!!! Oh well....

Love and hugs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

28-03-06, 15:13
Good to keep busy and it's satisfying to know you have been productive with your day isnt it??

Good luck with it mate and catch you later.

Love Piglet xx

28-03-06, 18:50
Hi Fee,

That all sounds very productive.

Glad the tummy is better today.

Lisa x

28-03-06, 19:45
Hi Fee

Thanks for the texts earlier and well done for all you have achieved today.

I'm so glad your tummy is feeling better today and hope you are managing to eat a little more than rice pudding!

Karen xx

28-03-06, 20:25
Hi Piglet, Lisa and Karen - thanks for your messages!!

I have had a mega-frenetic day today writing press releases and compiling and enhancing mailing lists (which I am very proud of), writing my submission for my DLA appeal (which is on Monday), talking to Mark (who is in bits - we still haven't had the results of the final/15th possible donor) and, finally my first CBT appointment!!

I am very proud of all I have achieved today but I feel like I have been put through a mincer!

The CBT woman was really nice - I offloaded loads on her and think I will be able to work very well with her. She is Asian and I think it may help that she has some awareness of some of the issues I have. I am going back next week, but the problem is she charges £36 which is the top of the 'low cost' services they offer - she is very well qualified which I need but I don't know how I am going to pay for it. My mum has offered to help but I am sick of taking money off her, she has only a few thousand pounds savings and I have been persistently eating into them.... on the other hand I need it and deserve it so may have to ditch my pride. In fact I think I have decided to accept it because I do believe it will help me and that will help her.

I feel very wound up tonight, unsurprisingly, and my tummy is not entirely right - but I have eaten.

So, I have the 'nasty' test tomorrow, Gastro biopsy results on Thursday, DLA appeal on Monday - ain't life a bundle of laughs:D

I'm utterly exhausted and am going to stay off here again tonight and try and unwind and relax and be positive....

Plodding on and doing ok!!!

Loads of love to you all - I will have to catch up properly when I can...

Loads and loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

28-03-06, 20:49
Hi Fee

You certainly have done loads today and also have a lot of stressful appointments coming up in the next week. I think you are coping extremely well with it all.

I am glad you got on well with the CBT therapist and feel you can work with her. I understand how difficult it is to balance money against need and you certainly do deserve this help. I am sure your mum wouldn't have offered if it would be a problem.

Hope you have a restful evening.

Karen xx

28-03-06, 22:10
Hi Fee,

Sounds like a very productive day, well done. I bet you are exhausted now, but it's nice to be exhausted from doing something worthwhile isn't it.

I'm glad the CBT went well, I really hope you can continue to go. I understand about the cost, that is cheap for CBT, but it's still extra money to find which is difficult, but you are worth it!

Seems you have a busy week with appts again, I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

I really am keeping my fingers crossed on the donor front, and thinking of you all.

Take care, thinking of you.

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

29-03-06, 08:44
Hi everyone

I have a nasty test appointment this morning so I am up and getting ready..

It's hard for me to make any real progress until I get all these appointments out of the way but I am so pleased I have committed to CBT and providing nothing else goes wrong, from next week I hope to make some progress!

It has crossed my mind that it's not a good time to be trying to move forward but on the other hand if I can do it now I can maintain it through anything!

I feel like every day lately I learn to understand anxiety more. I do have enormous stress at the moment, and I am collecting more and more ailments but nothing you have wrong with you and nothing terrible that happens is unmanageable. It is anxiety itself that is so awful. Terrible things happen to most people at some time in their life - it is how we respond to it that makes all the difference. I know this is all obvious but it feels like I am finally understanding that that is the one thing that hopefully I can change!

Love to everyone xxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

29-03-06, 09:07
Very true hun.

Thinking of you today and let us know how you get on later.

Big squeeze.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-03-06, 12:11
Hi Fee,

I replied to you on one of your other posts and then realised you'd posted here so am replying here too.

I will be thinking of you today. You're very brave getting this test done, well done you.

Lisa x

29-03-06, 13:18
Thinking of you Fee. Hope the test is over quickly and you are OK.

Karen xx

29-03-06, 13:28
Hi Piglet, Lucy, Lisa

Thank you for thinking of me - and Lucy I'm thinking of you today and hope it goes well.

I'm an odd one. I feel totally calm and very pretty well. I have had the tests done and they will phone at 5 with the BIG one. I got the all clear on some of the little things you can get and will get the Chlamydia and something else in 2 weeks.

So of course, my obtuse personality, I feel quite calm, like I did the night before my endoscopy. Hmmmm that's a bit worrying....

I just really wish it was Friday and both these results were over with. I don't have any other appointments then until my Derm one at the end of April and if everything goes well in the next 48 hours I might even get a chance to get moving forward. She took the blood really well and the internal exam was fine too, no problems at all. Didn't even forget and put the micropore on which I usually do which brings me up in a rash.

They have told Mark they can't tell him about the 15th possible donor until their appt on 16th April. He's not sure if this is because they don't want to give them bad news on the phone or if they are still checking it out! Very very hard to deal with.

My tummy is still not 100% but I hope tomorrow will help with that.

Hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

29-03-06, 16:38
Hi Fee,

Well done for all that, you did well there. I'm glad you will get the "nasty" test results today, I thought it took at least a week normally so that's good.

That's awful that Mark and Sarah have to wait so long for the results about the 15th possible donor, it must be awful waiting and wondering.

Hope you feel ok this afternoon, thinking about you.

Love Lisa x

29-03-06, 17:11
Hi Fee

Well done for coping so well today and hopefully you have the results you've been waiting for by now and all is ok.

I don't think it is odd to feel calm now. Often anticipation leading up to something is really bad and sometimes we cope well at the time with whatever is worrying us but the anxiety hits when we start to relax. It is a pretty normal pattern.

You are ALREADY moving forward and learning more about anxiety and how this hijacks thinking, so you are rationalising so much better now than a few weeks ago. I am sure the CBT will help even more with this.

It is very hard for Mark to wait so long for the results of the donor test. I really hope this is because they are still carrying out checks. Hopefully the campaign will encourage more people to sign up and register and other possible matches may come forward too.

Hope you manage to have something that doesn't upset your tummy today.

Karen xx

29-03-06, 17:36
Hurrah! Negative! Yippee!!!

So glad I did it, stayed calm right up to 5 to, then they didn't ring till 5.30 by which time I was a gibbering wreck!!!

My friend and I are going to go for a quick walk to calm me down!!!

Speak to you all later


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

29-03-06, 17:42

Great news Fee. I am so pleased all is ok.

Enjoy your walk. You've done so very well today.

Karen xx

29-03-06, 19:04
What a beautiful evening!!!!

Thank you Karen - I feel really proud of myself. I have such a strong suspicion that guilt about my stupidity some years ago having unprotected sex has been one of the foundations of my health anxiety... like I deserved to be punished. I suspect there are a lot of us in that particular boat. It was such a good thing to do I can barely believe I have actually done it! I was quite giggly at the counselling before hand - I have only had sex about 3 times in the last 5 years!![:I][:I] I knew the chances were very very small but so many things have gone wrong for me health wise that I had a real fear that I would be the exception that proved the rule.... as I was when I got pregnant on the pill, pregnant again after I was sterilised (YUP) and, well loads of other things actually. But not this time!!! This time I am OK!!!

Now, just need the same from the biopsies tomorrow. Crikey I feel like I'm doing the 'health anxiety' challenge!!!!

I suspect I'm going to feel odd about this at some point but right now I feel the happiest I have for a very very long time!!!!


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

29-03-06, 19:30
Hi Fee

You so deserve to feel proud of yourself today. I think you have coped remarkably well and I am sooo pleased you are feeling so good tonight.

Even posting about this subject is brave in my opinion! I am sure many people have had unprotected sex at some point and it sounds like the worries about this have been festering away for such a long time. The relief of having those tests must be such a weight lifted from your shoulders.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Now, just need the same from the biopsies tomorrow. Crikey I feel like I'm doing the 'health anxiety' challenge!!!!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
You certainly are!!! And facing the challenge with such courage too. I hope there is more good news tomorrow.

Are you going to celebrate tonight? :D It is soo good to hear you sounding so happy and positive.

You are an inspiration to me now at a time when I am struggling again. And there is no way I could've coped with what you've been through today.

Karen xx

29-03-06, 22:11
Hi Fee,

That's fantastic news, [Yeah!]. Well done you for facing it and getting it done. You are brave discussing your sex life on here! Lol. I have thought about getting the test before but I never have, I also know I don't really need too. I did ask my doctor once (in an irrational moment when I first got ME) and she said don't bother there would be other symptoms and blood test irregularities if I had HIV or aids, plus after a certain number of years it would have become obvious and caused certain symptoms, although if you have ever had unprotected sex even once of course you wonder.

I hope you're celebrating tonight (not by sex though [:o)]) Lol. Sorry, I can't help my warped humour [:I]

I have been thinking of you today and so pleased for you :D
I hope tomorrow goes well too, it will be good to finally know if you have CD or not. Either way you can stay GF and feel better from it.

I feel you're really getting somewhere now Fee, onwards and upwards!

I hope you sleep well tonight,

Love and big hugs, night night,

Lisa x

29-03-06, 22:28
Hi Karen and Lisa

I am celebrating but quietly in front of the telly lol!!!!

Perhaps after tomorrow I really will be celebrating - might even sniff a cork (since I can no longer dare to drink lol!!!).

Yes I hope I am really getting somewhere. If tomorrow goes well and nothing else tooooo dramatic happens, I can start CBT properly next week and start planning my return to work [:O], go swimming regularly and even talk to the the trainer about starting a very gentle programme of exercise... I hope I'm not being over-optimistic!! I have my DLA appeal too on Monday and if they gave me even a little bit it would be fantastic - I can't imagine working more than about 25 hours which is not enough to live on.

I ought to sleep well tonight but hey - it's all so unpredictable!!

I'm off to bed soon I hope - sleep well everyone xxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

29-03-06, 23:42
Hi Fee,

Sorry but I did laugh at the sniffing the cork bit. Mind you I have to give up chocolate for at least 3 months on this nutritional plan so I may end up sniffing wrappers or squares of chocolate the hubby eats! Lol.

It's good to hear you talking about all the things you plan to do, I see no reason why it shouldn't all happen really soon :D.

Hope you're fast asleep now, sleep well.


Lisa x

30-03-06, 01:01
Hi Fee

I hope you sleep well tonight and will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Great you are so positive and are busy making plans.

I do hope the DLA appeal goes in your favour. I can't see why you weren't awarded it. I get the lowest care component due to my RSI.

Night Fee.

Karen xx

30-03-06, 07:53
Morning all...

Up at 7.30? That hasn't happened for about 2 months!!! I slept pretty well but my tummy is still playing up. I have my gastro appointment tis afternoon and I think I am a bit nervous about it.

Been trying to work out how best to go forward. I could take another 6 weeks from now off sick on full pay. I am dreading going back to work at all but I know I want to really. I want to go back 20 hours but I can't afford it. I know I've got to wait until after the DLA appeal - if I get a little bit it would help so so much. I don't want to stop focussing on making a proper recovery - I just get too tired when I'm working. I want to do the CBT properly.

I'm being silly, need to get today over and appeal over!

What a nasty grey morning though.... Still feel incredibly relieved and proud about yesterday!!!

Fingers crossed today will be good too.

Love to all xxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

30-03-06, 08:41
Morning Fee

You are up early! What time is your gastro appointment this afternoon? Nerves could be upsetting your tummy a bit as I get like that too.

I think it would be a good idea to wait until after Monday's DLA appeal to decide about work. Do you have someone representing you?

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Still feel incredibly relieved and proud about yesterday!!!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
And rightly so too!!!

Thinking of you for later.

Karen xx

30-03-06, 08:54
Hi Karen - thanks hun! I know I am getting ahead of myself! I have got representation for Monday - but it's very nerve racking I have never ever had any benefits in my whole life and it is only because a friend of mine works for the Disability Information Service Sussex (DISS) and kept telling me to apply that I have. It's been a horrible process, listing all the things wrong with me, getting doctors to validate it.... didn't help withmy anxiety at all! I have so many health problems but not one nice simple thing for them to understand. I'm not expecting to get it, but I do now think I deserve it!

Yes I am up early - which is good, I need better habits if I'm ever to get back to work, which is probably why it's on my mind.

Hope you are ok xxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

30-03-06, 09:50
Wow reading yesterdays posts was fab - sooo pleased at the good results :D:D:D

Will be really interested to hear how the disibility thing goes - is that based on your ME Fee????

BIg hugs

Love Pig xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-03-06, 09:57
Hi Piglet!

Yes it was fab eh!!!!

Yes mainly on the ME with the arthritis, vertigo, digestive problems, and panic disorder thrown in for good measure!!

Unfortunately with ME it is hard to get any benefits still, although it is getting better.

How are you? Glad to hear you're doing the NMP course - hope it's going well!

Take care - loads of hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

30-03-06, 12:49
Hi Fee,

Glad you slept well and are feeling ok. The tummy could be nerves.

Good luck for this afternoon, that will be one more thing out the way won't it!

I hope you get the DLA, you so do deserve to. I know it must be hard getting anything for ME, I think they hate illnesses like this as they fluctuate and on good days we are not always that ill and could work but on bad days....

Thinking of you.

Love Lisa x

30-03-06, 13:27
Thinking of you for this afternoon Fee.

I certainly think you would be entitled to DLA but the way these things work sometimes is ridiculous.

Hope your stomach is a bit better now.

Karen xx

30-03-06, 17:13

More good news:D Nothing else wrong with me, not Coeliac's!!!!!

Being referred to a dietician for help with inflammation, hernia and IBS!! Really couldn't have asked for more - so so so relieved!!!!

Now I just need to sleep for a week to recover from the stress of going back to the hospital YUK!

So next week, CBT and graded exercise.... Clean slate, work towards going back to work.... WOW!


Happy bunny!!!

Love to you all - catch up later [|)]

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

30-03-06, 17:19
Hi Fee

Very pleased to hear your good news yet again excellent im so pleased for you.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

30-03-06, 17:47
Great news Fee :D,

Onwards and upwards is the only way for you now!

Love Lisa x

30-03-06, 17:57
Excellent news Fee. I am so pleased for you and it will be good to get some help from a dietician.

Big hug Aunty!

Karen xx

30-03-06, 21:46
Hi Fee,

I hope you're had a restful evening and are feeling well.

Night night,

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

31-03-06, 00:26
Well done you Fee

Sorry havent replied before now but have been thinking about you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

31-03-06, 09:26
Hi everyone - thank you all so much!!!

Strange isn't it - this anxiety business. I felt so good last night, so positive but I had to have a minor panic - my rash did all sorts of weird things - I came up in great welts all over my arms for a while last night.

I rationalised and rationalised and rationalised lol!!! Managed to sleep in the end - with the telly on which I've been doing a bit lately (I couldn't sleep without it for years but had stopped it for a long time, it's been happening more again lately).

I'm hoping it was because I felt so stressed going back to the hospital yesterday, and that it will settle down. But I know there are no quick-fixes and that just because I am making progress I still have a long way to go!!

I hope to have a swim today - I haven't been able to go since last Saturday, and I need to drive my car somewhere alone again soon. It's a constant challenge!!!!

Tummy still not right - I hope the dietician will help!

Onwards and upwards, hopefully!!!

love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

31-03-06, 09:38
Hi Fee

Pleased you got some sleep hun. We can rationalise it all night cant we!!!

Have a good day and enjoy your swim.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

31-03-06, 10:12
Hurrah for all the good news - your body may little more time for this to sink in though!!!

Meantime be extra kind to yourself and do lots of fun things!!!! YOu can always try one 'problem' area at a time/day for now.

Big hugs

Love Piglet xxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-03-06, 10:19
Thanks Sal and Piglet

lol sal - yes quite literally!!

Piglet - yes you're right - I think I am trying to deal with everything at once which is a bit silly.

I just wrote to my manager filling her in. I think it sounded ok - I'm cutting an pasting it here (for my benefit mainly because I want this thread to be where I monitor my progress and hopefully my return to work). But if anybody reads it feedback is welcome!!!

__________________________________________________ ________

Hi Hilary (and Ann, Paulene and Anna!)

I got the biopsy results yesterday and it is NOT Coeliac's.

I had a long appointment with the consultant and he explained gluten-intolerance (can have similar effects), the extent of the duodenal inflammation (it is apparently quite bad) and the hiatus hernia and has referred me to a dietician. It's good news really although it does mean I have to accept I have ME (there was always a doubt in my mind as Coeliac's can cause similar symptoms).

I am so glad that part of everything is basically over - now I have only the dermatology appointment to go (the rash is still a real problem) but I suspect that is all stress/ME too.

I do want to come back to work but I have been so up and down still - I am frightened of coming back and not being able to cope.

I had my first CBT (counselling) appt last Tuesday and am hopeful this is going to really help me - CBT is used to help people with ME and people with severe anxiety/panic disorder. She will be able to help me work out a plan for my return to work. It is costing me £36 a week (this is low-cost CBT, it normally costs £80 an hour). My mum is helping me to pay for this as there is a 3 year wait on the NHS.

I am hopeful things may start to settle and I can start to improve now on a programme of gentle exercise, relaxation etc and get myself back together.

Unfortunately though, things are not looking good for Sarah at all. They have got one possible donor left but they won't tell Mark about it until their appointment on 13th April. We assume this is because it is not a very good match and they will have to make a decision as to whether it is worth the risk of going through a transplant. I am finding this incredibly difficult to deal with. There is no imminent resolution to the situation.

Thank you again for all your patience and support - I hope to see you soon.


__________________________________________________ _________

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

31-03-06, 10:28
That's a good idea hun.

The post has just come as I was typing, with the Cd's from Nopanic - I'll let you know how I fare with them. I want to try and do them as the person recommended on a daily basis.

Feel quite jolly today because it's the NEXT Vip sale and I have been included - [:I][:I] doesn't take much does it :D:D:D:D

See ya later :)

Love Pig xx

31-03-06, 12:35
Hi Fee

I think it is quite a normal reaction for anxiety symptoms to show up after the event has passed and this is probably what has happened with the rash. I hope it settles again soon.

Glad you were rationalising!!! It is difficult and all you can do is keep practising. The CBT will help with this.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Managed to sleep in the end - with the telly on which I've been doing a bit lately (I couldn't sleep without it for years but had stopped it for a long time, it's been happening more again lately).</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
I've taken to falling asleep listening to music on my walkman. This only works in conjunction with sleeping pills though and unfortunately I didn't stay asleep.

Hope you enjoy the swim. You are doing well and maybe Piglet is right about facing one challenge a day. I am sure you will get there with the car and driving. Perhaps this is something I can help a bit with by arranging to meet in places slightly further from Brighton each time after our initial meet up next week.

The letter sounds good and it is a good plan to post here to monitor your progress.

Piglet: I hope the CDs are helpful. I use the relaxation ones from my therapist because I am 'tuned in' to her voice and don't reach the same level of relaxation when I use others. I also find hypnosis downloads helpful too.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Feel quite jolly today because it's the NEXT Vip sale and I have been included - doesn't take much does it</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
LOL Piglet!! VIP eh :D.

Karen xx

31-03-06, 12:45


Piglet xx

31-03-06, 12:51
LOL :D[8D][^]

Very true!!!

Karen xx

31-03-06, 13:04
Hi Fee,

Just popped back as I remembered I'd posted everywhere except your post, I can't get out the habit and can't not feel guilty!

I haven't totally caught up as I have a headache and reading lots of text is hard today.

I am thinking of you though, hope you have a good day and swim.

Lisa x

31-03-06, 13:05
Lol you guys!!!

I went out to get my parking permit on the way to swim and got a call from mark. We think we may have GMTV next week covering the campaign!!!!!!!!

They are bighting on my press release - I had to come home to check my e-mails and do some more stuff but I am all over-excited. They want to put a 24 hour hotline out to get people to register. It really could make such a huge difference!!

Keep your fingers crossed and forgive me if I can't concentrate on anything else at the mo!!!

love you guys xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

31-03-06, 13:23
Hi Fee,

Wow, that's great news about GMTV! I hope it goes ahead and helps.

Thinking of you.

Lisa x

31-03-06, 14:15
I have got absolutely everything crossed for you hun!!!!!

This is good news and just what the campaign needs.

Keep us informed of any developments.

Love Piglet xx

31-03-06, 20:34
Wow Fee. What exciting news. I really hope this comes off as it could make all the difference. Keep us informed.

How was the swim?

