View Full Version : Pulled muscles? ( v. Embarrassing)

08-01-11, 13:02
I think i may have pulled my muscles in my arms but not sure, i've done it before but its never felt like this before.
Last time i pulled a muscle in my arm it was below my elbow and my hands shook alot, i couldnt even pour a drink or grip anything.

This time i'm feeling pain in my fore arm (between elbow and shoulder), both arms. my shoulders hurt too, and when i lift my arms it hurts down the side of my body, like next to my breasts, and my neck hurts at the front around my breatbone.

The embarrassing bit... me and my fiance had sex yesterday, twice. The first time (12pm) i was on top just for a few mins (before laying down and letting him do all the work!), the the second time about 4:15pm, i was on top for about 5 or 10 mins...it got quite engergetic :sofa:
I'm not used to exersice and i'm not in the best shape.

I only started feeling the pain this morning, first in my right arm, then a bit later my left arm started hurting too.

Is this normal, i suppose you could call it "exercise":whistles:

Thank you for reading... and probaby smiling.... or laughing, reasuurance would be appreciated:)

08-01-11, 13:19
Twice in one day:) Ahhh those were the days.

Of course you have just pulled yourself, ‘you know what’ can be very energetic and if you are not used to regular exercise (Of any sort:winks:) then you are likely to do damage a muscle.

I guess the answer is get in shape, do some warm up exercises (might dull the moment though) or get him to do the work:winks::)

08-01-11, 14:50
lol sounds like you had fun :-)
um if you were using your arms I guess you could have strained some muscles.
I am very weak so even carrying a heavy coat on my arm lead to my arm killing me the next day!
plus the endorphins release during sex stop you from feeling pain so you wouldn't have had any warning signs you were straining your muscles.

08-01-11, 17:15
lol i am not in the best of shape, and have pulled muscles from fooling around with my fiance too. You'll be ok, just rest your arms a bit :)

08-01-11, 20:06
Thank you :) i'm aching all over now, and feel all tense.
My fiances on nights tonight and we have company for most of the day tomorrow so hopefuly i can just try to relax and get my muscles better and not do any "exercise" of any kind:whistles: