View Full Version : It's back again :-(

10-12-10, 09:49

After a few weeks of feeling ok, I've been feeling anxious again this morning.

I'm sure that it's no coincidence that I've got my Xmas Do tonight and am also out for a friends birthday tomorrow night. I guess I must just be feeling a bit overwhelmed and under pressure.

I just feel as if I'm going round in circles with this. Since August I've had wave after wave of anxiety - a few weeks of feeling ok followed by a wobble. I seem to manage ok if I can just muddle along but as soon as anything different comes up, I seem to crumble. I feel anxious about feeling anxious - it's a viscious circle.


10-12-10, 11:10
Hi Kell

Sorry to hear you're having a rough day. I've been having a major wobble for a few weeks now, and I'm hoping that the medication will start to kick in soon and give me some peace and quiet. Don't forget you've been having aloads of good days, and these will come back soon. It does sound to me as though it's the extra pressure of having to do social stuff that is making you feel stressed. Try to concentrate on just sticking with one or two people if that makes you feel better.

10-12-10, 11:30
Thank for replying blueangel.

It's horrible how we have such ups and downs. It's very cruel.

I think that it must be because I'm afraid of feeling anxious during both night's out.

I feel so exhausted today aswell - I can hardly keep my eyes open. I had a terrible night's sleep last night as I had loads of nightmares - which in turn meant that my boyfriend had a bad night's sleep too. I just want to go to sleep but as I'm at work until 5pm it's not really an option!

I'm sorry to hear that you're not too good either. I hope that you feel better soon.


10-12-10, 11:31
I've been like this for years and am going to stop it now.
Diversion works for me.

10-12-10, 15:59
Hi Kell,

I think it’s only natural to feel a little apprehensive about events like these, and it doesn’t mean that anxiety is back.

“I think that it must be because I'm afraid of feeling anxious during both night's out.”

That’s probably it. When feeling afraid of something the mind will keep our attention locked onto the object of that fear. It makes sense because when facing a truly dangerous situation it’s wise not to take your mind off it.

But what you’re being afraid of are the feelings of being afraid, and because of the way fear works, it’s those feelings that your mind now focuses on, thus creating more fear, and so on...

Anxiety is exhausting, and all those anxious thoughts tend to cause restless sleep with lots of dreaming, as you also mentioned. That in itself makes it harder for a person to cope.

Try not to worry about these events because that’s the tiny snowball that starts rolling down the hill, setting the whole thing off. Try instead to imagine things going really well and you feeling relaxed and happy, and having a really good time. It’s impossible to feel afraid when you feel like that, and that will stop the whole cycle before it gets going.

Wishing you loads of luck for this evening and tomorrow :yesyes:


10-12-10, 16:20
Thanks Nigel. You always speak alot of sense.

I am trying not to dwell on the negative side of things and am trying to tell myself "what's the worst that can happen?" but sometimes it's easier said than done.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate your support


10-12-10, 17:03
You’re welcome Kell.
It’s easier to speak sense when it’s not our own issues :winks:

I am trying not to dwell on the negative side of things and am trying to tell myself "what's the worst that can happen?"

That’s a good approach, but be ‘realistic’. The mind can be supremely good a conjuring up disasters that will never happen! And also make time for telling yourself, “What’s the best that can happen?”

Take care :)

10-12-10, 17:06

After a few weeks of feeling ok, I've been feeling anxious again this morning.

I'm sure that it's no coincidence that I've got my Xmas Do tonight and am also out for a friends birthday tomorrow night. I guess I must just be feeling a bit overwhelmed and under pressure.

I just feel as if I'm going round in circles with this. Since August I've had wave after wave of anxiety - a few weeks of feeling ok followed by a wobble. I seem to manage ok if I can just muddle along but as soon as anything different comes up, I seem to crumble. I feel anxious about feeling anxious - it's a viscious circle.


Hi Kel :)

Firstly can I just say that it's amazing that ur feeling anxious and yet ur still planning 2 go 2 ur work's Xmas do and go out 4 ur friend's birthday???!!! That's amazing!!! I have found that with my anxiety it's not a case of getting over it, it's more a case of living with it and doing what I can 2 keep it as low as possible (not always possible, I no!).

Also, u say u have a few weeks of feeling ok before having a wobble, well instead of focusing on the wobble, try and focus more on those few weeks of feeling ok, it's fantastic that u can have a few weeks of not feeling 2 anxious.

I suffer from agboraphobia and at the moment am not able 2 do the things that u r going 2 b doing this weekend, so I'm not sure I can give the best advice on what 2 do, but I would advise u 2 go and even if u felt so anxious that u had 2 come back home, at least u would no that u had got yourself out of the house and 2 the event in the first place. Also, when u get there u may find that it's not as bad as u thought, as I often imagine things 2 b much worse than they actually r.

I hope u do manage 2 go, and I hope u have a fabulous time :) Let us no how u get on!

Emma x

13-12-10, 11:22
Hi Emma & Nigel,

Thanks for your responses. Thought I'd let you know how I got on...

I made it to the Christmas Do & ended up having a good time. It was a real struggle to get myself ready & I found the early part of the party difficult especially as it seemed such a long time until the taxi home. I think as a result of the drink flowing I relaxed into it & got absorbed into conversations & felt quite like myself. I was really pleased that I stuck it out & hadn't wimped out.
However, in the morning I felt back to square one. I think a hangover probably contributed to it. I couldn't face my friends birthday night out & cancelled on him quite early on. It's strange that I didn't feel reassured by the fact that I had got through the night before which you would have thought would be the case.