Karen xx

31-03-06, 20:42
WOW what an amazing week!!

Looks like we may have GMTV on Thursday - fingers crossed!

Managed to get for my swim much later than originally planned because of the flurry of activity over the press etc... But went and did 8 lengths (probably about 1.5 normal lengths!) and barely felt it... had to stop myself doing more because I am so hyped up the adrenalin was kicking in!

I'm really looking forward to my CBT next week - I really hope to take advantage of it.

I reckon to aim to go back to work 1st May, 16 hours a week approximately and review at the end of the month. Then a month at 20 and so on to see if I can get back up to 30 or 32.

But obviously what happens with Sarah will impact big time.

I am optimistic though[8D][8D][8D][8D]

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

31-03-06, 22:03
It certainly has been an amazing week for you Fee and I am so pleased that things are going so well.

Let us know if GMTV definitely happens on Thursday. Will make sure I watch it if the appeal is going to be on.

You are so positive and it is so great to see. I am glad things are finally coming together for you.

Karen xx

31-03-06, 22:40
Hi Fee,

Glad things are going well now. GMTV sounds great. Well done on the swim too.

I hope you sleep well tonight and have a great weekend.


Lisa x

01-04-06, 10:06
Morning all!

I didn't sleep very well last night but on the whole still don't feel too bad. I just hope the dermatologist can help/advise/reassure me about this rash which is just behaving so oddly. In fact I think I have at some point over the last 3 months had every manifestation of a rash possible!
No, that's not true, they never 'scab' - it's just tiny spots or itchy bumps or red welts or just itchy but nothing there.... hmmmm sounds like anxiety doesn't it [:I]

It's really bad on my right arm today and I think because I can see it so much it is bugging me. Ugh I suppose one day it will be on my face - it's been everywhere else. I have had it a bit round my eyes already. I also have ear wooshing quite badly today.

But hey, I'm fairly calm so will just try and get on and ignore it all - I'm sure I won't notice it while I'm busy.

One of the things that really keeps me sane is that I know I am menopausal and that I can't be menopausal for the rest of my life!!!! Surely, at least when that is over, things will be easier!!

I have had such a good week but I am so impatient by nature that I want everything to fall into place right now and to be back at work, going swimming, driving to london etc etc immediately!!!

Pacing is my nemesis. I have to learn to build slowly and have realistic expectations. I still have tons of stress in my life and I must be gentle with myself. Not easy!

Off out for a drive in the country today with my mum - she's hardly been out this week.

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

01-04-06, 11:13
Have a lovely day mate - sun is out here and it's a lovely spring day!

Oh and Fee I got my muscle relaxation cd come through and I tried it last night and had a very good nights sleep after it. £6 and not bad at all!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-04-06, 12:07
Hi Fee,

Hope you have a lovely day today and a nice drive out in the country with your Mum.

I know just what you mean about being inpatient and wanting everything right immediately, that's just like me too! I was told we are just the sort of people who get M.E.

Piglet - Your tape sounds good, glad it helped. I have a muscle relaxation tape and it makes me ten times more tense and anxious, my CBT lady said they just don't work for some people, which was reassuring that it wasn't just me. Lol. I'm glad it helps you though.

Love Lisa x

01-04-06, 13:44
Hi Fee

I hope you have a lovely time with your Mum.

Think we are all guilty of wanting to be better overnight but this just doesn't happen. Just try to take one step at a time and you will get there. Doing it all at once can lead to overload!

Karen xx

01-04-06, 14:49
Hi all!

Been very good - had very gentle walk and lunch and home again now for my siesta:D:D:D

I can't tell you how much the spring weather lifts my spirits - it is absolutely gorgeous out there, the lambs are gamboling, daffs bobbing, buds bursting[8D][8D][8D]

Am having the fight the urge to do more today, but I am trying to learn!!!

Hope you are all enjoying the weather too!

loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

01-04-06, 15:49
Hi Fee,

Glad you had a nice time with your Mum. It is lovely out today, people were walking round dressed for summer! I love spring but for me it means hayfever is only a few weeks away usually and I really hate summer, I am always happiest in the Autumn, I love it.

Well done for not doing too much, pacing really is the key, but it can be hard to get right. I know exactly how I should do it but sometimes choose to ignore it and overdo things (good old boom and bust eh!), sometimes I get away with it and sometimes not. It's hard when you've been active people like we were.

Hope you have a nice evening,

Lisa x

01-04-06, 17:32
Mowed the lawn and ate my lunch in the sun and have a little bit of a pink face now!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-04-06, 19:56
Glad you've had a good day Fee.

It was sunny where I was but the wind was freezing. Definitely didn't feel very warm at all [Sigh...].

Karen xx

01-04-06, 22:55
Hi Fee,

Just saying night night, hope you had a good evening.

Piglet - well done for doing the lawn, haven't done ours yet, for one the grass is pretty wet, but mainly because it hasn't grown much here yet. I used to hate grass cutting (can't due to ME and hayfever anyway) but now we have a sit on mower it's quite fun! Hubby did get the onions planted today though. It's just like the good life here :D well apart from the neighbours! Lol.
A pink face [:O] - did you not have your SPF cream on! Lol.

Night night,

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

02-04-06, 07:51
Morning Fee

Hope you had a nice relaxing end to your day yesterday.

Do you have plans for today? Hope you have a good day.

Karen xx

02-04-06, 09:29
Hi all

Thanks Karen. I was ok all evening but I don't feel very relaxed at all today. My stomach is really bad again. I went and got Zantac (which the doctor recommended - it's cheaper to buy than on prescription) about 6pm. Battled with myself about taking it but I did in the end and it was ok and did help.

I am also feeling really stressed about Mark. We are normally so close but I have barely spoken to him this week and there has been so much going on. He does know everything that has happened but we just haven't sat and chatted and it makes me feel so lonely. Then we had one of those conversations that went wrong somehow and we got all tense with each other yesterday and I felt dreadful.

I'm trying to be so positive at the moment but it's still really hard. John popped in and stayed and chatted for about two hours - he is really really nice - and so intelligent, I really respect intelligence.

I slept really fitfully, hot sweats etc... (menopausal symptoms I suppose as well as stress). I just feel like I miss Mark so much. The tension has been caused by my ex-husband who sent an e-mail about the campaign that was really trying to put me down. Old issues. I wanted to talk to Mark but knew I shouldn't. I really do have problems with this. It's ridiculous, poor Mark is hanging by his finger nails and yet I still want some of his attention.

My stomach is still rotten, acid, pain etc. I was so stressed last night I smoked far too much which is probably part of the problem. I also took a tiny bit of antihistamine to try and control the rash, which also did work a bit.

I hope seeing a dietician will help me get the tummy under control properly. I need to think about how to give up smoking too but the thought just terrifies me. I guess this is the next stage!!!!

I'm very very tired today. Not sure whether to rest or try and do something positive.

Hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

02-04-06, 10:56
Sorry you feel a bit pants this morning.:(

1. About Mark - it would be a bl**dy miracle if you never had the odd tense moments mate and specially at the moment. Totally understandable about old issues too, cos you and Mark are bound to have a level of understanding about this that not so many other people can share - you were all there when they happenened. This is the same for me and my kids too. I don't go there very often with them but now again there is stuff only they would understand and comes up from time to time.

2. Tum tums - I am sure this will be helped alot by the advice you get regarding foods to have and foods to avoid. Yes I am sure stopping smoking will help but this is soooo hard that I would get as much support with this that you can and maybe with what's going on this isn't such a great time. What about cutting down just for now???

3. Sure the bad nights are anxiety and the menopause like you say - what about trying this cd thing I got from NOPanic the other day. If you go on their site its the muscle relaxationone and its £6. Its quite no frills but the womans voice is actually very relaxing and what she asks you to do WORKS I tensed and relaxed muscles in my face I didnt know I had. Try it before bed and I am sure you will get a better nights sleep. The last two nights I have a least gone to sleep in a more relaxed way. Leave the light on while you listen as you don't want to fall asleep halfway through.

4. John sounds lovely and so nice to have a new friendship blossoming there :D:D

See you later.

Love Piglet xxx

02-04-06, 11:28
Piglet lol!!! What a fantastic post! Thank you so much - it really really helped...

1, 2, 3 and 4 - yes, yes, yes and yes!!!!!

I just had a little blub on the phone to a friend (who has known us all for 25 years and lived with us for a while 20 years ago in London) which also really really helped.

It has been such an emotional roller coaster this last week I had done the roll everything into a big ball thing.

Thank you for what you said about you and your kids - I was feeling a bit of a monster - it's very hard when you have been through a break up - your children are in it with you however much you don't want them to be. I am very angry with my ex for allowing old issues to affect his behaviour at a time like this and have nothing I can do with the anger - but my friend suggested I write it all down in a letter to him (not to send obviously!) and I'm going to do it!!!

I will get myself a CD I think - but ironically I have been sleeping very well most of the time lately.... but best nip it in the bud.

I want to tell everyone how much it has helped having that test on Weds. I realise now that every time I heard a reference to HIV I 'squeezed the lemon'!!! And now every time I hear or see one I smile! It was one of the best things I have ever done! It might just be me, but I suspect other people would benefit too....

I can't get over what a lovely lovely man John is - I don't know if there is any way it could become more than a friendship but I do feel like he has been sent to help me deal with all this stuff and I feel very very lucky!!

Thanks so much Piglet:D:D:D:D

I hope you are having a lovely day today - it's not as nice as yesterday but it's still nice that it's not raining or freezing!!!

loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

02-04-06, 11:37

Global hug!!!

Piglet xxx

02-04-06, 12:14
Hi Fee,

Sorry you're not feeling so good today, hope you feel better soon.
It's only natural that you feel stressed about Mark. Piglet says all that far better than I could, not having children I can't totally understand how that feels, but I can imagine and I do feel for you.

It's great that you and J are getting on well, who knows where it may lead but things often start from good friendships and if not you have another supportive friend. How could he resist you anyway! Lol.

