View Full Version : Starting to give up hope

31-12-10, 14:57
I will ever be myself again :weep:

Hi all. Well i dont usually post on the forum but things are getting to me and i needed to vent and after a bit of advice if possible.

I dont know where to start really, i have GAD, Panic, Depression and all the symptoms that go with it. The last few days have been horrendous with all the symptoms you can think of. I overcome 18 months of agoraphobia about 5 years ago, now its returning, i just dont want to do anything, go out or even get out of bed.
I have cleaned my bungalow right through about twice a day to try and get rid of the constant adrenaline that pumps through my body and the anx still follows me, feeling anxious and panicky for no reason....wtf is that all about, after about 6 yrs of this stupid thing i still dont know.
I am an outgoing and fun person, but i feel this "stupid thing" is taking over my life, i put a brave mask face on but the face mask is starting to crack.
I dread waking up every morning at the minute, knowing i have to deal with this crap all over again. My anx and panic is all day everyday, ive never had a break in about 6 years. My parents just asked me if i wanted to go down to their house for a new years day dinner, and i just froze and the panic has set in, WHY??
I have a perfect life, great family and friends and a beautiful 5 month old daughter which i adore, so why do i feel like this, im starting to think my life will never be the same as it was and its all over. Its draining me of all my positivity and fun :weep:
If anyone has any tips or ideas what i can do to help myself get along it would be most appreciated. If you have got this far, thanks for reading xx

paula lynne
31-12-10, 16:14
Hi cass, Im sorry youve been feeling so low. I think everybody on nmp has had a stressful time of it over xmas, so many posters are saying that panic, anxiety, and other problems really seem to increase at this time of year.
Do you think it may be a good idea to see your gp in the new year? I had my first panic attack when my little boy was 4 mothes old, its awful feeling like you cant cope with a little one to care for. You can get through this, you will get through this.

Make sure you have time for yourself. Learn to say NO more....try lavender oils, relaxation tapes, breathing techniques, make sure you get fresh air everyday (5 mins better than nothing). Cut out caffine if you havent already done so. Drink milk before bed as it contains tryptophans which promote sleep. Im reading Claire Weekes Self-help for your nerves, and its really helpful.

I have agoraphobia too. Your biggest mistake would be to avoid going out completely. I know its harding feeling like this, but youve been through this before and you can again. Roll on spring, with lighter, longer days, everyone seems to feel a little better then. Be gentle with yourself, and think about talking to your gp about this. Take care, I hope 2011 is a great year for you x

31-12-10, 21:34
Hi, thanks for your reply. I have the same Claire Weekes book too, its like my bible.
Where abouts in wales are you? im in wales too x

paula lynne
31-12-10, 21:44
Hi, my nearest town is Bridgend, South Wales. Where are you, and why havent you got your welsh flag up?! :winks: Where are you ? x