View Full Version : My entire body is shaking please help

29-12-10, 03:11
I don't know what's going, I can't sleep because a storm of invasive thoughts just broke through my mind and now I just can't stop shaking. PLEASE share your experience, I'm not going to die am I ? it feels so chilly when it isn't...

29-12-10, 03:21
The case is suicidal, I CAN'T STAND IT, I CAN'T STAND IT

29-12-10, 04:02
Do you have any relaxants? Apart from that all I can suggest is breathing exercises or a freezing cold shower, sometimes that can help.

29-12-10, 06:27
sorry u r feeling bad at the mo chrisk, i can relate to this i shake often when i start thinking too much about my ailments! its horrible, my whole body feels tense its like a really bad shiver, you are not going to die! all i can suggest is try some relaxation breathing it really does help me calm down, also i have come on here when i have felt like this, it really does help, try playing some of the distraction games on here :) they do help distract your thoughts.
it will stop eventually :hugs: hope u feel better soon xx