Arghh HIV! Sorry but I hadn't thought about this once since my outburst late the other night. I'm glad it has helped you so much though, although I know it's not at the root of my health anxiety, my mums cancer is. I have never worried about HIV until the other when I read here and got worked up, in fact tell a lie I did when I first got ME, well it crossed my mind that was all. I never even think about it if I hear it in the media, never have. Last year I had to visit a gum clinic for a vaginal lump to be checked, they offered the test, I told my gp who said there was no need at all as other things would be showing in my blood count by now. Thinking about it more carefully, it is definitely over 10 years since I had unprotected sex, I think it's actually 12. I know this doesn't say 100% that I can't have it but...... I just don't need something else to worry about right now, and there is no way I could have the test without telling hubby, who would think the worst and think I've cheated. Arghh, feeling all edgy again now! Sorry to rant on your post, but this just brought back all my anxiety from the other night, and I'm feeling anxious about tomorrow anyway. Sorry, not your fault. I must accept my risk is miniscle and my gp said no need to test. Right end of it!

I hope you have a nice day today,

Lisa x

02-04-06, 19:05
Hi Fee,

Hope you're feeling better than you were earlier and have had a nice day.

Love Lisa x

02-04-06, 19:37
Hiya - thanks lisa hun - I do feel loads and loads better. Went for a very gentle walk round the park and lunch with mum and some other friends, came back and had a lovely siesta with the sun streaming in!! Going to do the pub quiz again tonight, there's a whole crowd coming including J - should be nice. It's a perfect walk away to stretch my legs again too and socialising is always very very good for me.

Took another Zantac although tummy not too bad, just want to get it properly settled and took antihistamines too. I'm feeling very brave and sensible!!!

Got another busy week ahead - DLA appeal tomorrow, CBT Tuesday, want to go swimming every other day, and really use the rest of my time off sick to improve my anxiety!

Fingers crossed xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

02-04-06, 19:42
Hi Fee

Sounds like you've had a bit of an emotional rollercoaster of a day, a bit like I've had really.

Piglet gave you some excellent advice and I was so glad your later post was much more positive. You are experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety with all that has been going on recently and with Sarah's illness it is natural that things are going to be a bit difficult with Mark for a while.

Not having children myself I can't fully appreciate the relationship you have with him but I do understand how close you have always been and can see how not having so much contact or that closeness is difficult for you.

I think the dietician will be able to help with your stomach problems. Mine is excellent and getting proper and informed advice helps a lot. I hope you get an appointment soon.

Again, I've never smoked so don't really appreciate how hard it is for you to give up, but all I can liken it to is the cravings I am experiencing for certain feeds at the moment. Perhaps working towards slowly cutting down a bit would help. Have you asked your doctor what help is available? Have you considered hypnosis?

I hope you are feeling better this evening.

Karen xx

02-04-06, 22:47
Hi Fee,

Sounds like you've had a nice day, hope the quiz went well this evening too.

You're doing well taking the medication. Zantac should be fine, I took that when my gp thought I had acid problems (I didn't) and even I had no side effects on that.

I hope the DLA appeal goes well tomorrow, will be thinking of you.

Sleep well, night night,

Lisa x

02-04-06, 23:02
Hi Fee

What time is your DLA appeal tomorrow? Will be thinking of you.

I hope you've had a good evening tonight.

Karen xx

03-04-06, 05:40
Hi all

Here I am up in the night with tummy ache again. I've had to read up on Zantac - and discovered it only works for 12 hours so it has worn off... Just taken another one and feeling very anxious.

Of course its my own fault. I had a pint of lager this evening doing the pub quiz. I got overtired, a couple of friends came back for coffee (well tea!) and I crashed out as soon as they went and then have been fitfully dozing ever since....

I can't understand why my tummy is so much worse since the endoscopy. It's like I can't take any tiny risk, i.e. have a coffee or a small drink or anything without setting it off again.... It wasn't like this before - it never hurt as much as this or as often. I'ts been doing this every 3rd or 4th night ever since.

It's so frustrating because I had a good day and really enjoyed myself this evening, feeling like a normal person, having fun. Obviously that's not allowed yet!!!

I don't want to start taking the even stronger tablets the GP prescribed (omniprezole) it has all sorts of side effects so I just must not drink or have coffee, must eat even more sensibly (I can't think how) etc. until I get to see the dietician.

I just don't seem to ever feel well for longer than a few hours, it's always something :(

Oh well, it should work soon and hopefully I'll get a sleep and I don't have to get up early. My appeal is at 3.40. I bet I lose it - I can't imagine getting money from the state, I have never ever had a penny!!

It would be great if I did, even if it covered my CBT!

I hope you are all in the blissful land of nod.....

Nite all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

03-04-06, 10:08
Aww Fee

Sorry to hear you had a bad night and I hope you are sleeping in late to make up for it.

Maybe your tummy will start to settle again and it is a side effect of the endoscopy? Don't know whether this has just stirred everything up for you.

Any idea when you will be able to see the dietician?

Best of luck for this afternoon. Text if you need some support beforehand. You do deserve to get this benefit.

Thinking of you aunty!

Karen xx

03-04-06, 11:39
Hi Fee,

Glad you had a good evening, sorry you had a bad night though. Hope you feel better now.

Good luck with the DLA appeal today,

Lisa x

03-04-06, 11:43
morning... tummy still hurts and just slept fitfully. I suppose I'm still stressed despite having such a lovely time yesterday... it's so frustrating.

I am nervous about the appeal and will be glad when it is over whichever way it goes!

Hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

03-04-06, 12:00
Hi Fee,

Sorry your tummy still hurts, I hope it settles soon. Have you tried taking Aloe vera for it at all? I've heard that many people swear by it and say it's really soothing. Just a thought.

It's only natural to be nervous about the DLA appeal, I hope you do get it, will be thinking of you.

Lisa x

03-04-06, 13:41
Good luck for this afternoon Fee. Thinking of you.

Karen xx

03-04-06, 14:08
I would second trying aloe vera juice - I think it was angieb who really rated this stuff and if mine hadn't of cleared up when it did then I was going to try this next.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-04-06, 14:15
Hi Fee

Hope your tummy pains have eased up & your feeling a little better.

Thinking of you.


Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

03-04-06, 16:45
Hi Fee,

Thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed that it was good news.

I hope you're ok and that your tummy settles down soon.

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

03-04-06, 18:26
Well I'm back and it was one of the worst experiences of my life, it was positively Dickensian, like I was holding out a begging bowl and being taunted and humiliated. 3 of them on the panel for nearly an hour.

But they awarded me the lowest possible care element which bizarre. I am very grateful but will never, ever, ever ask for a benefit again.

I feel totally humiliated, drained and depressed - but I expect I'll be happy when and if a cheque comes!!!

Hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

03-04-06, 18:35

I have been reading through your thread and I'm so sorry you had to go through that unnecessary humiliating experiance! How unfair. At least it is over with. I read the beginning of your thread and was so blown away with the positive aspects of your outlook for your future. I too have suffered for years and am now 48. Time flies by so fast doesn't it? I have fibromyalgia and other things that would make this post go on and on that I don't want to bore you with but you have made me want to try and exercise. I don't want to start my 50's with my body aching like it is now. I think the exercise might help and swimming might just help. I just wanted you to know how much you helped me today. Again, I'm so sorry you had a bad one, but again, it is over. Hope tomorrow is better.


03-04-06, 18:46
Awww (((hugs))) Fee.

Sorry you had to go through all that, but I am glad you were at least awarded something. Is it enough that you now don't have to work 30/32 hours and can work a bit less? I hope so.

Thinking of you and well done for coping with it.

Lisa x

03-04-06, 18:58
Thanks Lisa!!!

I don't know yet, I am going to have to do some hard calculating to work out what I can manage on.... and to be honest I won't believe it till I see it!!

I'm starting to recover from the whole sordid thing a bit now.... that's another thing out of the way:D:D:D

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

03-04-06, 19:03
Oh thanks so much Bel - I missed your post first glance!! Fibromyalgia is something that my GP thought I might have too but I haven't pursued it.

I do find just getting in the pool/jacuzzi really really helps. I hope you are coping ok at the moment... yes time does pass by so quickly and I do try to make the most of what I can do when I can do it, but am not looking forward to going back to work and not being able to concentrate on getting better like I have over the last few weeks, but this little bit of money might make it more manageable if I am able to reduce my hours again.....

Lovely to hear from you! xxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

03-04-06, 19:39
Aww that sounds horrid - hopefully it will be enough to make a difference though mate and then you can reduce your hours.

Big hug

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-04-06, 20:20
Aww Fee. How awful. It really defies belief that they treat people this way. I had to attend a tribunal once to appeal when they stopped my industrial injury benefit but it sounds like I got off lightly compared with what you've been through. This is up for review this year though and I am dreading going through it again.

I am glad you have been awarded something. This is the rate of DLA I get too. The way they assess this benefit is bizarre. I read somewhere that one thing they assess is whether the person could safely prepare and cook a meal for themselves, ie something from scratch. I think that's the only reason I got it because before even reading about that criteria I had mentioned that I cannot safely lift hot pans or use knives to chop vegetables etc.

The benefit should now be backdated to when you first applied so I hope you get a nice cheque - not that they do anything at any speed.

I do hope this makes a difference with the hours you need to work etc.

You've coped amazingly well today Fee. I am in awe. There is no way I would've been able to cope with that.

Hope you are ok tonight.

Karen xx

03-04-06, 21:50
Hi Fee,

I hope you are ok tonight, as you say that is another thing out the way.

I hope you sleep well tonight and that the CBT goes well tomorrow.

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

03-04-06, 22:03
Thanks everyone! I feel much better tonight and I feel quite proud of myself again now.... it took me a while though! [8D][8D]

I'm absolutely exhausted after my rotten night and stressful day so may drop off any minute![8)]

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

03-04-06, 22:16
Hi Fee,

Glad you're proud of yourself, you have every right to be and we're all proud of you too :D. So good that you feel better.

Hope you sleep well,


Lisa x

03-04-06, 22:57
Hi Fee

You have everything to feel proud of yourself for. This has been a very difficult day for you, in a run of difficult weeks, and you are coping remarkably well.

Hope you get a good night's sleep.

Good luck for the CBT tomorrow.

Karen xx

04-04-06, 02:41
Yet again I have been woken by this really really bad stomach pain, acid, chest pain etc. I have taken all the medication I can and just don't know what to do.

I might phone NHS direct, I really am in agony.


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

04-04-06, 03:35
Aww Fee.

I hope they can give you some advice about this. It's not nice at all.

I'm up with stomach pains but mine are self-induced.

Hope you are sleeping now.

Karen xx

04-04-06, 08:23
I managed to get it to ease off, I had something to eat - which confirms it's the duodenitis that's causing it - it is the same as having an ulcer apparently... I had to take a little bit of a sleeper which I really don't want to be doing although 1/8 of a nitrazapam is very little - but I have done it too often lately.

I slept propped up which stops the acid building up but of course gives me a stiff neck.

I hope it was because yesterday was so stressful and that I can get it to settle down again today. I guess I am going to have to go onto the stronger medication if it doesn't, but I'm scared of that.

It still feels a bit dodgy and I'm exhausted and full of aches and pains but at least a got a few hours sleep.

I have my CBT this afternoon - I do hope it helps with everything.
I hope everyone else feels better than this!!!! Love to you all xxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

04-04-06, 09:10
Hi Fee

Sorry you had such a rough night but glad you managed to get a little sleep.

It does make sense that the stress of yesterday made the symptoms worse.

Have a rest this morning and take things easy. I hope CBT goes well this afternoon. Will be thinking of you.

Karen xx

04-04-06, 09:11
By the way Mark and Sarah are scheduled to be on GMTV tomorrow morning - that's also making me nervous and there have been a lot of tense e-mails flying between my ex and me...

But it is a huge achievement..... there is always a doubt that they will pull things like this at the last moment, they are very flexibible and it depends on the news for the day but it could be brilliant if it happens.. So anyone who is up tomorrow morning do have a look!!!!

Not sure what time it will be but between 7-9!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

04-04-06, 10:49
Glad you feel a tad better this morning.

When is the appt with the dietician/nutrionist ???

That's fab news about the TV coverage. :D

Love Piglet xx

04-04-06, 10:54
Thanks Piglet!

I don't have the dietician appt yet....I'm hoping the last week's extra stress (especially yesterday's - YUK) is the main reason it is so bad and that it will settle soon - although I feel very nervous for Mark and Sarah tomorrow so that'll probably do it again!!!

But it is fab - apparently they are now saying they want them for the news hour as well between 6-7 which is brilliant. I'm trying to capitalise on the publicity but we're not sure how much Sarah can handle until after tomorrow - will have to see how it goes!

Thanks for you support hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

04-04-06, 13:32
Hi Fee,

Sorry you had such a bad night with the tummy again, I hope it's ok now.
You may well need the stronger tablets (omeprozole was it?) to settle down the irritation. I know many people with hernias need them long term initially then can manage it with diet. I think I tried those tablets once, or that family of tablets at least and there was no real side effects even in me. I felt a bit nauseous maybe (very mildly), but that was because I didn't have a tummy problem and didn't need my acid reduced so I ended up with too little acid possibly. My Uncle takes those and said after the first dose all his years of suffering was gone just like that. May be worth it to let it all heal and ease the pain. The dietician should also be able to help alot with what foods to eat and what to avoid.

Good luck with the CBT this afternoon, hope it goes well.

Brilliant news about GMTV tomorrow, will keep my fingers crossed it goes ahead. I'm hoping to work tomorrow so probably won't see it and if I'm off work I will be asleep at that time, but I may tape it and watch it later.

Thinking of you, and Sarah and Mark.

Lisa x

04-04-06, 21:23
Hi Fee,

Hope the CBT went well, hope GMTV goes well tomorrow too, will be thinking of you all.

I hope you sleep better tonight,

Night night,

Lisa x

04-04-06, 21:24
Brilliant news about GMTV Fee. I hope this helps the campaign.

How are you tonight? I hope you are feeling better.

Karen xx

04-04-06, 22:18
Thanks Lisa and Karen

Just saying goodnight... have to wake up early and I'm so tired and I now no why.... i have code in de doze....:(

Hope it's not a bad cold - I haven't had one for so long! Typical, just when spring arrives!

Hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

04-04-06, 22:34
Oh no Fee - not a cold. How annoying.

Hope you are not feeling too bad with it.

Karen xx

04-04-06, 22:40
hmmm swigging OJ and swallowing vitamin C, will take paracetomol and go to bed in a min...

Had to pop back in to say CBT was really really good - I have a lot of factual stuff to go through but it is so nice and feels really supportive

oooooh nervous about Mark and Sarah being on tv!!!!

goodnight all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

04-04-06, 23:10
Hi Fee,

Bad luck that you now have a cold and after surviving the winter without one too! Hopefully it won't last long and you'll be feeling better soon. Look after yourself while you're feeling ill, plenty of TLC.

I'm pleased that the CBt was good, and feels supportive, just what you need and deserve.

I bet you are nervous about Sarah and Mark being on tv, that's understandable, they will have to be up so early tomorrow won't they. I will try and catch it, if I go to work I might not catch it but will try and remember to tape it.

Hope you sleep well,

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

05-04-06, 10:21
Hi Fee

How are you today?

I wasn't awake in time to watch the interview but have taped it for later.

I hope your cold isn't too bad.

Karen xx


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

05-04-06, 12:20
Hi Fee,

How are you today? I hope that cold is not too bad. It's another lovely sunny day here.

I saw GMTV! It's amazing I remembered as I never watch tv in the mornings ever. I thought it was really good, I was almost in tears watching her speak, she was so brave talking about it all, and isn't she so beautiful. I thought Mark spoke really well too, what the two of them share is so special and so rare. I really hope the publicity brings more possible donars forward and that she finds the match she so needs and deserves. She is one special lady!

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

05-04-06, 12:33
Thanks karen and Lisa

I'm all over the place - it was really upsetting to see her - I haven't seen her since before xmas and I miss them both so so much.

I have been doing press stuff ever since trying to capitalise on it. J is coming round in a min to take me out for the afternoon cos I'm a bit of a wreck.... physical symptoms abound!!!

Will catch up later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

05-04-06, 13:20
Hi Fee,

It must have been upsetting seeing her and them on tv, I was thinking of you. I didn't realise you hadn't seen them for that long, I thought they stayed near you after Xmas for a weekend, but I may have imagined that and time does fly! Anyway I'm sure you'd love to see them both lots more than you do.

I'm glad J is taking you out, it's a lovely day here so I hope you have a nice time.

Big hugs,

Love Lisa x

05-04-06, 14:09
Hi Fee

I'm not surprised you are worn out, both physically and emotionally.

Hope you have a lovely afternoon. How's the cold?

Karen xx

05-04-06, 15:27
Aww mate I couldn't get near a telly this morning - I am so glad they got the coverage though and I will keep my fingers crossed for more possible doners to come along.

Biggest squeeze :D:D:D

Lotsa love Piglet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-04-06, 19:36
Hi all!

Exhausted. Got M&S on to BBC London Regional News tomorrow, they are pre-recording it at her parents house, then walking round to her olds school, where she teaches (and I went to!). It will allow them to really talk about the issues.

There has been a huge response and I have been so busy all day. I took 2 hours out pm and went for a beautiful walk on the downs.... what a gorgeous day.

Boom and bust. Watch this space.....

But I am so proud of what we have achieved - the phone lines have been jammed with people wanting to register.

I hope you are all ok, I really do - I feel very out of touch and I don't like it, but I have to keep going while I can, its just too important.

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

05-04-06, 21:49
Hi Fee,

I bet you are exhausted. Well done for getting Mark and Sarah onto the news programme tomorrow, that's great.
I'm so pleased to hear that there has been a huge response and that the phone lines have been busy.

I'm glad you got to have a nice walk, it's been a lovely day here weather wise.

Boom and bust... yes indeed! Lol. I do know how important this is to you and totally understand the need to push on with it, but do please try and think of yourself a little bit at least, having a cold on top of ME and overdoing it is not a good combination so do take care and have some rest.

You have every right to be proud of what you have achieved, I'm proud of you too :D.

Thinking of you Fee, I hope you sleep well tonight

Love and huge (((hugs))),

Lisa x

05-04-06, 22:14
Thanks lisa....

I keep trying - the walk was good for me, very relaxing and I tried not to do anything this evening but the phone keeps ringing, I had to cook eat and wash up and iron a couple of things.... and now it's getting late again!

I hope that now my ex has got involved properly I can take a backseat again and get my focus back on myself, swimming etc.... I just had to do this and if I do it I have to keep going till I've done what needs to be.... and yes that is my problem, the switch is either on or off.

But (I think) this is just something that only ever will happen once... the ball is rolling and it will have its own momentum.

The bottom line is sarah's chances of survival are slim but the campaign will go on whatever happens and worst scenario is it will be her legacy. Hopefully, it will save her life.

I can sort myself out another time....

So I'm going to try and get to bed now - hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

05-04-06, 22:23
Hi Fee,

I completely understand, really I do, especially under the circumstances. I would be the same, I'd have to do all I could to help, regardless of how it made me feel and that is totally understandable.
Any chance to find Sarah a donor must be taken. I know this campaign will definitely help many people, I just so hope Sarah is one of them.

I hope your ex now does help and does let you take a back seat, what you have achieved is amazing, I almost feel like getting you in the papers and telling the story of this amazing lady who has ME and other problems and yet has achieved so much to try and help others recently.......... seriously it is true, well done. You are an inspiration Fee.

I feel tired just reading about your day so I hope you are soon able to get to bed and sleep well.

I also know about the switch being on or off, no happy medium some days is there!

Take care and thinking fo you.

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

06-04-06, 08:29
Hi Fee,

I hope you had a good sleep last night and feel ok today. I hope that cold is going now.

I hope you have a good day and that the new programmes about Sarah go well. Thinking of you all.

Lisa x

06-04-06, 08:43
Morning Fee

Hope you are feeling alright this morning and that the radio programme goes well.

I realise how important the campaign is but try to make sure you have some time for you too. We don't want to see you on burn-out from doing to much.

Karen xx

06-04-06, 08:52
Morning - thanks lisa and karen!

I'm going to try to step back a bit today - I think other people can do the work now much more. I hope so.

I forgot to take a Zantac before I went to bed so woke up in agony at 2 again. I thought it would settle itself down but not yet.... I took one and got back to sleep eventually and feel as if I got some decent sleep, although not enough.

I have to go food shopping today and if I have time/energy a swim would be nice.

I hope everyone is ok xxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

06-04-06, 09:07
Hi Fee,

I'm glad you're going to take it easier today if possible.

Sorry you had a bad night again. I was told with zantac it's best to take it twice a day (that was the dose I had even though I didn't need the tablets!) for at least a month to settle everything down.

Take it easy if you go swimming, you must still be exhausted and exercising with a cold is not a good idea anyway. The jacuzzi would be nice though as would the steam room if they have one.

