View Full Version : persistent fear of death ? fear of having a short life ?

28-12-10, 01:37
My parents continuously remind me that I shouldn't worry about such things, feeding me with positive feelings but they do not understand how genuine my fears really are, I try really hard reasoning myself away from them but they just keep coming back, eventually I feel depersonalized until the whole cycle begins again.

They storm and interrupt my thinking processes all the time, for example : I could die in a year, I could die next month, I could die tomorrow, my parents tell me that I'm too young but what if I'm one of those exceptional cases ? it could be happen to anyone right ? I also fear the aftermath of death, I mean, I try to ponder all day on how it feels to be dead (even though it doesn't). I mean, me rotting on the ground and after a billion years, I'll still be dead, it frightens me. :scared15:

28-12-10, 03:10
Ill quote Samuel Clemens here or better known as Mark Twain" I was dead for billions of years before I was born and it didn't seem much of an inconvenience so why should I endure the worry of death?"

I don't know why but it makes me feel better..I read a lot books on near death experiences and past life regression and also afterlife experiments and it helps some kind of a comfort but most of us ponder what it will be like.I hope we are all generally surprised to find most ancient cultures were right..I hope I hope...

28-12-10, 12:19
I like your reply, looking4answers.
I like to read about the same subject and there seems to be evidence that we go to a beautiful, stress free, pain free, loving environment. However.. I'm just as happy to believe in 'nothingness' of the type before we were born. I'm not the slightest bit afraid of my own death.

06-12-11, 18:35
please have a look at a thread i started, you may find it very useful indeed! (im not trying to "blow my own trumpet" but it seems to have helped others?

11-11-14, 15:58
I totally understand you ChrisK. I feel like a lot of people don't have the awareness we have about how finite our lives really are and they just go on living. Some days I wish I could rejoin the many ranks of people who live like that. I am not sure if it will bring comfort to you but I have started using this mantra to help me get through some really bad days: "I would rather die living a happy successful life then die fearing my death" I hope you feel better.