View Full Version : I think I'm suffering from anxiety

Kayley Alicia
23-12-10, 19:48
I'm new here and just looking through some of the posts has made me feel like I am no longer alone! I have visited my doctor several times in the last few months, each time being assured I am suffering from nothing life threatening, and anxiety. After each visit I seem to find some new symptoms to worry about (and google, which doesn't help!). I'd appreciate thoughts on I should go see my dcotor again about my latest worries, at the end of the list:
Previous symptoms:
Stomach pains, cramps and burning sensations - diagnosed as IBS, aggrevated by anxiety

Strong pule in stomach (I convinced myself I had an aortic aneurysm), ultrasound confirmed everything to be normal

Lump in armpit - diagnosed as infection, also had blood tests done to check for blood sugar, liver/kidney function, FBC, all of which were normal

Moles on my back - doctor confirmed there was nothing to worry about

Sore neck - doctor couldn't find anything wrong, ostepath has also confirmed problem is being caused by tension in my back

Current symptoms:

pins/needles in hands, sometimes wake in night to find fingers are numb but this quickly goes with movement

Would appreciate any thoughts or if anyone else has suffered similar symptons,


23-12-10, 21:01
Hi Kayley

The stomach issues I understand .Ive put a thread on about symptoms you describe and found others who have the anxious stomach problem.
Also had pins and needles and shoulder neck tension. Anxiety turns up so many symptoms.

Kayley Alicia
23-12-10, 21:08
Thanks Zee....that's what I'm finding - anxiety can cause so many things and make something seem much worse than it is. For a long time I have kept jumping from one symptom to another worrying that it is something nasty. I feel like I struggle to rationalise what could be a serious problem and what isn't. The really bizarre thing is that my gut feeling is that nothing is serious, but the worrying then takes over. I'm trying hard to change that.

23-12-10, 21:30
i have the same problem get rid of one fear then more onto another which i will worry about - good to hear there nothing serious

23-12-10, 21:48
Yes, agree. I think once your in the anxiety spiral the things that maybe wouldnt have bothered us before seem so much more an issue ,
Ive even freaked out about gnat bites because they bit me on my most tense shoulder!! I thought there was something major wrong..I can smile about it now but at the time I remember my stomach flipping and the anxiety rushes over it.