I hope the shopping goes well, I hate food shopping, although I love food!

Have a good day,

Lisa x

06-04-06, 09:57
Hi Lisa

thanks for that info about Zantac - that's just what I wanted to know - no-one has advised me!! I will do that now for a month - I'm so reluctant to take anything I realise I haven't been taking enough!

Thank you so much for all your support xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

06-04-06, 10:35
Hi Fee,

You're welcome, I thought your doctor would have advised you but thought I'd mention it. I didn't end up having a tummy problem but my doctor had me taking them this time last year to rule it out. She said although they help symptoms within a day or two they need to be taken regularly for a month to really help, even as long as 2/3 months for some people depending on the level of inflammation and some need to take them longer term. As you have the inflammation to heal you will need to maybe take them for a while to keep any extra acid away from that area a bit. My uncle has bad reflux and takes omeprozole every day and has for over 6 months now I think.
The dietician should be able to help you alot though and once everything has settled hopefully you can maintain it all with diet.
I don't know what strength zantac you're on, the ones off the shelf are mild but the prescription ones I had were 150mg per tablet and it was one in the morning (I was told before food was best I seem to remember) and one in the evening.

I do know how reluctant you are to take anything, I am too, even scared of my vitamins! Lol. But I really do react to many things and was fine on zantac.

Have you had your dermatolgoy appt yet? I don't know why but I thought that was this week? I read an interesting nutrition article yesterday that said food intolerances can give all the symptoms you describe with your rashes/itching. Could just be gluten for you but maybe not if you get it without gluten. Could all be the dreaded anxiety still of course!

Anyway enough waffling on your thread, must get my bath and dressed now!

Have a good day Fee,

Lisa x

06-04-06, 10:44
Crikey lisa thanks for that! I'm only on 75mg and no-one told me what or how much to take!!! Stupid bloomin doctors...

Derm appt is not till 18th!

Sorry rushing to go shopping and get back to watch M&S on tv online!!

Speak later xxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

06-04-06, 10:58
Hi Fee,

I think you definitely may need the 150mg tabs to sort the inflammation etc, they are prescription only though I think.

I may try and catch the online tv programme too, if I can find out where it is, let me know if you read this before it's on. If it's between 12 and 1pm hubby may be here though so won't be online then.

Lisa x

06-04-06, 13:06
Here is link to watch on line


(or somewhere near it!!)

Speak later xxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

06-04-06, 13:14
Thanks Fee,

I did manage to find that website, but can only find previous news programmes not live news, will try a bit more! From what I can see it only lets you watch the previous evenings news rather than live as it happens.

Hope it went well and wasn't cancelled due to the bird flu talk that seems to be dominating the news today.

Lisa x

06-04-06, 13:20
hi lisa - they've pulled it from the lunch time one!! But it will be on this evening and you're right I can only get it after it has been on too - maybe not live!!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

06-04-06, 13:22
Ok Fee, thanks for letting me know, I will try and catch it later this evening then. Hope it's on and not pulled again.

Lisa xx

06-04-06, 14:05
Just checking in and wow haven't you been busy!!!!!

Love Piglet xx

06-04-06, 17:22
Hi Fee

You have been busy again and it's not surprising you are exhausted. I hope you are managing to get some rest.

I'll try to catch that programme too when it's on. Lets hope all the publicity brings some positive news.

Karen xx

06-04-06, 18:44
Hi Fee,

Did they cut it again?, I just watched the latest news bulletin and it literally spent 20 seconds saying that mixed race bone marrow donors blood was in short supply and that was it! No mention of Sarah or any more details of how people can help!!!

Lisa x

06-04-06, 19:39
Hi Lisa - it took for ever to move on from the lunch time one - but refreshed and got it in the end and it was absolutely brilliant...

It's about 13 minutes in!


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

06-04-06, 21:43
Hi Fee,

I have now found it and am watching right now, but keep losing communication with the media player. Grrr. Will persevere though.
Looking great so far though.

Lisa x

06-04-06, 22:06
Finally managed to watch it all and it was brilliant. I really hope all this publicity help, I really do.

I hope you're doing ok today/tonight Fee.

Sleep well, night night,

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

06-04-06, 22:35
Thanks hun.... exhausted....

catch up tomorrow i hope xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

06-04-06, 22:51
Hi Fee,

I bet you're exhausted, that's understandable. Just look after yourself and we're here if you need us.

Thinking of you.

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

06-04-06, 22:59
Hope you sleep well Fee. It's no wonder you are exhausted with everything you've been doing this week.

Karen xx

07-04-06, 09:01

Karen good decision not to come - I do seem to have a cold - mind you all on one side at the moment - ear, throat and a bit chesty although it could be smoking so much again that's doing it[Sigh...]

Woken up again with tummy at exactly the same time, up for an hour in pain, go to the toilet and go back to sleep. I just don't understand it - it must be to do with when i go to the loo but how can I make it not in the night?!!! I suppose I'm going to give up on Zantac and move up to prescription ones - I have got them but don't want to take them[:I] They have a huge list of side effects. It's hard cos I'm ok most of the time now its just in the night...

Going to try and look at other posts today. Going to try and get my hair cut and need to take my cert in to work. There's always so much to do I have no idea how I'm ever going to get back to work....

Hope you're all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

07-04-06, 11:34
Hi Fee,

I hope the one sided cold gets better soon. Sorry the tummy played up again too, what a pain literally. Maybe you want to try stronger 150mg zantac before moving to stronger tablets. Whatever you take though you probably need them regularly for a month even if it does only bother you at night.

Sounds like you have a busy day, the haircut sounds nice though, always makes me feel good when my hair looks and feel nice.

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

07-04-06, 11:50
Hi Dr Lisa - thanks again for that! Good idea. Just made an appt for next week to get it on prescription (was due to go back soon, not been back since results of Coeliac's).

At least it feels better the rest of the day at the moment!

Gotta rush to hairdressers....

Speak later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

07-04-06, 13:22
Hi Fee

I hope the cold is better soon. It is annoying and could be all the stress which has led to you picking this up now.

Hope your tummy settles too.

At least it will be a nice treat for yourself to have your hair done. Mine needs doing desperately but I don't like going to the hairdressers and put it off until I have a reason to have it done.

I'm trying to decide what to do with my hair too at the moment. I like having it straight but it is a lot of work to blow dry it and then using straighteners - it kills my arms doing it and then of course the slightest bit of rain and it goes frizzy and wavy again [V].

So I am considering having a light perm as I've done in the past - as my hair is not one thing or another and looks a mess. But I can't decide and I need my roots doing too. Hmm... probably wont get round to doing any of it.

I hope you have a good day.

Karen xx

07-04-06, 13:42
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Dr Lisa
<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 07 April 2006 : 11:50:29</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

[:I] Lol. But then again my mind is a medical encyclopedia! To be honest even before having anxiety and googling I did have alot of medical knowledge as I used to work in medical research. I can just imagine if I was a doctor, all my consultations with people would last an hour, Lol and I'd be googling all day to solve their problems. I couldn't cope with the doctors training though, no way, I'd develop all sorts along the way! Training with hunky docs would be ok though. Lol.

It's good your tummy is at least good during the day. Another tip (you probably know this one) for stomach problems is to sleep with your head slightly raised or higher than your body, i.e 2 pillows, that way any acid sloshing about can't come back up and irritate inflamed areas.

I hope you enjoy having your hair done, I love visiting the hairdressers, they give such good head massages where I go.

Karen - I know what you mean with hair, mine is naturally wavy now it's quite long, it can go quite curly if it's a bit shorter or layered more. I sometimes straighten it but can't be bothered every day. I suppose I have the best of both worlds though being able to have it straight, wavy or curly or put it up. You should treat yourself and get yours done - because you're worth it! Lol. It always makes me feel good when I've had my hair done anyway.

Love Lisa x

07-04-06, 13:50
Hi girls...

Got my hair cut and quite pleased - washed it myself then went down with my hat on and he just shaped the back up - 15 minutes and out again... much better cos like you Karen I hate going to the hairdressers, can't cope with having my head back (vertigo) - never liked it anyway cos I have neck problems... and as for sitting looking at my haggard old mush in a mirror for half an hour while they titivate about with my hair for absolutely no good reason because it's so fine and there's so little of it it looks like no-one bothere 10 minutes later..... YUK!!

Today was like going to the barbers - much better!! I hate being held hostage by a bunch of girlies, given a women's magazine (UGH how boring) with pictures of beautiful skinny women in.... the whole thing is utterly soul destroying.... lol!!!

Going to go for a swim now - if Chris will pick me up!!

speak later lovely girlies xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

07-04-06, 13:56
Lol Fee, some of that made me chuckle!

I feel lucky I don't see going to the hairdressers quite like that! Lol. I love it and find it relaxing, especially the head massage they give. I do have trouble with my neck sometimes though due to a whiplash injury so last time I went they I couldn't let them wash it, they just did a a wet cut which my hairdresser hates doing. I agree with you about the magazines, although thankfully our place has a wide selection not just "womens" mags (thanks goodness as you wouldn't believe the ailments you can acquire from those and their Dear Dr pages!).

Hope you enjoy your swim, but don't overdo it while you have a cold, my doc always telle me not to exercise with a cold.

Lisa x

07-04-06, 14:15
[Ugh] just sneezed all over the keyboard!!!!

Got such a sore throat and wet nose today and the weather is abit dampy too.

Enjoying the holidays though as love having the kids around cos it makes me do more.

Hope you enjoyed your swim :D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-04-06, 16:00
LOL Fee!! Your description of the hairdressers made me laugh :D. It sounds like the last place on earth you want to go!

The reason I don't like going is basically feeling the need to make small talk with the hairdresser who always chats, when I want to get in and then out again as quickly as possible - not very easy when having something like highlights done though. I haven't been since before Christmas and really do need to go, but like most things at the moment I just can't really be bothered to do it.

Plus I do not like sitting in front of the mirror because I feel so self-conscious I guess and now it is even worse because I've gained weight and actively avoid mirrors [Sigh...].

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your swim and are feeling OK this afternoon. I'm still very tired despite not getting out of bed until lunchtime [:I].

Karen xx

07-04-06, 21:38
Hi Fee,

Hope you're feeling ok and had a nice swim earlier. Hope that tummy behaves tonight for you.

Hi Piglet, hope you feel better soon too. It's good you're doing more with the kids. I hope the front garden homework is going well.

