View Full Version : Hi - am mid '40s with 'travel agoraphobia'

02-01-11, 04:49

I have had agoraphobia (or, as a child, separation anxiety) all my life. I've come a long way thanks to CBT therapy and clonazepam when travelling: In the past I could not leave my home town or my husband at all. Last year my family went from New Zealand around the world for 6 weeks so that was definitely progress :D

But I'm travelling overseas in a few days time and the anticipatory anxiety is all-consuming - I can think of nothing else!! Does this EVER go away eventually?

At the moment I would just prefer to stay home with my cats....

I am just so tired of having the fear of panic attacks in my life. Any advice or pep talks are welcome :)


02-01-11, 04:52
Hi WendyNZ

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-01-11, 19:48

I have had agoraphobia (or, as a child, separation anxiety) all my life. I've come a long way thanks to CBT therapy and clonazepam when travelling: In the past I could not leave my home town or my husband at all. Last year my family went from New Zealand around the world for 6 weeks so that was definitely progress :D

But I'm travelling overseas in a few days time and the anticipatory anxiety is all-consuming - I can think of nothing else!! Does this EVER go away eventually?

At the moment I would just prefer to stay home with my cats....

I am just so tired of having the fear of panic attacks in my life. Any advice or pep talks are welcome :)


Hi Wendy

I have travel anxiety and was a complete basket case last year. I had to have meds to get on a plane....whch made me worse believe it or not.

I have been having CBT and it has helped massively.

Ask your GP for councelling as it ruins your life. I could not even drive to my friends when I had it...in case something happened.

I do feel for you having gone through it myself.



Vanilla Sky
02-01-11, 21:06
Hi Wendy , just wanted to welcome you to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

02-01-11, 21:34
Thanks for the replies and warm welcome :)

I know there's no quick fix to panic attacks. I suspect I might always suffer anticipatory anxiety, no matter how often I travel. I think the Claire Weekes books on agoraphobia (written in the 1970s) say that anticipatory anxiety can stick around like an ''echo'' forever!!

And I at least know from making myself travel, that I CAN do it, even if the suffering beforehand makes me reconsider :)

Yesterday I decided to take a clonazepam each day before I leave (3 days away). I took one yesterday evening and it's now midmorning and I'm still feeling calm - it has a long half-life I think. I'm well aware of not taking it too often (addictive properties etc) but if it can keep me calm until I board the plane that seems like an appropriate use to me.

Thanks for listening - I know many others have it a lot worse. I hope I can also provide encouragement to others as, although still struggling, I have come a long way.


paula lynne
02-01-11, 21:34
Hi Wendy, welcome to the forum. Well you went travelling around the world...wow...how amazing! Think back to that time, to the anxiety you probably had. Then remember the trip, looking over pictures can help. What do you think helped you to prepare for travelling last time?

Youve done it once, and it wasnt a little day trip to the shops either!! Im sure the anxiety will calm once your on your way, and hopefully youll be able to enjoy the trip. Im sure youll cope beautifully. You can do it. You did it before.....Enjoy x