View Full Version : Abnormal urine test results - panic

08-01-11, 18:44
Had a urine test earlier for penile pain, test came back negative for bacteria but did show abnormalities.

The abnormal ones are:

BIL - Small
KET - Trace
PRO - Trace

She said the Ketones and the Protein are not that bad but there shouldnt be bile in my urine, of course im totally panicking now.

08-01-11, 18:54
ok so what are they doing about it?

08-01-11, 19:13
The nurse wanted me to see a doc about it but it just has my mind going around in circles :(

08-01-11, 19:16
did the nurse not give you any advice/treatment?

08-01-11, 19:21
She said the ketones and protein can be explained by not eating enough and are nothing to worry about, but the bile is something she couldnt explain and said isnt normal. Of course I did the wrong thing and googled, I wouldnt mind that much if it was something small but all I could find is things like liver disease and hep.

Its annoying, I dont drink and dont do drugs and drink plenty of water.

08-01-11, 19:23
I would make an app. to see a doc as soon as possible :) mean while try not to worry. :D

macc noodle
08-01-11, 19:48
It is unusual to find bile in urine BUT it can be from benign and easy to treat sources - not necessarily something dreadful!

You do need to consult your GP about it and get further investigations. What led you to have your urine tested in the first place? Have you ever had problems with your gall bladder?

Good luck:hugs:

08-01-11, 22:02
Thanks for the replies.

I went to the walk in centre as I had pain in my penis for a few days, thought possibly UTI.

They said no to bacteria but yes to the others.

I have a theory, after researching it seems that Ketones and Protein in urine can be caused by anorexia and starvation mode, I have also found that increased bilirubin can also be caused by this - sort of makes sense to me but idk.

08-01-11, 23:36
still panicking, wish i had never had the test done.

08-01-11, 23:51
Piers - try and calm down ok.

There is nothing you can do until you see the doc next week and nothing drastic will happen in that time.

I am sure it is nothing serious and will be sorted. Where is your fiancee is she with you?

09-01-11, 00:24
Thanks Nicola, she is with me but also anxious about it - I have tried some breathing exercises but the anxiety keeps going around in my head.

09-01-11, 00:30
This is because you are worried of course.

It could be something or nothing but we cannot speculate.

Just wait until you see doc and then you will know. There is no point worrying over something that could be nothing.

09-01-11, 00:40
Get your fiancee to give you a nice massage Piers - will relax you ;)

I'm sure it's nothing sinister mate.

09-01-11, 03:57
Piers, small amounts of bilirubin in the urine are common. It's when it shows up as high that you would possible have a condition, like jaundice. Your skin would be yellow, the whites of your eyes yellowish. I test my urine with the same strips and always have a trace of this or that and there is no problem. Please try to not worry. Let us know what the dr. says, ok?

09-01-11, 08:25

Its not a problem until its a problem. If that make sense. I have found anticipation one of the worse types of anxiety. Our mind goes hundred miles an hour.

The doc will probably say its within normal levels and you will wonder what all the fuss was about.


09-01-11, 12:43
I hope so and thank you all for the replies, I really appreciate them.

09-01-11, 19:26
yeah try not to panic buddy, liver disease would show more symptoms. Maybe think about why aren't you eating enough? Once it's sorted out, and I am sure it will be, maybe sort the food out?

Diet's really important and as my sister pointed out to me today, a poor diet will also make anxiety and depression worse as it lowers seratonin (feel good chemicals)