Night all, sleep well,

Lisa x

07-04-06, 22:36
lol guys - I really do feel that bad about the hairdressers!! But I'm glad it's done and tonight I put a colour on as well which is almost as bad as going, hanging over the bath and spinning - the things we do for vanity lol;) But I am pleased with it and quite proud - I get so anxious about both of those things - it sounds so stupid, but it was quite a big deal!! :DI enjoyed my swim too and did 10 lengths [8D](hmmm probably close to 2 normal lengths lol) and felt better for it, although my left arm is so weak it was aching afterwards...

I had been invited to a party at an old friend's but decided that was just too much for me. Had quite a battle with myself over it, not wanting to avoid and not wanting to push too hard, but I think I made the right choice.

I feel a bit lonely now though... that's the trouble with being sensible and living alone... I just hope I sleep ok and it feels like it was the right thing....

I am aware that I am achieving quite a lot at the moment, but I don't feel very connected with it if that makes sense. It all seems a bit meaningless in some way... I guess underneath it all I'm just so sad and depressed about Sarah (and Mark). Although they are doing so so well.....

I'm limiting my time on here because I am doing so much at the moment but I hope you are all ok... will pop over to have a look!

Piglet - hope your cold gets better - mine feels better for the swim actually! Lovely to have the kids around though...[8D]

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

07-04-06, 22:44
Hi Fee,

Well done for doing your hair, you look lovely :D.

I'm glad you enjoyed the swim and feel better for it too.

I think you made the right decision about the party, I do understand it's hard to be sensible when we want to do things.

It's only natural you will feel sad for Sarah and Mark, but I'm pleased they are doing well.

I hope you sleep well tonight,

Night night,

Lisa x

08-04-06, 00:43
Hi Fee

Sounds like you've had another busy day and it probably would've been a bit much to go to the party. This wasn't avoidance, it was doing what is best for your health.

Well done on the swim too! I really need to do some exercise but can't seem to find the motivation.

I agree with Lisa - your hair looks lovely :).

It's natural to feel the way you do with all that is happening with Sarah and Mark and yet you continue to push yourself forward and meet these challenges. You are an inspiration Fee.

I empathise with living alone and feeling lonely at times. I feel the same but you know where I am if you want to get in touch.

Hope you sleep better tonight.

Karen xx

08-04-06, 08:51
Thank you girls - my hair does look rather lovely:D:D:D

I managed to sleep through!! I slept with an extra pillow, took extra Zantac (run out now, this blooming helath stuff is so expensive!) and got through to 7 before it started hurting...

I can't quite understand why it is so bad - it never was before the endoscopy and all the upset but... oh shut up Fee there are enough reasons... Funny isn't it - the urge to find other reasons when there are already enough in front of you. Last night I had chest pains too and for a little while I went down the heart attack route... Had to stay off here to avoid thinking about it. I'm 51, I smoke, I'm under huge stress - I'm a prime candidate... But the best thing I can do is not worry about it or I will make it happen!!! That's the anxiety trap. I did really well and forgot about it after about half an hour and just kept telling myself it was indigestion/acid although it was very different from normal :D

I bit my tongue in the night and woke myself up too - how bizarre! Hurt it quite badly - but somehow managed not to panic. Truly remarkable!

My cold seems better too this morning - I think the swim/steam helped, although my shoulders ache from it. Can't believe how weak I am sometimes. Half my shopping is still in the car since Thursday cos I can't cope with bringing it up the stairs lol!!!

If my tummy would settle properly I would be able to feel really positive I reckon!

Hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

08-04-06, 12:08
Hi Fee

Glad you had a better night. The tongue sounds painful. It really hurts when you do that.

Well done for rationalising all those arguments.

Hope you have a good day today.

Karen xx

08-04-06, 12:41
Hair looks beautiful darling :D:D

Still feel bit rough today but the weather is lovely again so I want to get out in the front garden to do my goals. Got lovely clean windows now :D and will do weeding today just for a bit, can't wait to see how everybody else got on with their goals next week. Think that's why the course is good cos we like to hear how each other is doing.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-04-06, 13:23
Hi Fee,

Glad you had a better night tummy wise and slept well. The tongue sounds painful ouch!
Well done for rationalising the chest pain, you did well there.

I know what you mean about being weak and shopping, I often have mine delivered so that I don't have to carry it. I can't park that near my house, must be 100 metres away at least if not more, so it hurts to carry bags that far, well more like 500 metres now my gate is blocked in and I have to go the long way round! It's ok when hubby can go shopping with me. I suppose all you can do it keep your shopping bags light, or get a nice man to carry them for you :D.

I hope you have a lovely day today, whatever you do.

Piglet - Hope the weeding goes well. I'm glad you're doing well on the NP course, and looking forward to hearing how the other people did.

Lisa x

08-04-06, 21:59
Just saying I hope you are ok and had a good day.

Night night,

Lisa x

08-04-06, 22:36
Hi everyone

I feel really mixed up tonight. I've had an odd day, starting with the crisis over my friend's dog so the day felt all wrong, but I coped. Later she and I went for a coffee and round to another friend's house, and another friend came round... it was so nice to be acting like a normal person. They were going into town shopping but I didn't feel up to it, achey, tired and coldish.. really wanted to go. They invited me to join them going out in the evening and I said maybe.

Came home, had a nap and when I woke up they rang to say they were going down the road to eat. I said I might join them. I really didn't feel up to it but I am so fed up with feeling too anxious or unwell to do things that I decided to go. Took the car down and had a bit of food and a glass of wine. Then one of them had a funny turn and felt really sick and it was pathetic - I just panicked. Flushed, felt sick too, wanted to come home really really badly.

Got home and by the time I got in I was having mega-palps.

I'm so so so fed up with it all. I itch really badly, my tummy hurts, I have chest pains (which I think are cos I have a cold). It's April and I feel like the whole of this year has just been crisis management. I want to be normal. Go out for a meal with friends without having to think have I taken my antacids, antihistamines, will a glass of wine upset me, will I panic, is what I'm eating/drinking/doing going to make my rash/itches worse, will I be up all night etc etc etc.... I'm sick of the hot flushes, the bleeding piles, the exhaustion.

I think I have been trying so hard to be positive I'm having a little backlash/blip thing!!! I'm frustrated. I'm 51 and I can't bear life to pass me by obsessed with my aches and pains and fears and panics. It's just a waste of time but I can't make it stop.

I really hope that the CBT, the swimming, not working and the work I am doing on myself is going to help gradually but for some reason tonight I just feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall.....

I know it could be worse - I have been much worse than this. I know I am coping quite well but I want more than just to cope quite well, I want to enjoy life - at least some of the time, rather than feel like it's all a challenge.

Groan, moan, whinge..... hopefully that's got it off my chest and I can get back to being positive again.... tomorrow!

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

08-04-06, 22:51
Hi Fee,

Big (((hugs))).

Sounds like you've had a busy day and seen lots of friends, which is good.

I would have been the same if someone had a funny turn around me too I expect. A lady at work fainted and I felt lightheaded all afternoon.
Years ago I was at the theatre and the man in the seat next to me had a heart attack right there in his seat, that was before I was anxious though but I couldn't stop thinking about him all night.
It probably didn't help that you went out when you weren't really feeling up to it, it still sounds like you do alot to me. The thing is though you did go and you coped so well done.

This year so far may have felt like crisis management but the rest of the year could turn out to be fantastic, you never know. I know it's hard to not always feel like doing the things we want to, especially from the ME point of view. I suppose the only answer there is to accept what we can do and enjoy that instead of being frustrated by what we can't to. Much easier to say though! I don't really have a social life so don't miss that or have that problem but I can understand, I'd give anything to go horseriding, or even to walk the dog without gasping for breath or wheezing.

The CBT and swimming will all help in time, it can take some time though and lots of practice on the CBT front, I know what it's like, I want it all now too! You are still understandably stressed/worried about Sarah too, so don't underestimate that.

I think you're doing just great to be honest, you do seem to have quite a full, active and social life, not many with ME can say that. Just listening to all your cram into a day exhausts me sometimes! Lol although I can do too much at times too.

Hope you sleep well,


Love Lisa x

08-04-06, 23:05
Thanks Lisa - especially for reminding me that things can improve....

Unfortunately while sitting here posting I have now found a little under arm lump. Fantastic. Just what I need.

I had a mammogram last summer so I shouldn't be too worried, but I just don't need anything else to think about. So far I'm not panicking I just feel weary with it all..... I suppose it could be a gland[Sigh...]

Oh well. I have an appt with the Doc on Thursday - it can wait till then I hope. Why is it always at night you find these things.

Too tired to worry much!!! I suppose I do do quite a lot but my personality is so energetic my body never has been able to keep up!! Accepting my limitations is really the ultimate challenge for me. I had better learn soon because at my age the limitations are likely to get greater!!!

Thank you for all the support you give me here....

Loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

08-04-06, 23:14
Hi Fee,

My personality is energetic too and it's so frustrating that I can't do all (or even any) of the sports or walking I used to do. I am much better at pacing now, well most of the time! Lol. The amount of things I used to do in one day was phenomenal! I think I'll hold out hope for a while longer before resorting to joining the womens institute and starting knitting! No offence to anyone who does either, as nothing wrong with that, just a joke!

Sorry to hear about the lump, yes why do they always appear at night and at weekends...... It sounds like you've been fully checked breast wise recently at least. It could be a gland, there are many sweat glands in that area too, they only have to get a tiny bit blocked and they can swell for a day or so. Even tight muscle can feel lumpy, might be to do with swimming maybe. I had a pain in my armpit a couple of years back, with my breast cancer risk my doc had me off to see a breast specialist so quick - it was a muscle. Ask the doc on Thurs if it's still there then.

You're welcome to the support, thanks for the support you give me too.

Night Fee, sleep well,

Lisa x

08-04-06, 23:29
Hi Fee

I agree with Lisa that you've had another really busy day and you really do cope so well.

Apart from the fact your are not feeling well physically, you have had a lot of stress this week sorting out publicity for the campaign and have all the worry about Sarah.

I really think you are doing all you can to help yourself at present. The cold is no doubt not helping.

Hope you are able to sleep tonight.


