View Full Version : Boy I hope this is a blip!!

05-01-11, 20:17
Hi all,

I've been doing really well lately, feeling good in myself and a helluva lot less anxious when bang, tonight I'm in a real state.

A few months ago I was doing site visits for work and had a big PA during a presentation from one particular company. I held it together and no-one knew but that was a really uncomfortable couple of hours.

Today, those same people were at my company so I could debrief them on why they didn't get some work. I was ok before the meeting but during it, my breathing was ragged, my pulse was racing and I generally just wanted to run.

But, again, I got through it, came home and took a long walk to de-stress which pretty much worked. Then ,oddly, I got really hot taking down the Xmas deccies and my pulse started racing, feeling lightheaded, fluttery stomach etc. and now I wonder if I'll sleep tonight.

I know there are a lot of positives in what I've said and I know it'll take a while before I'm fully out of the woods but this has taken me by surprise.

Anyone else get blips - you know make loads of progress then feel it's been wiped out by a single episode?

Tomorrow is another day and I'm confident it will be better than today but perhaps not as confident as I was.

Thanks for listening....

mr badger
05-01-11, 20:41
I'm blipping a bit at the moment.

Focus on the progress, not the stumble. Not easy is it?

05-01-11, 21:03
yep..me too....but i won t give up... i know tmorrow i ll be better, if not, maybe the day after

05-01-11, 21:05
Thanks for that, Mr B - you're right, focusing on the positives is the way to go.

Good luck with your blip :yesyes:

05-01-11, 21:05
Hi Mikey

Yes im going through this, I thought id turned a corner but returning to work has set me back a bit.

Try not to worry too much, like you said tomorrow is a new day. We can all get through this x

05-01-11, 21:22
Hey Mikey
This is the first post for me so bear with me!
I know exactly how you feel, when you've been feeling free from all the anxiety for a period of time, and just one thing can trigger another and it feels as though its all come crashing down on you again.
The best advice I can give you here is not to see any of the symptoms you get as something negative, try and think of it as something you can learn from. Every time I get a panic attack, I try and say to myself "No, I havn't lost progress, its is just something that has happened and I am going to learn from it."
So just try and relax and to not let the negative thought get the better of you.
I hope this helps,

05-01-11, 22:37
Its typical is'nt it?? You do so well to recover and beat this whole anxiety/panic cycle then suddenly old Mr anxiety comes a bites you on the bum - just to let you know he's still there (got to be a man!!!! lol).
The crucial thing is, whether you react to that bite on the bum or just shoo him away and ignore him.
A little cryptic - but you know what I mean.