<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I think I'll hold out hope for a while longer before resorting to joining the womens institute and starting knitting! No offence to anyone who does either, as nothing wrong with that, just a joke!
<div align="right">Originally posted by LJ - 08 April 2006 : 23:14:50</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
A lot of the patients at the clinic knit because there is nothing else to do :D. I haven't quite got to that stage yet, mainly because I can't knit and I doubt it would be good for my wrists anyway lol!

Karen xx

08-04-06, 23:53
Karen - knitting was the in thing for many celebs a while back too.
My Grandma used to knit some lovely things when I was a kid. I did learn from her as a kid but haven't done any since. I can sew a button on when required though :D

Lisa x

09-04-06, 01:52
Yeah Lisa, I can just about sew a button on if absolutely necessary [^]. Other than that I don't like needlework, nor am I any good at it. I blame my RSI though [:P].

Karen xxx

09-04-06, 09:21
Well I got through another night without having to get up so although I was very restless, it is progress.

I woke up very achey and my face was so puffy. I think an awful lot of what is going on with me is menopausal. Sometimes the nights are like trying to sleep in a sauna lol!!! (and I never liked saunas much!!)

It's a beautiful sunny morning, the sea is dark blue and the horizon looks like a dark blue line drawn with a ruler with a white outline and there are little white boats bobbing about. I love the view from my room sooooo much!

I am going to try and get up and out of the house this morning before the weather goes off!

Hope you are all well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

09-04-06, 10:06
Glad you slept better Fee.

Can you actually see the sea from where you live? That's sounds lovely. I'd love to be able to look out of the window and see the sea.

Hope you have a lovely day.

Karen xx

09-04-06, 11:23
Fee hun think we all identify with you here.

Sometimes though I tend to think the whole of the last 6 years had been nothing short of crisis management but this really isn't true, in amongst the anxiety and medical probs have been lots and lots of good bits, it's just for some reason we can recall the crap much more easily than the good.

Gorgeous day here too - had a lovely birthday yesterday dispite being disappointed that I didn't get to go anywhere or even do my goal of being in the front garden for 10 mins. My throat and wet nose made me feel so rough!!!

We will get there mate we just have to go slow and praise ourselves for absolutely every achievement however small that seems.:D:D:D

I am sat here in my pj's still so I better go and put some clobber on.

BIg squeeze

Love Piglet xxxxxxxxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-04-06, 11:56
Hi Karen - yes I can see the see from my room, even while sitting on the sofa! It is probably one of the best things in my life - I love my view so much. I'm on the 2nd floor (top) of a small purpose built block and I have a balcony I can sit on and most of the time it is very peaceful. I am near 7 dials in Brighton so about 10 minute walk from the sea/brighton town centre/hove town centre - the location is brilliant. I have a park right opposite me which has a nice cafe, my mum is round the corner, I have friends in every street nearby, it's a 5 minute walk to tesco express in one direction and the dials itself is 5 mins in the other with shops, cafes etc. The down side is the sound insulation which means if my neighbours below me are noisy it's a nightmare. The girl who owns it is lovely but she goes abroad to work for long periods and lets it out (she's teaching in Thailand at the moment) and sometimes the tenants are a problem - but not this time - they have been absolutely fine!

It's a huge one-bed flat so my room (which is the living room) makes a lovely bedsite, it's L-shaped and I have a lodger in my bedroom! He is my friend's 33 year old son and he moved in last December and it's working well. We can eat together in the kitchen and his room is huge too. I wish it was a 2-bed flat though sometimes I have trouble with the temperature in here, it gets very hot and I can't sleep if it's hot at night. Also I hate not having somewhere for people to stay when they visit - especially Mark. But I just can't afford the mortgage on my own. My mum has a spare room though so M&S can stay there.

I would hate to have to leave this view - seeing the sea on a day like today is fantastic and the sunsets are amazing (it's southwesterly facing). I'm very very lucky to have that. Although at my age a bedsit and sharing is a bit sad - considering I had a successful business and have worked so hard, got a degree as a mature student etc. etc.

Enough about me!

Piglet - I hope your cold is getting better, I've been a bit the same, yesterday my throat really hurt but it's passing. Everyone keeps saying how pale I am - apart from my chest and throat which are permanently bright red these days!!!

I know it's not ALL been crisis management, but with Sarah's situation constantly on my mind, there seems no logical point at which things will improve dramatically. I feel it is a major achievement sometimes just to get through the day without having to go to the Doctor's, having a major panic about something, or slipping into despair!

I'm looking forward to my CBT on Tuesday - I really hope I can start working on ways to cope better with the physical symptoms.

I do hope a lot of it is menopausal - I know a lot of women suffer from anxiety and a lot of other things at this time of life - it gives me hope for the future!!

I'm rambling today! Been up and out to the car boot which is also opposite - lots of nice things there but nothing that I wanted today. Had a quick walk round the park with my friend and her dog that I bumped into.

Going for our usualy pub lunch up the road - today feels a bit like my Sundays used to feel when I was at work, which is a good sign.

Hope you all have a lovely day, hope the sun lasts a bit longer!

love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

09-04-06, 12:45
Fee I feel sure alot of it is menopausal too hun - without doubt you have some major things going on in your life but I think your outlook has a real basis of strength, optimism and humour to it.

Your general character is sturdy and cheerful with a great deal of common sense - you are just trying to deal with life and along the way we get a lot thrown at us. I think here the age thing just isn't helping.

Have you ever thought about the Udo's choice Oil - this is a balance of all the omegas, do you remember I told you about the staff nurse going through the change, buying it in crate loads from the health food shop. I take it but need to take it more regularly. Even if it doesn't help you that way it sure as hell will make your skin soft in about a month. I have heard more than one nutritionist rave about it.

Warmest hugs

Love Piglet

Seem to have more to say for myself now I have got dressed [:I]:D:D

09-04-06, 13:51
Hi Fee,

Glad you had another good night :D.

The view from your room sounds fantastic, I'd love to be near the sea, I'd be down on the seafront every day summer or winter, I just love the sea so so much. In fact it's probably the one thing that does relax me.

Hope you had a nice lunch,

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

09-04-06, 14:25
PS Taking oil is a good idea like Piglet said. My nutritionist recommended Flaxseed (linseed) oil to me, that too is full of all the omegas, not quite the same as fish oils though. Flaxseed oil can help hormonal symptoms, digestive symptoms, depression and lots more besides! I certainly had no PMT when I last took it. It doesn't taste great and she tells me to put it on salads daily, occasionally I just mix it with a bit of apple juice and just drink it instead.

Lisa x

09-04-06, 14:53
I add mine to my food too - it's lovely poured on my pasta or rice dishes. You can get it in capsules if you prefer though.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-04-06, 16:10
Hi Fee

Your flat does sound lovely. Do you own it or rent? I'd love to look out and see the sea every morning. Maybe it would give me more motivation to get up and go out for a walk.

In the time since I moved here there have been a few seafront flat come up for rent but the main problem with those is parking. At least here there is off road parking and I would imagine the situation is worse in Brighton if you don't have off street parking.

This is a fairly spacious one bed flat too and the living room could easilu be a bedsite and the bedroom is a good size. I wouldn't want to share though, not unless it was with someone I knew very well. I think I am so used to living alone and I keep strange hours, being up half the night at times and it would also be a problem having only one bathroom [:I].[

I have heard of 7 dials but am not sure where it is exactly. Is it between the main Brighton town centre and Hove? The local sounds ideallic though and much more inspiring than here. I get moaned at on the very rare occasion someone comes to see me because my curtains are always shut. However, although there is a garden to look out onto, beyond that is a fairly busy road, so it't not particularly inspiring.

It's good at least that your lodger is someone you know and it helps pay the bills. I wouldn't be able to afford to live here indefinitely as my savings are being eaten into to pay the rent each month. Now I am just able to apply for housing benefit but this will make it harder if I have to move from here at the end of my tenancy in May.

In some ways I want to move because I have bad associations with being here, as I moved here at a time when I felt it all started to fall apart, but on the other hand I really don't want the hassle of finding somewhere else and moving again.

Well done for your positive attitude Fee. You are an inspiration in the way you keep going in spite of all the stresses in your life. I am at the give up stage again at present.

I hope you enjoyed lunch and are having a good afternoon.

Karen xx

09-04-06, 18:22

What a beautiful afternoon - I got to sit on my balcony for half an hour... woohoo!!!!:D:D

Had a nice walk and lunch too, but still feel coldy unfortunately. Will do pub quiz tonight[8D]

I will have to look into this oil thing - Piglet is that oil the same as Lisa is talking about? Where can I get it? There are so many things people recommend for menopause it's overwhelming... I hope you are feeling better now xxx

Lisa - I love the sea too - I work right on the seafront and when I was feeling well I used to do a 20 min walk on the seafront every lunchtime - it was wonderful. I think Brighton is such a fab place to live - if you are well and have some money!! xxx

Karen - yes I do own the flat (well part of it anyway lol!). My fear is if I get too ill to work I will lose it and it would break my heart... yes I am doing ok today, probably the best day I've had since before xmas when sarah got sick... I hope I can sustain it for a while... please hang in there hun you have helped me so much xxx

Off to see how you two are! xxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

09-04-06, 19:04
Fee you buy the Udo's Choice Oil from the refridgeration section of good health food stores at £8.95 a bottle. It has the correct ratio of the 3 omegas rather than concentrating on just one or two which can sometimes throw the balance out - apparently!!!

I just love the taste and how soft it makes my skin from the inside out.

Off for a hot bath now.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-04-06, 19:17
Thanks Piglet - will go looking tomorrow!:D

Have a lovely mud-bath lol!!!!!


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

09-04-06, 19:48
Hi Fee

Well done for going for a walk and lunch. I hope you enjoy the pub quiz tonight.

I find Brighton very busy but that's because it is sooo quiet here lol!

Any word yet on when your DLA will start and how much back pay you'll get. They are very slow when it comes to paying money out.

Hope you have a good evening.

Karen xx

09-04-06, 21:33
Hi Fee,

I'm glad you had a good day and feel good too. I hope you're enjoying the quiz tonight too.

The Udos' oil Piglet mentioned is slightly different to the flax oil I mentioned but both do similar things, flax oil is usually cheaper and can be found in health food shops or some supermarkets.

Hope you have another good night.

Night night,

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

10-04-06, 11:22
Ugh feel awful. Posted in the night was in such a state...

Got to get through today somehow. Big Blip:(

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

10-04-06, 13:15
Hi Fee,

I posted on your other post, hope you're feeling better now.

Thinking of you.

Lisa x